Probably stupid but...


Well-Known Member
Lately this place has been busy I guess. Almost every time I come here or try to post i get the "server is too busy" message. If you ever look at who is on its always like 20 members and 100+ some odd guests. Is there a way to make it so a guest gets kicked off if the server is too busy cus it gets annoying, lol, like I said its pretty dumb but damn, is there anything that could be done.
^Yeah i've noticed that too except it's weird cause i'll sometimes come to this site at 2am Pacific Time and the server will be too busy. I'm guessing the majority of people who visit this board are from north america and are asleep at that time especially if they live closer to the east coast.


New Member
Cheesyphily16 said:
^Yeah i've noticed that too except it's weird cause i'll sometimes come to this site at 2am Pacific Time and the server will be too busy. I'm guessing the majority of people who visit this board are from north america and are asleep at that time especially if they live closer to the east coast.
Point ^^

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