P. Diddy's bogus business practices revealed


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Former Bad Boy rapper Mark Curry, who appeared on the track "Bad Boy For Life," is releasing a tell all book detailing P. Diddy's controversial business tactics and practices.

The book, which is called Dancing With The Devil, details Diddy's insistence on appearing in his artists video clips and music and charging them strange fees.

"Puff has an annoying habit of inserting himself into the songs and videos of all the artists on his label and its common knowledge that many Bad Boy acts resented him for this," writes Curry. "Asked about his practice in the July 1995 issue of a magazine aimed at black teenagers, Puff said: 'I like performing with my artists. I like talking on the records and I like being in the videos. It protects my interests in terms of what I’m going to do in the future. Say if a company tries to remove me. It's going to be hard to remove me and still have my acts and [have] the same level of intensity and the same flavor and feeling'."

"Puff charged the artists for his appearance on their records and videos, usually without [them] realizing it until they receive their royalty statements," wrote the former Bad Boy rapper. "That’s when they discovered that their large sums of money had gone to fees which were doubled, tripled and even quadrupled because of Puff's 'special appearances.' He charged artists, for example, for having his Bentley in his videos-which he insisted upon- then took tax credit for business use of a car."

Dancing With the Devil is slated for a February release and should prove to be an interesting read. I have one question though; did anyone out there not already know Puffy was a snake when it came to his business?


Well-Known Member
"did anyone out there not already know Puffy was a snake when it came to his business?"

Which is why the guy is looked @ as the killer to 'Pac sometimes. Why not kill someone that is threatening your investment? (BIG).

Not only that but Big's mom knew the truth n sort of exposed his ass when she said in an interview about Biggie "Son, don't u trust that man."

Also, after he 'makes a band' he squeezes any $ he can make off them, then dumps them to shit.

No band of his made it past album 2 and was still successful. That fool stole all their $. It's pretty evident and shows in his shows of making the band, but he tries to make it always seem like it's toward the group of why it gets fucked up.

A friend of mine actually believes Puff killed Biggie so Puff can feel more safe, AND b/c he was afraid the spotlight would think Biggie made Puffy, not the other way around.


New Member
true about that thing suge said, but its rather obvious. It seems that every label CEO/Head is a selfish snake, no matter what name the shit holds.


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the business world. If you are surprised by any of this... wake up. In any industry of business people are gonna make their money.
Um im sorry but based on that read there is no foul play.

1.He wants to be in every video and on songs. ---Yeah no shit its his record label and his operation, he signed the artist he can be in all there videos and songs if he wants. If they dont like it then dont sign with him.

2.He would charge his artists to be in there videos and feature ---again, No shit. Why the fuck wouldnt he charge them when they are nobodys and he's blowing them up.

3.They were unaware of the fee's---well mutha fucka get a better lawyer that breaks the shit down to you. If puffs signing you you better get yourself a good lawyer to run a comb through that shit. If you dont thats your fuck up not puffys.

None of that shit is snaky. Based on that read that book sounds stupid as fuck. all puffy has to say in reply to that shit is "DONT LIKE IT, THEN DONT SIGN IT".
Auditory6 - while you're right about what you're saying, considering who Puff is dealing with. Chances are, those artists don't have lawyers or can't afford them at the time of signing, plus Mark Curry was pointing out how things were changed up on them and there were hidden fees. Plus I seriously doubt that Puff was like, "Hey yo, I'm gonna be in your video and charge you for my time and for my car being in it." He was probably just like, "I'll be in your video, you want me to roll up in the Bentley? It'll look nice and get people to watch your video."

It's no secret that Puffy is almost always shady. While you could argue that whichever artist should've had a good lawyer break it down, the whole point of signing to a black-owned label is because they're supposed to be down for you, otherwise those same acts should've just signed to a white-owned label and get fucked the same but at least expect it or know it's coming, vs. Puffy annoying you not only by farting on your record but charging you for his "appearance."
Now im not saying puff isnt shady, i dont know the guy I have no clue how he does business. Im saying the topics in that article were not shady acts on behalf of puff

Auditory6 - while you're right about what you're saying, considering who Puff is dealing with. Chances are, those artists don't have lawyers or can't afford them at the time of signing
Yeah but thats no excuse, if bad boy artists could not afford a lawyer themselves they should approach atlantic (whom bad boy records is under) and tell them they need a lawyer appointed to them. Obviously they will pay it back once they start generating income. Or approach any lawyer and explain the situation...many lawyers would jump at the opportunity to take a contract like that with no upfront cash.

plus Mark Curry was pointing out how things were changed up on them and there were hidden fees.
well if the paperwork was right that wouldnt be possible

Plus I seriously doubt that Puff was like, "Hey yo, I'm gonna be in your video and charge you for my time and for my car being in it." He was probably just like, "I'll be in your video, you want me to roll up in the Bentley? It'll look nice and get people to watch your video."
Why would puff care if his artists knew he was charging them for the feature and bently. If the artist isnt renting the bently from puff then there renting it from someone else. Either way the artist is gonna have to pay for that rental. And how is it surprising puff charged to feature on his artists songs??? Puffs got the name and its his operation. There obviously going to have to compensate him for that. You guys act like paying for features is some unheard of act. If the artist is too dumb to ask "so whats the business with the props and feature?" then its not on puff to go out of his way and explain the whole get down to these dumb ass fools.

While you could argue that whichever artist should've had a good lawyer break it down, the whole point of signing to a black-owned label is because they're supposed to be down for you, otherwise those same acts should've just signed to a white-owned label and get fucked the same but at least expect it or know it's coming, vs. Puffy annoying you not only by farting on your record but charging you for his "appearance."
This is the stupidest thing i've ever heard. I dont know where you live or what kind of black people you hang out with but the majority of the blacks i know are shady as fuck. Im sorry but you are one dumb ass nigga if you blindly sign a contract because its coming from a "black label". LMAO wow , thats a good one.
^ Oh, come on man...

Atlantic isn't going to take care of some brand new Bad Boy artist. They're not just going to appoint a lawyer to an artist that they won't directly get money from, plus artists aren't so eager to work for a new artist who has zero buzz.

And why wouldn't it be a surprise for Puff to charge his artists for his "appearance"? He didn't give them a choice to have his vocals on there or not, he did it whether they liked it or not. He's their executive producer, not their featured vocalist. He has never had any business being on any song, past or present. I'm well aware of Puffy being able to market something to sell, but I've never heard of his stupid adlibs or video appearances being the driving force behind any of Bad Boy's successes.

And if the "majority of the blacks" you know are "shady as fuck," then I feel sorry for you, they must not respect you. I'm not saying every single black person out there is wanting to be your best friend, but I'm from Southern California and they're all here... ghetto ones and Carlton Banks-type ones. Shit, I was even hanging out with some Pirus on Saturday night, cool as fuck. Never did "shady" come to mind not just that night but any night in my life.

Nobody said that they were "blindly signing a contract" only because it's a black label. There's just a certain amount of trust that you have in someone else like you (at least in terms of race) who owns their label in what was originally a world of white-owned labels. Why doesn't that make sense? I'm not saying that just because someone else looks the same as you means that you can trust them with your life, but just at face value, if you're Korean and you walk into an establishment and you see a white salesman and a Korean salesperson, who do you think they're gonna want to go to? And who do you think they believe would be more likely to take care of them?
cmon man, that aint puffys fault. niggaz is just dumb enough to fall in to that shit. niggaz even dumb enough to go to jail for that motherfucker. i would have killed the motherfucker than left of fo jail. but then again, anybody on bad boy needed to get fucked, by their own ceo that is.
Atlantic isn't going to take care of some brand new Bad Boy artist. They're not just going to appoint a lawyer to an artist that they won't directly get money from, plus artists aren't so eager to work for a new artist who has zero buzz.
I disagree I think that they would infact appoint him a lawyer.Lawyers would line up to be puff daddy's possible next big hit's representer. Really, it would have been noble of puff to appoint biggie a lawyer. But even if they didn't, all you got to do is run through the phone book, explain your situation and quite a few lawyers would LOVE to represent puff daddy's next big thing without upfront pay.

And why wouldn't it be a surprise for Puff to charge his artists for his "appearance"? He didn't give them a choice to have his vocals on there or not, he did it whether they liked it or not. He's their executive producer, not their featured vocalist. He has never had any business being on any song, past or present. I'm well aware of Puffy being able to market something to sell, but I've never heard of his stupid adlibs or video appearances being the driving force behind any of Bad Boy's successes.
Its hard to really have a detailed debate about the subject that the both of us are basing our argument off a 3 paragraph article and not knowing the situation at all. Were unaware if there was actual fee's, or if he took a percentage of the song or took fee's and a percentage of the song. So again its hard to accurately debate on it. But, again it comes down to the contract. If it was in writing before those artist's signed...whether its morally right of puff or not...didnt like it, shouldnt of signed.

And if the "majority of the blacks" you know are "shady as fuck," then I feel sorry for you, they must not respect you. I'm not saying every single black person out there is wanting to be your best friend, but I'm from Southern California and they're all here... ghetto ones and Carlton Banks-type ones. Shit, I was even hanging out with some Pirus on Saturday night, cool as fuck. Never did "shady" come to mind not just that night but any night in my life.
When i say shady as fuck, i dont mean out to get you and are always gonna rob you blah blah blah. I have more black friends then any other race. And of course when hanging with pirus and carlton bank black dudes "shady" wont come to mind not even once. Just like puffs artists kickin it with him prolly didnt have "shady" come to mind not once. Thats the definition of "shady", cool as fuck to be around, nice people and are probably the homies. But dont lend them mutha fuckas 1k and expect to get it back and certainly dont sign a multi million dollar contract and expect not to get fucked.

Nobody said that they were "blindly signing a contract" only because it's a black label. There's just a certain amount of trust that you have in someone else like you (at least in terms of race) who owns their label in what was originally a world of white-owned labels. Why doesn't that make sense?
well obviously that "certain amount of trust" is abunch of bullshit otherwise puff wouldnt have "Shady charactor" stamped all over his name, suge wouldnt of been forcing people to sign contracts at gun point and biggie/tupac would still be alive.

but just at face value, if you're Korean and you walk into an establishment and you see a white salesman and a Korean salesperson, who do you think they're gonna want to go to? And who do you think they believe would be more likely to take care of them?
I understand what your saying, but business has no race. koreans fuck koreans over aaallllll day. werent they in a civil war not too long ago.
^ Some of the fault lies with Puffy. If he straight up said, "Hey, I'm gonna fuck you over and make you pay for every second of my time I invest in you, sign here," then that's on the artist. Chances are, Puffy was a little more misleading and probably just like, "You're in the Bad Boy family now, sign here." When a ton of previous Bad Boy acts (112, the LOX, now Mark Curry) come out and say how Puffy snaked them, then it's obviously not totally on them when they all share the same experiences.
Well, there are a lot of labels, & not even all of the CEO want to be in videos & records like Puff did & do it.

Guess he wants easy money & business facilities

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