old accounts

is there anyway to delete the numerous accounts that have not been used for a long time?

i was looking at the list of usernames and it seems like many are not active users...

it would be a good way to start off the "new" 2Pac board...

i suggest arriving at a time limit...say...6 months without logging in...and just delete that persons account...

also, more user names would be available to new members...

as a side note, i think a lot of bannings need to happen...there are too many wise-asses on this board that really aren't funny and they contribute nothing to the board...

i also agree with Rukus' suggestion to cease new members joining for awhile...though, in hindsight it should have been done right after the hacking...

yeah there's no sense in keeping all those, like the ones that are obviously insults to to board (like people who name theirselves Fuck 2pac and then never post)
haha yeah... funny thing is that i was just looking at that list today and was like whoaaa so many newbs on there with like 11 posts max

tHuG $TyLe

Well-Known Member
Staff member
I think they do delete old usernames after 6 months

but theres like so many inactive members, it will take years! (well ok not that long)

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