
pacfan1 said:
Whites didn't make them slaves nor did they "rape" or "beat" them. You are a victim of propaganda. To tell me that Christain Whites in the Bible belt "beat" and "raped" slaves is rediculous
Maybe I'm the only one who thinks this, but isn't this akin to Nazis denying the Holocaust ever happened?

I mean, even foregoing the argument of who did what in terms of buying & selling, he is actually denying the plight of African slaves at the hands of whites. To say that white people did not rape or beat African slaves is pretty fucked up & the fact that he then bangs on about the Christian angle actually makes me feel sick.

I'm just wondering because, although later on the kid said he'd copied & pasted certain things too - & when you copy & paste this work into google you find that it is the type of shit being quoted on White Supremecist sites like StormFront & is straight from other sites with highly questionable objectives - what he'd posted referred to Africans several times as "negro".

Anyway, the reason I'm posting this in Letter To The President as opposed to Last Wordz is I would like the policy of the board clarified. Yes, I'm aware there are guidelines already in place & I for one have taken offence at some of the stuff this guy has posted & was wondering if he has actually breached rules 3, 4 & 13.


Meyer & Dante Best Friends4eva
i think he should be banned. we don't need people who copy and paste from white supremacy sites here.


Well-Known Member
I honestly think he's really racist pretending to be a "pacfan" so he can post this kind of bs on 2pacboard. Paranoid? I dont think so. He deliberately posted a link refering to statistics in Zimbabwe and passed it of as a United States statistic hoping people wouldnt click on it. I think he should be banned, his adding nothing positive to TB.

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