No Clue if This Is Possible, But...

Since the board switched over, I've been curious to see what I've been writing for the last 1000+ posts over the years I've been here. Not that many people read my blogs or anything, but I think I'm a pretty damn good writer. I checked back through my posts, and of course I can only go back to when we switched over from

Are those posts pretty much gone, or is there any webpage anywhere u know of that would have any of the older posts/topics? I just thought it'd be cool to see a few of my older posts.


Active Member
Don't know the web address but i'm sure there was a mirror site or something of the like that kept a database of loads of old sites, anyone know what i'm on about or am i talkin shit?
Ehh, it's no big deal. I could only find the front page for hitemup. Appreciate the help (and the hate, if you can handle it, it can make you stronger ;) )

Dante, of course you don't know me. This is the first time I've ever posted anything towards you since I started in Sep. '02. It's not a mistake, that's the beauty of the internet; if you don't want to know someone, you don't have to, it's tremendous. Peace,

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