Question about wrongly closed thread

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mikehelix said:
this might be a recurring thread, but I've never seen one like it.

basically, like the topic says, if hypothetically Pac came to you in a dream, or appeared to you somehow (yes I know a bit hokey but play along) and you could only ask him ONE question, what would it be?

I'll start it off -

Did you really trust Suge Knight with EVERYTHING as a true friend until the end, or were you forced into the situation due to the $1mil bond payment and the fact he was very intimidating and saved you from jail?

Bank Robber said:
what a clever way to twist your topic into a Suge bashing thread, nice try

this is a wrongly closed thread. let me point you to the forum guidelines link in case you forgot:

I am quite familiar with these guidelines and I broke none of them. in fact, I'll point you to some of the rules:

7. Help build a community that supports each other, supports tolerance and encourages involvement.

8. Understand that your beliefs are opinions, and not everybody will agree with you. Do not shoot down others for having a difference in opinion.

it appears you are the one who broke the rules - in fact, both rule number 7 and rule number 8. and, in fact, I'm not one to hate on Suge - I respect him a lot. this is truly the question I would ask Pac.

why was the thread closed?
yeah I did... should I not have that much faith in the discussions on this board? I still don't see how it breaks the rules. and link me to the 389228282938 other threads, I can't find them

Dave D

Active Member
Well although that thread would lead to beef and people taking the piss out of you. I see no reason for it to be closed, without giving it a try ... PM the mod who closed it.
Mike, this happens all the time: closing of threads. Sometimes, there's a good reason, and others times, there's not.

I don't see what Bank Robber saw, but I see nothing about bashing Suge. The guy has posted a question he'd ask Pac, and that's it. Where's the bashing, where's anything? Mike, listen, some people are hungry for closing threads. Don't let it offend you.

Mike, did you actually expect your thread to go anywhere other than a 50/50 "SUGE SUCKS" and "SUGES DA MAN" arguement?
How is that his problem? I see nothing but forum conformity from his post, and he has to think about what others will do as if he's their parent? Come on. Instead of closing his threads, close theirs, and ban them. How will they learn anything if he's the one that's being "punished"?

That's the excuse you see all the time: others will misbehave. If that's the case, deal with them, and not the ones that follow the rules.

Well although that thread would lead to beef and people taking the piss out of you.
Beef is not something he intended. You're good with predicting the future, so why not go ahead and ban the ones that would start the beef?

Dave D, let it be known I have nothing against you. I have something against threads being closed way too quickly.

[it is a] thread that has been made 34543345 times in the past
If that's the case, why is he having such a hard time finding it, and why isn't it on the first page. A thread that has been posted that many times would be very easy to find. Mike tried to look for such a thread, which is not something many do.

Dave D

Active Member
H.E. Pennypacker said:
Beef is not something he intended. You're good with predicting the future, so why not go ahead and ban the ones that would start the beef?

Dave D, let it be known I have nothing against you. I have something against threads being closed way too quickly.
1. I never closed this thread.
2. It would have resulted in stupidity and beef, although it should have been kept open longer.
3. Predicting the future is my speciality.
props to pennypacker, i am relatively new to streethop and so far i have just seen a lot of negativity. ur post was one of the best ive seen so far. it was clear and on topic. the best part of all tho didnt resort to personal attacks


Meyer & Dante Best Friends4eva
BrownMan2 said:
props to pennypacker, i am relatively new to streethop and so far i have just seen a lot of negativity. ur post was one of the best ive seen so far. it was clear and on topic. the best part of all tho didnt resort to personal attacks
wonderful. how about not bringing up threads that are months old?
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