replying to a thread using multiple quotes.


Well-Known Member
Ok i have a question is there an easy and quick way to reply to several posts by quoting them in a single post without typing up all the bb code?

For example, you know how jason replied to every post and his posts were a page long? did he type all the bb code up wit hthe user names or is tehre an easy way.

Sorry jason for using you as an example but i couldnt think of anyone else.

Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
well i can tell u how i do it:

just open 2 pages and copy what u want to quote from one page to your reply on the other page


Well-Known Member
hold SHIFT and click the quote button on the posts you want to quote and they will open in new windows. then go to the primary window if you want to call it that, and "go to advanced reply".. you'll have all the quotes open in seperate windows so just copy/paste them into one window and there you are.


Well-Known Member
^ oh ok thats the best answer , i knew about the [] thing i just am too lazy to type it up with the username etc. Rizzle's way seems like the easiest thing to do. Thanks bud.

If there is even an easier way to do it let me know please i am a very lazy person. Thanks
Farzin said:
For example, you know how jason replied to every post and his posts were a page long? did he type all the bb code up wit hthe user names or is tehre an easy way.

Thanks in advance.

Ya jason was a crazy nut ... Some times it would be 1 thread of him talking 2 him self...


Well-Known Member
aye i use firefox so instead of new windows i get new tabs and i have the quotes in different tabs and the advanced reply menu in one.

i don't think you'll find an easier way. if you mean is there a feature that lets you mark what posts you want to reply to, there isn't. that's an idea though if such a plugin or whatever you call it exists for vbulletin.


Well-Known Member
^ yea i use firefox as well with the tab browser. I was looking for a feature for vbulletin but as you informed me now it doesnt exist but thanks for all the replies.

EDIT: in firefox when i press shift and go on quote it opens it in a new window whats teh shortcut key to open it in a new tab?
Farzin said:
^ yea i use firefox as well with the tab browser. I was looking for a feature for vbulletin but as you informed me now it doesnt exist but thanks for all the replies.

EDIT: in firefox when i press shift and go on quote it opens it in a new window whats teh shortcut key to open it in a new tab?
With your keyboard, CTRL.
With your mouse, middle click.

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