Obama Watch

Don't cry for my fake penis
All I want is to live on Venus
I hope they give me my visas
They say I have a spine of a critter
But that shit's still bigger than your fake penis
I long for gay Jesus and the days when we used Twitter
Why is this thread still a sticky?
Everyone is so bitter
Netandyahoo is worse than Hitler.

With that said, insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

We know the filthy Israelis will not budge so maybe the better option is to move Palestinians out of Palestine. Guess what though? Memories don't burn in fires.

Memory intact. NO A.I. help needed. Peace

3924, come get it. Brain splatter on the pavement.
Throwback Thursday

King Obama meeting with unelected Silicon Valley cocksuckers to discuss domestic censorship and pivot to China.

That's Obama's legacy, his regime opened the tech-savy White House pandoras box.

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