Rapper DMX Accused Of Assaulting Fans In German Night Club


"I wanted to go to the bathroom and met DMX,” Osterode told German newspaper BZ. “I told him that I think he's cool, but Lil’ Jon is better. Then he freaked out. He slapped me in the face, and then his bodyguards attacked us."

Osterode suffered a swollen eye, bruised ribs and other lacerations, while Schmidt reportedly suffered bruises to his abdomen.
Osterode: "Hey X! You're cool, mate! But Lil Jon is better!"

DMX: "WHAT!!! Grrrr..." *SLAP!!!*



New Member
Serves the german boy right, but the bruised ribs is a little bit fucked up. He shouldn't have said it and i think DMX just snapped and popped. Haha funny shit
DrugBa11ad said:
haha DMX is fucking crazy. Dude is great. Mad respect.
are you a moron?

Let me ask you.. which part gets "madddd respect"... is it the dmx is a fucking nutcase, or is it that he beats his fans?

you're the kind of e-thug retard that ruins these forums... gtfo.


Wishes he was on probation
imagine goin upto an artist and sayin "lil john is better"...X shoulda damaged him even more..haha

And outa all people...lil john?!?


VIP Member
Staff member
Firstly, mother fucker follows him into a bathroom. Secondly, tells him: ''eh, you alright, but Lil Jon is better..''



and different versions of that. He just yells shit, while DMX actually spits some real shit.

I would have fucking headbutt that german
Hahaha. I gotta tell this to my mate, he is always trying to piss me off by saying things like "Lil Jon shits all over Ol' Dirty Bastard & Redman together". He better be aware!
BizzleDizzle said:
are you a moron?

Let me ask you.. which part gets "madddd respect"... is it the dmx is a fucking nutcase, or is it that he beats his fans?
Yeah thats mad, lets be told by a fan they have love, but then be told they like someone better.

Stupid shit should of just kept his mouth shut.
are you a moron?

Let me ask you.. which part gets "madddd respect"... is it the dmx is a fucking nutcase, or is it that he beats his fans?

you're the kind of e-thug retard that ruins these forums... gtfo.
Have you read DMX's book man? I think you should. Gives you a lot of insight into his past and WHY he acts like he does. Don't play yourself, and act like you know who the fuck you think I am. How in the world am I an "e-thug"? Your the moron who makes judgements based on your own fucking twisted perceptions. I have MADD respect for X cuz I've had insight into his life. AND I respect him because he does not take shit from anybody. Although I agree, he uses excessive force on occasion. The dude is a fucking legend. Don't fucking play yourself homeboy and act like your all intelligent and shit. Your a fucking idiot.
Cheesyphily16 said:
I don't know if this story is true but if it is, that guy's an idiot and also, people in Germany don't say "mate."
After living in Germany for 4 years, I can tell you that some Germans DO say "mate" it just depends on where they learned English.

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