new forum

how about a place to sell stuff besides music and pac a hitemup ebay or some shit like that.a percentage of the profit say like 5% goes to hitemup or streethop or whateva to keep up with the costs of running this site.peeps could use paypal,western union or some shit to secure there deals and sellers would be trustworthy. :thumb:


Well-Known Member
for the sake of security, you would need a whole system for it. a system like ebay. you would need staff to overlook everything. it is easier said than done.
i know it would take work but im pretty sure someone would volunteer to be staff and im not saying as big as ebay pertake.people could register there info besides credit card or social for security of selling and buying.or instead of auction style people could just sell at one price on a first come first serve also adds revenue to street hop besides vip.


Meyer & Dante Best Friends4eva
while it's good in theory, most posters here are either cheap asses or they don't have a cc. if most people on here don't own retail copies of the majority of 2pac's albums, they wouldn't spend the money here to make it all worthwhile.
Dante said:
while it's good in theory, most posters here are either cheap asses or they don't have a cc. if most people on here don't own retail copies of the majority of 2pac's albums, they wouldn't spend the money here to make it all worthwhile.
true but the forum would also sell other products.also to add to show seriousness on buying and selling a person would have to buy a one time fee membership into this certain forum to gain access to sales/ that theory if you don't want to seriously buy or sell a product there is no need to buy into viewing that forum in example would cutt down on bootleggerrs and cheapskates,frauds and assholes.come on now help me pitch this idea.dante i know you would gain from this

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