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Is it just for me or did the online users and latest videos switch to the top left? It pushed all the forums into a more condensed form and it looks mad weird, imo.

Is it fixable? Or is this the new thing?

Prize Gotti

Boots N Cats
Staff member
I spoke to Rukas earlier, more will be added to the sides as time progresses, I think Rukas may me widening the forum to make up for lost space.


Well-Known Member
i like the idea alot. i just dont like how when i go down the forum everything looks kinda smashed togeather. like it needs to be wider. maybe its just my computer?


Will suck off black men for a dime
I think there should be a month or 2 like in the old days where you have to sign in/register to view the board. seems like every time i look theres a 100 'guests' & 15 20 members on i think this will increase activity too

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