Q for my fellow a-rabs

I hear Common throwing around the word A-rab in a couple songs. With the a pronounced like it is in a-team instead of like it is in apple. Does that sound like a little racial slur from a conscious rapper to anybody else?


Well-Known Member
I havent heard what your specifically speaking about but I know Common pronounces words a lil different alot of the time, I'm sure this is just that. If he were to say somethin stupid like towel-head or something along those lines I'd consider that a racial slur. I highly doubt a-rabs is meant to be taken as one.
Just get in the corner store cause it's full of them A-rabs
They blowin' the shit up like it's okay
I got a bomb on my waist I'm Kamikaze
-- 50 Cent, Whoo Kid freestyle

I don't think it's inherently racist. It's intent that makes something racist.

It's like how Americans pronounce "Iraq" as if it was made by Apple.

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