Ordered VIP...


Active Member
Ordered a year long VIP a day or two before the board got hacked, any idea when it's be activated? I appreciate it won't be top of your priorities at the moment but i've been in limbo over it for a week or so now.


Active Member
SicC said:
it will be activated as soon as hacks are put in place. sorry for the inconvience.

You FUCKIN rule SicC! :D

I asked this aswell before the hacking.

I want a black HitEmUp hoody, how much discount, if any, do i get when i have VIP?

Any chance i can get one without any HitEmUp.com stitchin too?
Seems really picky but i'd feel a bit gay with a web address on my clothin.

How long will it take to get here considerin i'm in England?

Finally, i'm unsure what size i'd need as American sizes seem to be a lot bigger than UK sizes, i'm about 6"2 if that helps and want it a lil baggy.


Dying Breed
Staff member
you would have to speak to jon about the clothing thats the only part of the merchandise i dont handle, i do the cd's.



Active Member
SicC said:
you would have to speak to jon about the clothing thats the only part of the merchandise i dont handle, i do the cd's.

Ok thanks, i'll leave this here and hope he sees it. If you speak to him let him know about it please cos i'll order as soon as i find out these details, may even make a donation to the legal fund! :p

Also, when i click on a smilie it sends me to the top of the page.


Street Soldier
I still don't have full access of V.I.P even with my Mega Cool Street Soldier Status when I paid for V.I.P about 2-3 week's ago. Just thought I'd remind you ;) :)


Active Member
Thommo said:
I still don't have full access of V.I.P even with my Mega Cool Street Soldier Status when I paid for V.I.P about 2-3 week's ago. Just thought I'd remind you ;) :)
Don't you get it free with your Street Soldier status anyway? Go make your own damn thread ho! :thumb::p


Dying Breed
Staff member
Jibster said:
Ok thanks, i'll leave this here and hope he sees it. If you speak to him let him know about it please cos i'll order as soon as i find out these details, may even make a donation to the legal fund! :p

Also, when i click on a smilie it sends me to the top of the page.
smile arent working along with a lot of other things on the site do to hacks not being implace. sucks but hopefully soon he will get them up for us.


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