

Well-Known Member
So I know I can claim myself as someone who dislikes this whole "pop" song blah whatever every rapper is doing to make money, but.

Isn't their a place for every song we hear. We need music for every mood, if it is sad, happy, party, concious whatever, there is a place for it. Is it bad that you like or dislike only certain types of songs, no. But I'm going to play the hypocrit right now and say hating on the other songs is. People relate to music in different ways, a song is like a picture, it makes everyone feel something different or makes them remember a past memory, it is art. Are you gonna put pictures of death and decay or a woman having an abortion in your family room, a room supposed to be full of love and happiness and a sense of family? No. 50 Cent receives more hate than anyone nowadays and if you ask me(the hypocrit) it is rightfully so. He parades around with an arrogance that is just annoying, i make money, i make money is all we ever hear. But the hypocrit in me says it is for a reason. Besides him being out to make money he also makes club music, shit for people to dance too. A lot of other artists who are "wak" do the same, but is that so bad. After all, Hip-Hop started like that. We do need music to dance too. Maybe he is not your cup of tea, maybe just cus you like lyricism more than a girl who shakes her ass to a beat doesn't mean you have to go hate on it.

I've been saying forever Hip-Hop is going down hill and blah blah, and in some places it is (business wise and so forth), but in reality the music is not. Club music is crazy right now, might be the same thing over and over but it really hasn't been that long, it is just another phase rap is going through, just like Gangsta or whatever. Is the hate just, is it right for almost everyone who claims they like this art to turn around and slap it in the face. Music is for a reason, not everything has to be catered to you and not everything should be. Relate and listen to what you will but don't turn and say something else is "wak" or what not just cus you can't relate, maybe you're the wak one. I just got tired of seeing all this down talk about an art i love, and i did it myself so i am a hypocrit or whatever you want to call me, but i'm tired of it. I just want to see it stop. Relate to your music if not let it be, If the shoe dont fit what fucking fool is gonna try to wear it.
Aristotle said:
^Hoping for more but yeah.
well i will add ppl conveniently forget that hip hop was more or less founded on party music.

also if all these ppl claim to 'love' hip hop/rap etc so much, go out and support real 'hip hop' that the record companies can see that we dont want <insert generic response here> representing hip hop/rap to the mainstream.
otherwise ppl r just gonna flock to where the money is ..... if u see what i mean.

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