Rizzle, like you never used DC before, you used to be all up in Fairxchange mr RideOnUm. and yea you were sharing retail 2pac. so are you a bad 2pac fan? Also believe it or not, i do go in a couple 2pac hubs just for chatting. :thumb: and geese, why do mods love getting the last word and then closeing out the thread. ok, now u can close it
Rizzle, like you never used DC before, you used to be all up in Fairxchange mr RideOnUm. and yea you were sharing retail 2pac. so are you a bad 2pac fan? Also believe it or not, i do go in a couple 2pac hubs just for chatting. :thumb: and geese, why do mods love getting the last word and then closeing out the thread. ok, now u can close it