

Well-Known Member
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Is there any reason why some mod (I think I know who it is) has to not only change my title to something ridiculously stupid, but reset my post count as well? :laugh: He got mad over nothing.


Well-Known Member
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I guess i'll just say it.. not like it matters much anyway. It's SicC. In one of the poll threads, he said something like "this is why I haven't listened to hip hop since Pac died" and I responded with a smiley face laugh. I guess he didn't like it, so he edited my post. As far as I knew though, we can say whatever we want as long as we aren't breaking the guidlines and shit. Apparantly he felt threatned by what I said or something, so he edited my post another couple of times after I fixed it. Then he just changed my title and posts, lol.

Maybe he was the one that removed my streethop mod too? Not really sure, I doubt it. I know that was just taken away out of nowhere as well. I won't really accuse him though. I tried to ask Ruk about it, but he basically ignored me twice. I realize he's a busy dude, so that's whatever.


Well-Known Member
You know what? He actually made a thread just for you...well, it was a thread for all those who wanted to make fun of you. He said if someone makes a stupid joke he will join his shitlist though....and so i did it and joined the list.lol - You know, its SicC. Its not always logic involved when he decides to do something. Its his anger which is deep inside of him....his hate towards the world and all the fucktards running around. You have to know how to handle him.

The funny thing is, i couldnt find the thread anywhere a couple of hours later :(


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Don't know, I don't really know him. I'm a real active member, but not one that knows everyone and how they are. Ya know? Like I said, it's whatever. I just don't think it's fair when mods can do shit like that and the regular members have to watch what they TYPE.


Well-Known Member
Its not fair because not everyone is treated equal, to a certain degree, right. But i remember you saying quite some times that this is just the net and stuff....so why complain? You know you cant change it. Life goes on.


Well-Known Member
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You should know there's a difference between complaining and simply addressing something. Come on now. ;)


Well-Known Member
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Like I said, I don't know anyone well enough to know if it will change or not. I don't know how often this stuff happens, lol. I'm addressing it because Rukus and the other mods seem to take the rules seriously. And if normal members have to follow them, everyone should. Just put my stuff back to the way it was and it's fine. And tell him not to edit my posts because he dislikes the fact that I laughed at him.


Dying Breed
Staff member
linx i have no issues with u i was just having some fun i was bored at work and decided to fuck with u. simple as that. i could care less that u rolled your eyes at what i said. ill fix your shit.... in a bit. lol. as for your mod position i have no idea i havent removed any mode positions in quit some time so it was either pitt or ruk. Believe me if i do something i'll let u know i have no quams letting people know anything.



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SicC said:
linx i have no issues with u i was just having some fun i was bored at work and decided to fuck with u. simple as that. i could care less that u rolled your eyes at what i said. ill fix your shit.... in a bit. lol. as for your mod position i have no idea i havent removed any mode positions in quit some time so it was either pitt or ruk. Believe me if i do something i'll let u know i have no quams letting people know anything.

That's fine. I figured you had no issue with me, just as I have none with you. It's all good as far as i'm concerned, but I just think what you did was dumb, lol. :thumb:


Dying Breed
Staff member
Dumb perhaps. But work was slow and i was bored. it amused me for a while so it accomplished what it needed to do. what can i say i amuse easily. True your absolutly right.



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Pittsey said:
Amaru went through the logs a while back and removed inactive mods. I am guessing that's when you were demodded.
I guess i'll have to talk to her then. Don't know why she thought I was inactive.

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