Official Name Change Thread

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This may or may not work but here goes. Of late there has been more and more people wanting their names changed so the easiest option is to lump them all in this thread. Post any and all here!
how do i change my name, also im havin problems changin stuff in my profile such as my avatar cuz it sez "invalid birthday" or summit :S
Dj Harris said:
how do i change my name, also im havin problems changin stuff in my profile such as my avatar cuz it sez "invalid birthday" or summit :S
An Admin has to do it for you. SicC, as he's a super-mod, might also have the power to do so but I'm not sure. The best option would be to sticky this thread and work from there on.
could i be: snake

please? my bro calls himself 2pac4prez2006 and people probably get confused when me and him my name sucks and i grew out of it....thanks if ya can :)
As I'm not a Mod/Admin it was probably wrong for me to attach the title "Official" to this thread but seeing as it's apparently being used for it's desired purpose I suggest that a Mod or Admin is selected to deal with this issue and confine requests to this thread.



Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
Zero Cool said:
An Admin has to do it for you. SicC, as he's a super-mod, might also have the power to do so but I'm not sure. The best option would be to sticky this thread and work from there on.

Siccs an admin.

We have better things to be doing though, you should have picked a better name to begin with.

Ill only change names like Mavericks because his last one had fucked up characters in it which made it hard for him to log in.
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