new moderators??

i was just wonderin when were the new moderators in life section appointed thats EDouble, Tru Principle and whoever else there is and what happened to pittsey, dante, bank robber moderating, or are they still moderating?


New Member
Pittsey is an admin so he can more than mod it still and dante is supermod so he can still mod it too. Bank robber... i'm not sure about. And tru principle and edouble volunteered.


Well-Known Member
cookies said:
i was just wonderin when were the new moderators in life section appointed thats EDouble, Tru Principle and whoever else there is and what happened to pittsey, dante, bank robber moderating, or are they still moderating?
Pittsey - admin
Dante - supermod
BR - i think lost his power when he left the board for a month or something

when they were appointed: two or three days ago

edit: amara was faster

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