Resurrection - Common Sense


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
Any body wanna do me a short review on this album. Not track by track, just an overview.

I am tempted to buy it. I haven't heard any tracks. It had a few good reviews, but I don't always trust them, I'd rather see what people on here think.

Is Common any good on this?
This is Common's best album lyrically, the production is pretty nice too. But the wordplay is just crazy on it. I'd say this is his number one album before Be. Definately buy it if you can.


Well-Known Member

resurrection is considered one of the best hip hop albums of all time. a must for all that not only love common, but real hip hop music. screw a review. buy this shit tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
* Production - when you hear critics talk about "jazzy" hip-hop, this is what they mean
* Heavy on wordplay - this album rewards repeated listening.
* Content - if it's not some straight rhetoric, it's usually just your average block observations, but it favors Kanye more than Nas, if you get what I mean.

I don't know too many people who dislike this album (then again, I regularly go to and have been to several Roots concersts... *shrug*). It's not perfect by any means ("Ynot?" they ask, and I just have nothing to say after that.)
^ That song was ill... don't know what you were listening to. If the album ain't perfect, it's damn close.

The album is extremely entertaining, and offers very high replay value. I was still catching instances of wordplay and witty similes many listens after my first. In fact, i haven't actually listened to the album in it's entirety in a while, but i'm sure i would still notice something that had previously gone right over my head.

"Communism" has one of the most infectious beats ever, and the concept is amazing and was pulled off perfectly. Fuck "Alphabetical Slaughter" and "The Letter P", that Aesop Rock LSD bullshit and any other similar shit, "Communism" started it all and pulled the concept off best.

The best midwest album ever.

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