Racist Hot 97 Skit Mocking Tsunami Victims

Everyone do what you can to get this out. She can't get away with this shit. Her and most her staff.


New EVEN WORSE Hot 97 Audio, and List of Sponsors
I got my hands on a longer clip from this week's Hot 97 morning show, and it is ugly stuff indeed: longer_hot97_tsunami.mp3

On this tape you hear them introducing the "Tsunami Song," then Miss Jones and co-host Todd Lynn launching into an abusive tirade against Miss Info when she voices her objection to it. Miss Jones finally tells Info she's only complaining because "you feel superior, probably because you're Asian."

Then, after Miss Info has said the song is offensive to Asians, co-host Todd Lynn informs her: "I'm gonna start shooting Asians." Yes, he really says that. It's at 3:37 on the mp3.

In the meantime the NY Post has picked up on the story. And Hot 97 has posted an apology on their website, an extremely weak apology in my opinion. They aren't even willing to match that flimsy one day suspension Star and Buc got for the "rat eater" incident? Pathetic. And they still refuse to acknowledge the bigotry at all.

Over at okayplayer they started compiling a list of Hot 97's sponsors and how to contact them. I'll paste their findings here. Note that on the audio posted above, they basically tell us the Tsunami Song was "brought to us by" Sprint. I'm sure Sprint would love to know just what they've been bringing us:

Sprint/Sprint PCS
Media Contact:
James Fisher, 202-585-1947


Reebok International Ltd.
PO Box 1060
Ronks, PA 17573



For the last week Hot 97 has been running a hideously unfunny and offensive skit named "Tsunami Song," that ridicules the victims of the Tsunami as "ch*nks" whose children will now be sold into child slavery. It's being played on the station's morning show, hosted by Miss Jones.

It's also featured on their website, on the right side of the page. (This is a direct link to the mp3).

EDIT: the mp3 link is not working from their site anymore, but they're not gonna cover this up that easily. The fine citizens at okayplayer.com saved a copy here for evidence. Also check their discussion of the song here and here

Here are some choice lyrics:

..All at once you could hear the screaming ch*nks and no one was safe from the wave there were africans drowning, little chinamen swept away you could hear god laughing, "swim you b*tches swim"
So now you're screwed, it's the Tsunami
you better run or kiss your ass away, go find your mommy
I just saw her float by, a tree went through her head
and now the children will be sold to child slavery...

Uhh, yeah. Har de har har.

You may know that one of that show's other hosts, Miss Info, is Asian. She voiced her displeasure with the skit and got into a heated on-air argument with Miss Jones about it. But so far Hot 97 hasn't acknowledged that there's anything wrong with it, and they continue to air it everyday.

As a New Yorker, as a radio person, and as a hip-hop fan I am ashamed and disgusted that Hot 97 is allowing this to broadcast on their airwaves. If you feel the same way you can let them know here:

HOT 97
395 Hudson St. 7th Fl.
New York, NY 10014

(212) 229-9797


And if you really want to send a message, and make Hot 97 hear it, you can contact their advertisers about this. I may try to put together a list of sponsors, or if anybody else has one please pass it along.


Well-Known Member
This is the Email I wrote to them:

Dear whoever may be reading this,
I have just been shown the audio to this song Hot 97 apparently find hillarious about the disaster in South-East Asia. I find it very offensive to know that people in a position like Hot 97 will have this amount of hate and racism to make jokes about children loosing their parents.
I wonder if they made such songs after 9/11 happened, poking fun at the people burning inside The World Trade Centre?
I would like to know what the Asian race has done to Miss Jones and her "players" to warrent such blatant racism?
And then co-host Todd Lynn vomits up: "I'm gonna start shooting Asians." considering Hot 97 is suppposedly representing Hip Hop and Hip Hop was created by a race of people who have also felt the sting of oppression and racism I think its a big contradiction for your announcers to be coming up with such trash and bigotry.
I demand an on-air apology from Miss Jones and everyone involved in this piece of shit audio , perhaps the amount of times the song was played is how many times the appology should be played. Otherwise you could always send all the people involved in this song over to the effected areas and then they can have a big laugh at the situation.
This is truely the lowest of lows Hot 97 could reach.
Props to Miss Info for removing any responsibility for the song (since she is part of Hot 97 and Hot 97 supports this kind of comedy.)
And as you may know there is a possible threat to New York from a Tsunami I'm sure you'll feel comforted to know someone may make a similar song directed towards you and yours.

Jessica Hinsliff
RIP to 230,000 innocent people!


Well-Known Member
Oh no no no.. Your forgetting they have raised money to "help" the victims :rolleyes:

HOT97 takes pride in its community involvement and in the last few weeks has joined with broadcasters nationwide to raise money for victims of the Tsunami. Our relief effort will result in a substantial cash donation.
Takes pride in giving but jokes about what made the need to give.

Both HOT97's program director and Miss Jones issued on-air apologies on Monday stating that the material was offensive and should not have been aired.
How did they NOT realise this sooner?

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