New interview with Jimi Kendrix (Murder Inc producer)

streethop said:
Recently had a chance to catch up with Jimi Kendrix The Inc and Family Bizness Muzik super producer. With almost a year passing since our last meeting with Jimi Kendrix, now a father of a beautiful baby boy, he is more focused than ever and ready to make his lasting mark. To read's first interview with Jimi, click here. In our follow up interview Jimi discusses new projects and events surrounding his career and Family Bizness Muzik with such great artists as Sonja Blade and Amazin. In this uncensored interview fans also get an inside look at the work Jimi did on Ja Rule's latest album R.U.L.E as well as the latest on the most complete music team known as Family Bizness Muzik.
Jimi it's great to catch up with you again, since we spoke last time what are some new things happening with your career?
Well I've found religion and let me stop playin since then things haven't been the same, Just a little busier and hectic at times, still working on new albums as well as completing projects on my own artist under my label! One more thing I had my first beautiful littleboy, which keeps me on my grind. (Click here for a photo!)

Fans had a chance to peep your work on Ja Rule's latest album R.U.L.E. and you were featured on some of the biggest records on the album, how was the process of working on that project? What was the studio atmosphere like?

Actually the vibe was pretty good for my first time working with the team. Remember I first came onto the seen at a time when The Inc was under a little pressure, but in the studio there was none. All the producers, Ja, Ashanti, Gotti, the engineers Buck, Won Bee, Terry, Gave, Kirk, we all did our part to accomplish the job set before us. In my opinion if I had to honestly rate Ja's album I'd say It was the perfect comeback album any nigga could bring, One, because it wasn't too much sampling, it didn't bore you and his singles were outta here! If only there wasn't so much hate out there, He'd be back on top! But niggas know a solid album when they hear it.

What was your personal favorite track off the album that you worked on? Also it was cool to hear you on the intro of the track "R.U.L.E". when you ran down The Inc line up.

Thank u for the love if I could pick a favorite, I'd say " Passion" cause it was more than just words being said over the music, it was real talk and any nigga who heard it was moved and left with a certain respect for Rule!

Last time when we spoke you had a lot of projects to work on with various artists and you were basically on a non stop grind, how has 2005 been so far?
Same thing different day, different artist, different bullshit in this business, but you gotta expect it and check it, but besides that things are looking good. The records I did in the past are behind and now I'm still here trying to stay afloat of this game!

Now lets talk about Family Bizness Muzik what is new with the camp? Can you give fans an update on Family Bizness Muzik?
It's a production company that I started that mainly consists of my three brothers who produce and my uncle who basically started out and showed us the ropes of production. Before production me and all my brothers toured as musicians for a while, up until we were introduced to producing. Now since being open for business a few years now we've worked with a lot of big artists as well as grown in number. We got a few hot producers to come aboard and help the cause, one being D Block/B Thumbs Producer Vinny Idol, who's about to heat shit up this summer. Then we got Hip Hop artists Sonja Blade, Amazin and a19 year old female singer, Dusty Garcia. That's about to be outta here! We comin man.

Right now were in the studio recording Dusty Garcia, we just put music out on Sonja Blade to catch niggas attention that she's back in town and not to be played with from anybody. We just finished a compilation album for the streets and radio by my artist Amazin, who mark my words is a problem. I'm not waiting on a major to grab my company, I'm acting as that major and doing it myself right now.

Are their any upcoming projects planned from Family Bizness Muzik?

There are tons of things going on. First I have an instrumental mixtape in the streets, we are also attempting to work a single for Sonja Blade titled " You Don't Stop." Also we have the official Amazin compilation produced by the family. We are just trying to be consistent and I can tell you all our projects are hot.

How is it to work with family, you mentioned before that the core of Family Bizness Muzik is made up of family from your uncles to cousins and brothers, how would you describe working with everybody at Family Bizness Muzik?

Its great! But at the same time its business too, long as we all keep that in our heads then there's no way we can fail.

What are some immediate goals and long term goals for Family Bizness Muzik?
Well right now we gotta keep shit hot, there are a lot of people who place themselves in great situations and then blow it cause they get comfortable. Well I'll tell ya right now I'm not satisfied. That's with my production as well as what I've done in the past! I can't slack and get caught sleeping, I'll rest when I'm dead. So don't expect to hear no wack shit coming out of this family. Besides that if I was looking for a situation now it would be a production/artist deal for Family Bizness Muzik. We've already proved we can handle a whole project and we have a complete unit of talent, the only reason I shouldn't get a situation is hate!

Once again it was great to catch up with you and is their anything you would like to touch on?

Well as always I appreciate ya luv my niggas and look out for these projects in yo' hood, bootleggers, Chinese food/clothing store, all the main mixtape stores in NY, and even O.T. Holla, get at ya boy! Anyone need beats please holla... Ill give you ya moneys worth over here. For every person that wishes you success in life, there are twice as many that wanna see you fail.
is there any more details on his deal with irv ?? oh yeh dat mixtape finna be hot. kendrix is the guy who made change gone come / things gone change for blood in my eye, and he produced too long as well i think.. :D
he did most of R.U.L.E. -- "Never Thought," "The Manual," "What's My Name," a few others...I don't have the CD w/me, so correct me if I'm wrong.
7 aurelius is better then jimmy so far lets see tho. maybe he ll produce for black childs upcoming album and newz / harry o cds ?

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