Real Issues . Harlem Streets

The issues brought up in this song captivate, and bring forth reality.........I'm more a fan of "real shit" than the 'beef' wars/club this songs verses really got my attention.....if you don't have this song it's Immortal Technique . "Harlem Streets"

[Verse Two]
"It's like Cambodia the killing fields uptown
We live in distress and hang the flag upside down
The sound of conservative politicians on television
People in the hood are blind so they tell us to listen
They vote for us to go to war instantly
But none of their kids serving the infantry
The odds are stacked against us like a casino
Think about it, most of the army is black and latino
And if you can't acknowledge the reality of my words
You just a poor stupid bastard out on the curb
Trying to escape from the ghetto with your ignorant ways
But you can't read history at an illiterate stage
And you can't raise a family on minimum wage
Why you think most of us are locked in a cage
I give niggaz the truth, cause they pride is indigent
You better off rich and guilty than poor and innocent
But I'm sick of feeling impotent watching the world burn
In the era of apocalypse waiting my turn
I'm a Harlem nigga that's concerned with the future
And if your in my way it'd be an honor to shoot ya
Up root ya with the evil that grows in my people
Making them deceitful, cannibalistic and lethal
But I see through the mentality implanted in us
And I educate my fam about who we should trust"


New Member
Shit, I fuckin' love this song, kid. Probably my favorite shit offa Revolutionary Vol. 2, hard choice though cuz that CD is tha 5 star shit.
man you ppl post up the same shit ova and ova again ima post up sumthin and yall betta listen to it...and perhaps ya will start checkin some other artists out too...

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