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Happened to me once with Rahim's thread today.

Edit: nevermind you are talking about that link new posts, i was talking about his shout thread.


Well-Known Member
yeah ive been having problems too Rukas, Sigh,

things are fine when you click community, then it takes you too to the forums, then when you click new posts.. like stefan said it displays page cant be found.

i set my cookies different but that didnt help.


Well-Known Member
not to sound mean but is this gonna be fixed?

id rather see the new posts an see what is the hot topics for the day. i dont mind the forum searches either. im use to the new posts search


Dying Breed
Staff member
You people shouldn't be so lazy, search through the forums manually like a man!
I have never used that function before. But I agree its more manly to just search through the forums! Its like a box of choclates you never know what your gonna get.



Well-Known Member
But I agree its more manly to just search through the forums! Its like a box of choclates you never know what your gonna get.
Well you never know what the new posts are gonna be aswell. I hardly ever search the forums, i just check the new posts an jump into a conversation. Maybe i just aint manly enough.:(

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