New X Raided Letter


Well-Known Member
April 21, 2005

What’s up e’body? Your boy is FINALLY out of the damn HOLE! I did a total of 106 days in the dungeon for NO REASON other than hatred, but it’s a wrap and I’m happy as hell! It’s no joke, sitting in a cage for months on end just because the people in charge don’t LIKE you. No contact visits, no phone, no personal gear or food, no music, no TV…and all you get is mail and reading material if you can afford it. Otherwise, it’s romance novels and people screamin all night cuz they can’t handle the 24-hour lockdown. But this is my life; so be it. I do what I gotta do but I’m glad it’s over. It was real decent the way everyone supported me thru the madness, real talk. The letters and posts were uplifting and I’m thankful to everyone who holla’d at me while I dealt wit’ that. Fam doesn’t always get the acknowledgment they deserve becuz FAM IS SUPPOSED TO HOLD YOU DOWN, but the wife handled the drama like a queen, Loki held me down, and the soldiers kept it gangster. Speakin’ of soldiers, what up, Semi-Auto! You my nigga forever, fam! Real talk…

I left Mule Creek State Prison in Ione on April 13, 2005, headed to Pleasant Valley State Prison in Coalinga, CA, southwest of Fresno, northwest of Bakersfield. I wasn’t here THREE HOURS before it got CRACKIN! Some retarded fool I never met in my life was talking crazy… ran up on the X… basically, I beat that nigga’s ass somethin’ lovely! Three fuckin hours and I’m in a fight, pepper-spray, cops yellin… and all I could think about was, “DAMN! How will I explain THIS to my WIFE!” ha ha ha! All she been wantin are them contact visits, her hugs and kisses, and I’m thinking I’m goin RIGHT BACK TO THE HOLE. But it worked out cuz the cops saw the whole thing… it wasn’t on ME. Fool ran up on ME right in front of the po-po and they kinda let me handle my business. They sprayed me up but they basically let me beat that nigga’s ass until I was ready to stop. Bitch ass nigga BIT me! Ha ha ha! But I got away with one, so it’s all good. Dodged a bullet this time. Now I’m tryin to stay out of trouble and focus on what’s real. It’s not EASY becuz I have no anonymity. Everyone knows who I am, everyone want to talk to “the rapper” you know? I gotta deal with the over-zealous dudes with good intentions AND the haters, both of whom are strangers 99.9% of the time and hard to differentiate. Dudes are hungry and X got food! So I’ll have to be careful around here once I hit the yard. Hopefully nobody gets too close. I’m wastin time tryin to figure out who’s friend or foe, so it can get ugly when dudes enter the four foot zone. I got homies here but I ain’t seen nobody I know yet. My nigga Ceize Loc sent me a kite so he’s waitin for me. There’s comfort in THAT cuz my boy’s a rider. Quality over quantity, nah mean?! Just Ceize alone, I’m straight. Whatever pops, he’s ridin. Again, tho, this is my life, so I ain’t complaining. It is what it is.

Everyone’s askin what I need. Yo, besides the love e’body been showin, I’m solid. I can never have too many STAMPS, tho, and we can get a book at a time, so whoever wanna send ‘em, send ‘em. Good lookin out!

Things are poppin off with my case. My wife is communicating with the attorney we’re gonna roll with and everyone believes they’ll be able to get me home as soon as possible. Obviously, that’s major! This is, the legal fees are MONSTROUS! They want middle six digits to get it poppin. That means I have a lot of work to do. To be able to pay what I have to pay, support my fam and STILL make music, I’m gonna have to get on the grind in a real way. It was gonna pop regardless, but stakes is high like De LA right now. I’ll be dropping as much fire as possible from July or August until I’m up out of here. DVDs, music, the book, I’m about to this y’all with all things X like never before. I have no choice. I need this paper. Fuck flossin’, I’m tryin to get the fuck outta here so I can LIVE. The sooner the better.

We’re kickin off a Free X-Raided campaign immediately. We’re gonna sell shirts, gear in general, posters, CDs, and hustle like all hell to get it crackin. My team is lovely, but I need YOUR help more than ever. My homies will be doin Free X-Raided mixtapes and compilation albums that we’ll push on the new label with profits going to my defense fund. They’ll be in a city near you shortly. Come out and rep! I’m launchin my new label in July or August with the new album, and I’ll follow that with more music and DVDs. I’ll need everyone to ride! I’m an open book right now… there is so much I never said becuz it just wasn’t cool. At this point, it’s time for people to get to know what’s real about Raided and my life, so it’s on. We’re givin you 100% full disclosure in the coming months so everyone will know exactly why I am who I am, where I am, and what I am.

I’m gonna need all the help I can get, real talk. Anyone who needs more details or wants to do interviews, whatever, can contact me at My people will respond to all emails and make sure that I receive copies of all important communications. It’s on and crackin! I’ll be much more visible than in recent years, as we’re about to do more than just TALK. When there’s nothing to go with the WORDS, I usually have nothing to say. Right now, we’re COMIN with the PRODUCT, not just runnin our mouths. You’ll get the initial album from my new label with the usual suspects, I’ll be releasing albums from my crew, and I’ll be hittin y’all with Unforgiven Volume 2 in a hot minute, too, along with the DVDs. Me and Lynch are workin together… since that issue was resolved, the nigga already wrapped a song for me AND I got a verse on his new album Dinner and a Movie. Lynch will be ridin, No Love’s ridin, T-Nutty’s ridin, and Loki is ridin, of course. As I wrote for Unforgiven Vol. 2, “You witnessin’ a rebirth/Seein’ a warrior rise!” I am not playin games from this day forward. Count on it.

One Love,
The Nefarious X-Raided Loc

Anerae Brown
K-17737 A Facility
PO Box 8501
Coalinga, CA 93210


Props to Nefarious

StreetHop folks should holla at him, try get an interview or something if you got time.


Well-Known Member
Unless what he says is true (Some guy confessed to the killing of that Old Lady) there shouldn't be no Free X-Raided T's. I love his music, but the man did the crime so he should serve the time.

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