proof death is being dissed?

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After reading i learned that the New York Post has dissed Proofs death as a joke to them. So here is what the post said.

New York Newspaper Disses Proof's Death
Today the NY Post ran an article about Proof's murder that began:

"Red-hot rapper Proof - a close pal of Eminem - was executed in a Detroit nightclub early yesterday when a gunman blew his brains out during a heated argument."

"Blew his brains out"? Holy hell. This so-called journalist, Bill Hoffman's description of Proof's murder is more than just disrespectful - it's tasteless. I plan to email him about this at "" and I suggest you do the same.

And this isn't just an isolated slight. When ODB died, the Post ran the headline, "Dead Dirty Bastard" as if our heroes in hip-hop don't deserve the same respect.

In another display of how inadequate Hoffman was a a choice to write this article, he ends with:

"It was not immediately known what the argument was about or whether it was part of the ongoing East Coast-West Coast rap war that has claimed such hip-hop greats as the Notorious B.I.G. and Tupac Shakur."

Somebody fire this guy. So lets try to email this guy untill he apologizes to us and hip-hop and most of all to Proofs family and friends. here is their site where u can read the whole article
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