Rep Point Question


Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
You get an empty dot first, which means you havent been repped yet. Then you get repped it goes green.

S. Fourteen

Well-Known Member
7Datskat34 said:
wtf is all this about? What's "getting repped" mean or do for you?
You rep a person when you see a quality post. The system is there to raise the number of good posts. All you get is the green dots under your name (reputation).

There is a button on the top right corner of each post that says REP. Try clicking on it.
© said:
considering the immense quality of my posts, i have a massive lack of rep points.
u'll only get repped if you contribute somthin real great, quality posts are important, but are really overlooked. sad but true. Personally i dont care 2 much about it all, but i hate when ppl beg 2 be repped. Thats goin 2 far. If you do somthing that really stands out, i believe ppl will recognize it on thier own, and you will be repped. just my food 4 thought. :cool:
thanksfor clearin that up, so its 100 for a green dot. people who have rep me in therer signature should be put on probation or somin cuz peeps willl rep them and get a rep back, kinda gay how some people are obsessed with these points.

Rukahs u should have users ranked with numbers insteafd of that reen dot thing,like say uv got the second highest green dots but u should have somethin like #2 with it or in another column :thumb:
HitEmUpOutDaParK said:
can u see who repped you and for what post? and is every rep worth 1 point?
These have been answered in a previous thread, but if you go to "User CP" you can see what posts you were repped for. Often people leave their name in the message, that way you can see who gave it to you, other than that, nah. How many points each rep is worth depends on who gives it to you and their rank...

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