previews of the upcoming Esham album

Butt Rubber

More arrogant than SicC


"Esham's new album "A-1 Yola" comes with a mother fuckin' full DVD with a video for each and every fuckin' song! It's no lie. There's the album version and the video version of that uncut dope, "A-1 Yola." And they both come together! How fuckin' dope is that? You can sit and watch the fuckin' album. He's been shootin' video footage on his own for the past fuckin' year! Even I been his camera man a few times. All over this great land filming, y'all."

the release date is set for April 19th, 2005

I listened to the sampler and have mix feelings on this record, its unique, but I don't think it holds a candle to Dead Flowerz, Doubelievengod or Closed Casket. I'll still wait to judge it when it drops though.

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