New Newz (Brooklyn/Murder Inc Artist) Interview 'Its Still Murda' Mixtape Soon Come

#1 caught up w the Blok Gang general, Newz, in New York city after a long night recording in the world famous Crackhouse Studio for his new mixtape “It’s Still Murda” and his debut album “Hunting Season.” Newz discusses his plans for his takeover, Blok Gang, Murder Inc and bringing the M back. Look out for more exclusive sh*t from Newz on MIO in the next few weeks.

MIO: First off welcome to Murder Inc. from everybody over on MIO. Let’s talk about how you hooked up with Gotti, there was talk of you signing a few years ago but then you sort of went off the radar, what happened?

Newz: Well you know, the streets get a hold of you and everything, but you know I wasn’t really signed with Gotti when they said I was. You know what I’m saying? I was just hooked up with him when I was messing with chris, know what I’m sayin’ me and Chris were tight. I had a street buzz or whatever the case may be so they see me standing next to Chris and the Murder Inc. family so they’d just go off and say I’m signed with them even though I wasn’t.

MIO: Did you have any other offers on the table at the time?

Newz: Yeah, I’d a couple guys come with things, nothing really sketched in stone. You know with the way the business is now, so shakey. So you know you’d be dreaming but they’d be scared to do it.

MIO: So what made you sign with Murder Inc. even with all the negative press surrounding them?

Newz: Well you know, I have faith in Irv, I know he knows what he’s doing. He made a couple of stars in his career, it ain’t no fluke! And I know what I got to offer so you’ve my time, his time, my vision and his vision.

MIO: So how does it feel to have somebody like Irv really hyping you up, taking you under his wing and pushing you as the flagship artist of the label?

Newz: Yeah, Yeah, it feels good, it feels good to have a producer of his calibre to be so involved with the project, you know what I’m saying? Everything I do he wants to know about it, so it feels good to know that the boss is involved in what’s going on.

MIO: So you’ve got a couple of mixtapes coming.

Newz: Yeah, definitely! The mixtape should probably be out sometime next week, titled “It’s Still Murda” that should be out real soon and it’s should probably be up on MurderIncOnline so hopefully the fans get to download that.

MIO: Great, so how soon do you think you’ll have the album coming?

Newz: For the album, we’re looking at the First Quarter, if everything goes right we’re gonna put it out by the first quarter which is from January to March so be on the lookout for that. The title is “Hunting Season.”

MIO: And what direction will you be taking with this?

Newz: It’s Hunting Season, we’re just coming to kill anything moving! Whatever’s trying to stop us from taking over, we’re trying to kill it! Whoever, Whatever – We’re coming! Hunting Season, it speaks for itself, don’t get in our way, don’t be prey!

MIO: So have you been working on any outside producers for this project?

Newz: It’s really been a lot of hungry producers on the come up I’ve been working with, no really big names besides Irv. You know the big names will string you along, they’ll give you a beat but it mightn’t be the best beat you want. They might be saving the best sh*t for Jay or Wayne or some sh*t, know what I’m saying? So I just go to the hungry guys and ask them to give me their best and everything’s been working good from there.

MIO: So there’s a lot of up and comers coming out of Brooklyn right now, who do you see as your competition?

Newz: Nobody. You know, they just had their shot before I had my shot, before it’s competition. Ain’t nobody competition for me. I respect what everybody’s doing, Maino’s my man, I knew him before he had all his sh*t going on, we’ve been cool for a couple of years and sh*t, that’s like family, know what I’m saying? So I ain’t got nothing bad to say about him.

MIO: You started out Coke, you sort of had a duo going on?

Newz: Yeah, Coke my man. I’ve nothing bad to say about him either, he was really more into the music scene before I was, know what I’m saying? I was younger than he was so he understood the game more than me. So he put me on to the game as far as really being into this sh*t with the mixtapes or whatever the case may be. He was with Envy already so you know, I just linked up with them like that.

MIO: You’ve done several mixtapes with Envy already, do you find the transition from mixtape rapping to crafting an album difficult?

Newz: Nah, it’s not difficult, there’s a little more thought (in albums), because you wanna make a classic album but with the mixtapes you just get on a hot beat, whatever you think is hot, that’s moving you and you just tear that sh*t apart and put it out. With the album there’s more thought, you’ve got sit back and craft everything, make sure everything is fitting together so you can make a classic album. There’s a difference in the politics, you’ve got to get things cleared, you’ve got to pay for features or whatever, sometimes you don’t depending on your relationship but you know it’s big business with the album.

MIO: Do you think there’s a future for the mixtape rapper or is the internet kiling it?

Newz: Is there a future for mixtape rappers? Um yeah, I think there’s a future for mixtape rappers, they just gotta get on their grind, even me myself. We just gotta get on our grinds and make those hit records and get them going. There’s a couple guys out right now that you know that are probably on mixtapes, but they’re not from New York, they’re probably from down south, they’d have a little record that came out hot and they supported it. But it ain’t like that up here, they ain’t supporting you up here, you can just put some bullsh*t together and put it out. Even if it’s hot, they don’t give a fu*k! Whoever you are, who your with, whatever you’ve done, that’s what it’s like up here.

MIO: So how do you like working in The Crackhouse?

Newz: Yeah I enjoy it, there’s good energy, you know, (on any night) Ja comes in, Harry-O comes in, Merc, a lot of people, Gage, Nyah, Face, whatever the case may be. So you know everybody’s energised, so it gives you that good energy where you can make something out of nothing in little or no time.

MIO: Do you have a specific creative process when your writing or in the booth?

Newz: Nah, not really, the beat just really talks to me, when I hear the beat I just go off of that. You know, the beat starts talking and I start talking back, we have a little conversation and there you go, you got a record!

MIO: Ok so lets talk about Blok Gang for a second, Did you form Blok Gang?

Newz: Yeah, Blok Gang is really some street sh*t, I linked up with Envy over on Block Entertainment so I was like “fu*k that, we Blok Gang!” but you know, he was like “Nah that sh*t ain’t it.” You know, Envy’s more corporate but you know I formed Blok gang where I’m from so they all my N***a’s anyway so they were with it, they were with whatever. sh*t could have been called anything and they would’ve been with it. So you know we got that movement in the hood as far as the underground circuit so you know me and envy parted ways as far as business but you know, we still speak every now and then. So really I just kept running with the sh*t that I built.

MIO: So who is the official roster on Blok Gang?

Newz: Ok so right now you got me of course, you got Gage, you’ve got Nyah, she’s on my new single that’s bout to drop in a couple days called “Rollin’ With Me” (MIO was the first to bring you “Rollin with Me” feat. Nyah on 09/09 just remember where you heard it first!). You heard it, it’s got that Bonnie and Clyde type feel, that real Bonnie and Clyde sh*t, not no “We rich” sh*t, nah, we’re coming to get it! And Face, he just came home he’s part of the movement, Luck – he’s locked up right now but he should be home by about December. I mean we got a roster, man, we coming!

MIO: So who’s next up?

Newz: Who’s next up? Hmmm that’s shakey man!(laughs) We all doing our thing so I can’t really say, you can’t really determine that right now we still trying to get this sh*t going.

MIO: So do you have plans for Blok Gang on a bigger level?

Newz: Of course, we tryna take over baby! You Know what I’m saying, we’re trying to be bigger than Murder Inc.

MIO: So you have plans for your own subsidiary label?

Newz: Yeah, if everything works out accordingly. We just trying to take over and do whatever we need to do, work however we gotta work and let the big homey lead us to the pot of gold.

MIO: Ok so we at MIO first heard of you and Harry-O around the same time and it sparked a lot of debates about who would win bar for bar, so give it to us straight, Who’s gonna take the title?

Newz: (laughs) I’m taking everybody! Harry-O to Jay Z to fu*kin’ Kanye West and lil’ Wayne.

MIO: So nobody is touching Young Newz?

Newz: Nobody! Whoever’s trying to get in my way I’m biting their head off! The album is called hunting season for a reason, know what I’m saying? You ain’t met my alter ego yet when I get the mask out, know what I mean, I’m coming to kill whoever, whoever’s in my way. Harry-O’s family though, so ya’ll caught me with a little sly question trying to fuel me up, but H-O’s my man, 100%. But you know this music thing is a competitive thing so I can’t take it easy on somebody, like he ain’t gonna try and take it easy on me. He’s gonna try and rip my head off and I’m gonna try and rip his head off. And all that’s gonna do is make the umbrella stronger, because now instead of having one artist go hard you’ve got two, instead of two you’ve got three. It’s the same in Blok Gang, when I go in they try and take my head off or if they do their verse first I go in and try and take their heads off. That’s just how the game goes, everybody wanna try and take somebody’s head off! Everybody wants the crown, that’s the only way your gonna get somewhere in this game.

MIO: There’s a lot of young up and comers in the family around the Crackhouse, is there a competitive vibe going on there?

Newz: Yeah, there’s a good competitive attitude going on, for the most part it’s all love, but at the end of the day everybody’s trying to kill everybody but in a positive way. There’s no hatred or negative sh*t, with n***a’s hating on each other or whatever. Everybody is just trying to get it.

MIO: Is there anybody in the camp that you feel that you have good chemistry with as far as recording?

Newz: Well you know I work well with whoever, whoever’s got that competitive vibe, like I said whoever try’s to take my head off, I’ll work good with them! I don’t want anybody around me who’s relaxed, who’s not gonna go 110%, cuz your not gonna make me go 110% if your going 70% because I could just go 80% and kill you! So, you know, whoever’s gonna go 110% and push me to go 120%, that’s who I want around me.

MIO: Is there anybody you’d like to work with in the future?

Newz: Yeah, there are a lot of people I’d like to work with in the future, you know all the greats. I’m not gonna name-drop and have them feeling good but there’s a lot of people. Everybody that’s doing their thing. I mean we’re coming to kill n’s but we’re coming in peace. Just get down, get down or lay down, don’t put up a fight and we don’t gotta take it there. Just let us in, let us do what we do, just like they do what they do.

MIO: So you said earlier that you want to bring back that M?

Newz: Well you know, the mixtape will be out “It’s still Murda” cuz you know I’m Blok gang but I’m not just on my Blok Gang sh*t so you know I named the mixtape “It’s Still Murda” to let ya’ll know I’m throwing the M up. Whoever don’t like it gon’ love it! That M is strong man, people wanna wait for a minute but I’m going to reinforce that, I’m gonna stamp that into them again. Watch!

Newz Interview - Murder Inc Online - #1 The Inc Records Fansite

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