Question about my ban and probation


On Probation - Please report any break in the guid
Id like to know why I was banned for 2 days. Only reason I can collect is for that one quote I said to someone like a year ago. I dont find that fair or reasonable. Why is something that old being brought up? Why is it that when I call someone a name or something, I get in trouble and have to give a reason for it, but when some of the other members say the same or similar things, they don't get called out for it.

How come I didn't get any time after my warning? I got 1 PM and 1 warning through a post and like half an hour later I was banned. That doesn't make sense. I didn't break any guidelines when I responded in the "Street-Hop Charades" thread. It really seems like people are trying to get me banned for other reasons and not because of what I said.

No one told me that they had a problem with me or anything I said. And if I did offend someone, why not pm me instead of complaining? How long is my probation for anyway?


Meyer & Dante Best Friends4eva
try searching for posts created by you and the terms "faggot" and "idiot" and you will retrieve such gems as:

lol @ this faggot not wanting to up a song that a million people have because he thinks its rare


^whats your point? hes an infant? youre an idiot

neither of these posts does anything but antagonize and flame. you clearly don't help matters by posting this kind of dialogue. yes, you may find one or two of these such posts by me or anyone else, but you have consistently done this - and especially to new members. look, this is a constantly evolving community, and you were a newbie not too long ago yourself, so you are completely out of line when you attack someone with 50 posts who is asking for a download link. be a smartass, whatever, but at least have some merit to your post. when you reply like this it degrades any thread down to a free for all and this results in closure of otherwise potentially useful threads.

it is also out of line for you to threaten to ban people. i have received im's from people who you got into verbal debates with on aim who have shown me screen shots of you stating that you would have them banned. again, unacceptable.

look, you buy stuff and you make friends. good. constantly showboating and calling people idiots and faggots is not doing anything contributory and should cease immediately. with respect to a warning, i asked you and i believe syns did too to tone it down. usually warnings are not even given. your probation will last until we see a marked and consistent change. conversely, you will be banned if you continue to flame people you deem less knowledgeable than yourself. remember, you've only been here two years and you yourself have gone through a lot of learning and growth (need i bring up the black people not having souls problem?). let's try to build and not hurt people and deter them from coming back.

take my actions however you want, but they are not personal. i would do the same for anyone who had been acting as such.


On Probation - Please report any break in the guid
I received a warning but was still banned, even though I didn't do anything against guidelines after the warning. Still I'll look past that. Yes I do say a lot of harsh things. I look back and realize I overreacted plenty times. I'll admit that. I'll cool off and change my ways.

If I start to go off track, let me know. But let me just say there are a lot of others who do the same and they should be treated the same.

Anyways, thanks for clearing it up.

And Pella, 99% of your posts are agreeing with Mack, Diaz, KAMIKAZI or Dante.
Dante said:
try searching for posts created by you and the terms "faggot" and "idiot" and you will retrieve such gems as:

lol @ this faggot not wanting to up a song that a million people have because he thinks its rare


^whats your point? hes an infant? youre an idiot

neither of these posts does anything but antagonize and flame. you clearly don't help matters by posting this kind of dialogue. yes, you may find one or two of these such posts by me or anyone else, but you have consistently done this - and especially to new members. look, this is a constantly evolving community, and you were a newbie not too long ago yourself, so you are completely out of line when you attack someone with 50 posts who is asking for a download link. be a smartass, whatever, but at least have some merit to your post. when you reply like this it degrades any thread down to a free for all and this results in closure of otherwise potentially useful threads.
Dante said:
it is also out of line for you to threaten to ban people. i have received im's from people who you got into verbal debates with on aim who have shown me screen shots of you stating that you would have them banned. again, unacceptable.
I wasn't being serious. I was fucking around with people who I dislike.
Dante said:
look, you buy stuff and you make friends. good. constantly showboating and calling people idiots and faggots is not doing anything contributory and should cease immediately. with respect to a warning, i asked you and i believe syns did too to tone it down. usually warnings are not even given. your probation will last until we see a marked and consistent change. conversely, you will be banned if you continue to flame people you deem less knowledgeable than yourself. remember, you've only been here two years and you yourself have gone through a lot of learning and growth (need i bring up the black people not having souls problem?). let's try to build and not hurt people and deter them from coming back.
I was banned like half an hour after you made that post, and had I not made that post in the charades thread I wouldn't get banned. Yes I agree, you gotta understand that at that time I was young & dumb and was going through a lot of bullshit. But yes, I will cool off a bit, but I dont want to see myself on probation for a long period of time like others.
KFatal said:
I received a warning but was still banned, even though I didn't do anything against guidelines after the warning. Still I'll look past that. Yes I do say a lot of harsh things. I look back and realize I overreacted plenty times. I'll admit that. I'll cool off and change my ways.

If I start to go off track, let me know. But let me just say there are a lot of others who do the same and they should be treated the same.

Anyways, thanks for clearing it up.

And Pella, 99% of your posts are agreeing with Mack, Diaz, KAMIKAZI or Dante.


I wasn't being serious. I was fucking around with people who I dislike.

I was banned like half an hour after you made that post, and had I not made that post in the charades thread I wouldn't get banned. Yes I agree, you gotta understand that at that time I was young & dumb and was going through a lot of bullshit. But yes, I will cool off a bit, but I dont want to see myself on probation for a long period of time like others.

maybe not 99, but up there.


Meyer & Dante Best Friends4eva
PuffnScruff said:
i'm going to ban dante for being a bad chess player
you beat me once. i beat you once. the difference was that when i beat you i only had lost pawns, you lost several more pieces. let it go.

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