New Crooked I Interview

(Police sirens going off in background) here we go! Now we good! Now we good man! I didn't even know you was gonna be here yesterday!

Crooked I: Oh yeah! Got police in the background and everything?

That's what it is! The background noise! So here we are at the... Fresh out the recording studio, huh?

Yes sir!

We are here at the. We aren't say where, but we are that studio!

Yea! We're doing this thing. So let me ask you man, uh there's a lot or rumours and stories going around Give us your official news and happenings, what’s the real deal right now with you and everything, after...

Man the real deal is ya know am sayin? I got the situation dynasty man, know what I mean? I’m just going through treacherous which is a label that has a distribution deal with universal Know what I mean? So their distribution deal was big enough for them to give me distribution too Know what I'm sayin? And everybody still be able to eat. You know what I mean? So we moving on with the project, I’m bout to go in get busy uh, finish up the project! As far as death row's situation that I left tha row I felt like I had put my time in ya know? I was over there 4 and half years I recorded probably close 50, 60 songs? Know what I’m saying? I wrote for different artist while I was over there too, ya know what I mean? So I put in a lot of work over there man! And for the album to never come out you know? No matter what reason it is, ya know? It didn't come out! 4 years of my career was taken from me So is like. I gotta go! Even when I signed with death row I always felt like I would start my own label In the future anyways! I just didn’t know it had to be like this. Know what I mean? But that’s it ya know! Right now we are moving forward we went to court is good though! In the court everything go in your favour?

Yea... Everything went in my favour in court man, ya know what I’m saying? I mean basically ya know... Death row sent a cease and decease over to my label. And say hey you guys got to stop everything you doing That stop me in the middle of making my album. Ya know what I’m saying? Bout' 8 or 9 months later, after ya know? Gettin all the legal stuff cleared up, bam! We back in the studio! We back! Ya know the judge drop the hammer And said a yo! Let em do what he gotta do! (hahaha) Who or what inspired you to start rapping?

Uh man..? My first rap song I head was rappers delight... i believe? I was just a lil man in kindergarten or something like that And after I heard rappers delight, I heard that cat talkin' bout "the chicken taste like wood" and all that! I learned his verse Ya know what I’m saying? And I used to say it! I won a couple talent shows when I was young. I said the same verse and shit. Oh really??

Yeah! When I was like 5 or 6, after I did that. I was just basically, from the point on man, that inspired me and I just got deep into it To the point where it was like yaw know? Rakim, krs-1 cool g rap, ice cube, public enemy, nwa, So it all just influenced you huh?

The influence would just hit me cus I was in love with it yaw know what I’m saying? How’s the concept of your music change now from prior you signing with death row... to this date. What’s different bout the content of your music?

Nothing really because, yaw know what I’m saying... Uh? A lot of people went to death row man, a lot of artist- And some that you heard or some that you might not of heard of. When they go there they change man. You know? They end up doing things to try and be impressive to certain people... they wanna get super thugin Or get super murderer yaw know? Cus they on death row records. My, my music is always the same! If you go back to when I was signed to virgin is always been the same type of music, is always been street music, Is always been life music! Talkin bout situations going on in the ghetto and you know? Just a whole wide range of thangs So it aint really change now... i mean yaw know? I just think now that I’m my own boss now, and that I got my own situation I think some of the perspective has change in the music because I now look at things from a different angle

You learned!

Yeah you learn something everyday! And you know what I mean and it comes natural to have an effect on your material! If you could describe your upcoming solo album in one word, what would it be?

Hmmm. One word? Payback!!! Hahahahahaha! This one of my questions! I noticed since I first met you back in 2002, that you never get caught up in like smoking, partying, drinking part That goes with a lot of recording sessions; uh do you condone that at the studio? Are you against any of that kind stuff at the studio? And when do you make time to party and live it up when you aren’t at the studio?

Yeah man, I mean ya know? Basically I treat the studio like is mothafuckin heart surgery ya know what I mean? I wouldn’t want a surgeon operating on me drunk or high! Ya feel me? A lot of people say that helps em' create though!

Yea a lot of people say it helps them create, you know my thing is, I don’t have no problem with people doing whatever It does, to help them.. Do what you do if you think that helps you make a better beat or say a better rap That’s fine with me but you know as far as my sessions, I need silence some people need that. A lot of dudes they not in touch with the block no more, they rich! They live in big houses behind gates man! And they aint been in the hood so long that they gotta bring the whole hood to the studio while they recording They album so they can get that feel like you know what I’m saying? When I come to the studio, I’m fresh off the block! I don’t need the whole block in the studio with me Ya know what I’m saying? I’m trying to do something right now! I’m trying to focus, trying to get something done! But! When I get towards the end of fall the shit I gotta put in there, then I say "hey yall can come up!" After I get all the lil' things here and there done and everything is done. And yaw know is icing time? Put icing on the cake Yall can come up and give me your opinions! Let me know if is wack, let me know if yaw aint feelin it. Ya know I mean? But I just, just like that I think that just me, I just like that. So outside the studio where yaw kick it?

I mean shiii? For me right now? Believe it or not, yaw know I’m from long beach... and they building long beach up! Right now Ya know I’m sayin? So is like I don’t gotta go nowhere no more! I used to have to go out yaw know go to the club You know hit a strip club watch a lil' tna...hehehehehe! You know am sayin? Hehehehe. You know? But thing is they building long beach so tough now! We got this lil' club call the vault 350 or whatever... Where the fight happened?

Yeah where the fight went down! Where you up there?

Yeah I was up there, you am sayin? I mean we got a lot of spots now! So I kinda chill in the, in the beach And do my thing. If not that then you know I be in them hole in the wall hoods and them lil tittie bars Me and the homies be in there drinking. Any spots you recommend?

Yea! Starrs!!! Hahahaha go to starrs! Talk to Jaime at the front, Jaime gon' let you in free! Tell him you crooked people! Hahaha. Besides Cities you lived in, aside LA. And Long Beach what city that you have visited Has show you the most love and you love going back to? .

Ah man!? Tulsa. Oklahoma.. I used to go to Oklahoma when I was young for the summer, that’s where my mother was born and stuff, my grandma used to live out there, when I used to go out there all the time, you know? Right now they play anything of mine on the radio there. Right now! Heavy rotation! They think I’m 50 cent! Hahahaha know am saying? So right now they prob playing some shit right now! . What station? .

They got a station down there.. ah? I forgot the station But the dj. Main dj name is jb smooth, so defenetly shouts out to jb smooth, I know he supports everything man. I just like it all over though. I’m one of em kind cats that I just like urban people that’s into this music that I’m into So it don’t matter where I’m at! I’m gon’ blend in and chill Just fine! You know what I’m talking about? . What’s the message that you want to bring the world with your music, something you want people to look out for when they here a crooked I song? .

Uh.. I mean ya know? One of the main messages i want to bring to the music man, is inspiration! You know what I mean? Cus there’s a lot of situations you know? And a lot of people across American and across the world man, that face obstacles and go through our first times know what I mean? Where is like. They gotta, they think.. There’s lot of cats that’s hopeless man there’s lots of youngsters, there’s lot you know? Single parents and teenage mothers, and you know? That’s one if my main things though! Is because, I know once they see me shine and they find out all the obstacles and everywhere I been and all the shit I went through, then they’ll know. “hey I can do it!” If he can do it? I can do it! And that’s the main thing I want to get out there. . So how do you feel about , there is all this music talking bout kids to hip hop all this stuff getting thrown in their face. When they turn the radio, turn TV on. Is like this is what they gotta do what they gotta be. If you were to be in that position with these mainstream artist, would you be doing the same exact thing? .

Nah I be doing something different, because I mean you know the thing is everybody know you pay enough money, they gon’ pay you enough, and these mainstream artist you know? Some cats don’t care I read they articles still, I still listen to their interviews, a lot of cats they don’t give a damn! They say they from the hood, but really they like “fuck the hood” cus they don’t care what’s going on, they don’t care about the issues that affect us! I mean even if you make it out the hood, Ya cousin might still live there, your brother your uncle your auntie, anybody! So for you to just turn your back on that (phone rings). And uh, and act like that don’t exist, and party and fuck everybody! Is not the shit! I mean ya know? We can all party cus we do need an escape route sometimes know what I’m saying? But we do have to talk about issues! Like you know the young lady.. Deliesh Roberts who was recently killed you know what I’m saying? over there in front of? I think it was lock high? By a straight bullet! You know what I’m saying? . Oh she end up dying?--- she was in a coma!? .

She end up dying! Yeah! That’s what I mean. Those type of issues gotta be touched on! Lot of times they got to be touched on! And ya know? When I do become that dude, over here you gon’ here lotta shit on the radio, you gon see me and my camp real active in the community, doing what we gotta do! This leads up to the next question! Can the fans expect crooked I to become more political in the future! I mean we heard some couple songs on the mixtape!? .

Yeah definitely! Definitely! Because I don’t see how you can not be political if you from the ghetto?! Cus them mothafuckas got shit there to wipe you off the face of the earth, they got laws that they pass, they got behaviours, they profile, I mean everything is so crazy! You have to be political! A lot of us are political! And we don’t even know it! We say fuck tha police! But that’s actually political! To say fuck a government troop like the police? That’s some political shit! So is some gangstas that’s political, they just don’t know it! Definitely the music will have some politics in it! Cus their too many issues to talk bout man! . You gonna bring it out then? .

You got to man! Cus a lot of people are un aware! When I was young! Ya know? I dropped out of school you know am saying? I don’t ever tell nobody to do that!, but when I was young A lot of the rap music thought me shit! Know what I’m saying? It though me shit! It raised my awareness! In a lot of ways! Know I mean? We still have to continue in that fashion. You know what I’m saying? As artist! We gotta raise this young dudes awareness! I mean just the other day. My next door neighbour, some guy came over there trying to kill him! So the thing is, this shit still goes on, all the time! You know I mean? I been through different neighbourhoods Where they spray paint on the walls…rap lyrics! Describing how they gon’ kill! How they gon’ kill they rival, They rival gang member! And that’s a young dude! 13! You know he spray painting rap lyrics! That just let you know We inside their heads! Like a mothafucka! Ya know am sayin? So we gotta. we gotta raise the awareness! And let em’ know. “hey yeah! Go ahead and squeeze that trigger you gon’ go lay down for 15 years!” I mean I’m just gon’ tell you both sides! 25 to life! . Yeah I remember Pac saying bout having consequences too! .

Yeah! Yea! There’s always consequences to all ya actions! . So let me ask you now. Who are the dynasty in house producers? .

The dynasty in house producers man? Right now we got d.i.g That’s the dynasty instrumental group. And is just expanding everyday man, jim gittum is like the head guy! Know am saying? I been doing things with jim man! Since he got out of high school. We been working together ya know what I mean? And uh we got some other up and coming dudes. But nobody is really official. I, I produce a lot my self, I arrange my self ya know am saying? Is like so? I’m real picky when it comes to my music... I be like “yo do it like this, do it like that! Hold on! Break this here” . I, I watched! I saw I know! .

Hehe yea exactly! You already know what’s up! Plus coming from tha row! How they used to do it, you already know how there aint no feelin’ you just hey! Be a man nigga! And do what the fuck you gotta do! Hahahaha! . This leads up to the Miami! Talk bout Miami and Scott Storch, what’s going on with that? .

Yeah man! I’m supposed to hit Miami next week! And uh, hook up with Scott. I talked to him on the telephone a couple times ya know? He sent me some beats that pretty hot! Ya know we gon’ try to put some club shit together! Ya know? I gotta drop a club banger man! That “lean back” shit was incredible! I need a piece of that.. action! Hey hey! They nominated fat Joe for a Grammy! Hehe! “fat Joe got a Grammy nomination off Scott storch!” So you know? Definitely! We going out there try to see if we can come back with a piece of history or something! .

When interviewed Big Hutch. He gave you a lot of props! Would you consider working with him again? You feel that type of production is good for you? .

Big hutch is a legend man! Period. I’m always happy to work with legends! I don’t give a fuck if the world don’t feel their music at this certain time. He is a legend and he is owe lots of respect and props! And I’m gonna work with him if he asked me to! Ya know what I’m saying? Is just how I was raised. I was raised to respect people who.. deserve it! And bit hutch deserves respect! Above the law was one of the first albums.. That got banned! That fuckin’ murder rap? And all that shit! Mtv banned that shit! (phone rings, crooked takes a min to tend to a call) . You got any dates for the fans? As far as shows, appearances, albums, DVD releases? .

Yea man! All summer is ours! We fuckin up everything, everywhere we go! Hurricane crooked coming! We not playing! It’s been a long time! That’s why I describe the album payback! One word? Payback! The game owe me! I’m gon’ choke the game neck! Know what I’m saying? I’m talking bout the rap game! I’m gone choke the rap game neck! .

Yea yeah! Don’t ya’ll be starting rumours now! The rap game! .

Yea! But yeah July 12th right now is what we looking at for the Album release! . DVD gonna come with it? .

DVD? Is gonna have a trailer to the DVD. Inside the album! And the DVD gonna drop after the album! .

Did I make the cut? .

Yea yea! You in there man! Hahahaha! . Lots of people want to know.. There is a lot of questions people ask.. Is he gonna do something with Yukmouth? Is he gonna do something with Yukmouth? Everyone asked about their favourite rapper! So I just pretty much summed it in. Like? Are you gonna do anything with Yukmouth, Lil’ Flip, Regime anyone from California? Is there any talk? .

Um, lil flip… I actually, I know flip. I talk to flip that’s always a posibility. I'm cool with his manager, Sandy Lao. That’s always a possibility! Yukmouth, ya know I did something on his last album? Me and e-40. So yeah yeah, that’s always an option too! if he call me I come through there! I’m one of em neutral dudes. I know that yuk got beef with game, you know am saying? You prob heard me on a song with game, heard me on a song with yuk you know? But shiit? i got nothing to do with it! I’m a grown as man! I do songs who ever I wanna do songs with and keep it like that! . What artist are you listening to right now? .

That I’m listening to right now? You know what? I’m listening to old CD right now. I did. Um I did buy all the industry standards CD's. Ha-ha, this year! Cus I like to know what’s out there. So all the guys who got big albums out, I do got those albums in my collection! Personally I listen to old shit. I listen to uh? Right now? Strictly 4 my n.i.g.g.a.z is high on my list! Oh yeah! I’m listening to death certificate, reasonable doubt, all kinds of old shit man! I just got a kool g rap greatest hits! And a run dmc greatest hits! So I’m listening to old shit man. Going back to the roots! Just you know? When it was real! Before it became such a big business! You know what I’m saying And I aint mad that is a big business. but there is definite difference between when is a big business now, to what it was back then. Ya know? . So what’s up with your favourite football team? Which one is it? .

My favourite football team? The raiders!? Heh heh! The mothafuckin raiders! And we got randy moss! And watch! That’s gonna be the number one jersey! In the mothafuckin NFL! The raider randy moss! .

Oh you gonna hate me now! I’m a Tampa bay fan! .

Oh man!? Chucky went over there! You know what I’m saying? I aint mad at Tampa! Cus they was ooh! They been goin for a long time.. Cus they used to suck! Yeah see you all was winning with defence! He went over there He tried to! He shout out us down , ya know? He knew everything we was gonna do in the super bowl! Punk ass chucky! Hahaha! . Anyways! How about female rappers out there which one you feeling? .

Female rappers? Right now man? im feeling um? On the female tip? First of all! I feel lil’ Kim man! I cant believe that went down. How that went down! Oh shit! Man! I’m gon’ watch what I say and do around a lot of rappers! Now days. Cus They might blow the whistle on you! You know what I’m saying? You never know! I cant be doing that! And we already got hip-hop cops on our neck! We don’t need the rappers to be on their team man! Is offence and defence! But um. Anyway. Lil’ Kim, you know what I’m saying? Who is out there? Ya know who I like man? I like um, I like rage man! I want rage to come back! Hey I been talking to her manager bout getting her on this project! You know what I’m saying? . What she got going on that she cant get on it??? .

Uh nah! She is with it! I think? Don’t be surprised if you hear crooked I and rage! Cus I been trying to make that happen! Rage is my all time favourite female mc! Then I like lyte, of course yoyo, eve is good! Ya know what I’m saying? Is a lot of em out there. But we don’t got that many females out there rapping? . You mean like rapping for other females right? .

Yeah we don’t got that many female mc out right now who are new and hot…. Lady luck is hot!. Remy martin is hot! You know what I’m saying? There is a few out there. But we waitin for them to get big! . Last question before the word association! Where do you see your self in 5 years? .

Man! I better be on a 100 foot yacht! That’s where the fuck I better be! Hahahaha! (laughs) For real man! I better be yachting it man! Cus man! Its been a while! In 5 years? I wanna be in the top 5! They ever do top 50 mcs on bet, vh1, mtv, or any Viacom stations? Put me on the fucking top 5! Cus that’s real! After 5 years I wanna be in and layed that kinda of ground. Where I sit back and just watch my little brothers take off, and do all they shit they havin fun in the industry and just.. Kick back man! In the background! . Alright. Here we go with some word association, I’m gonna throw some names at you, you tell me what you think. What first comes to mind! .

Ooh shit! Hahahahaha .

The game.

Black wall street .


Jimmy Iovine .

The source magazine.

Half the staff walked out! .

XXL magazine.

Jimmy Iovine .


I got 5 on it .


Slang master .

Snoop dogg.

Don Juan’s homie… me and snoop are cool ya’ll! .

Mixtape djs.

Troublemakers! Though I do like em’ Cus the beef is good sometimes. .

Hot 97.

Damn Sway! Why you quit? You closed the door on west coast niggas! I like hot 97 though! Shoot outs can happen there! Right down stairs! .


The homie! .

Above the law.

Oh! Of course the legends! .


Very lucky! .


Give me a cover and 5 mics! .

Danny boy.

I wish they didn’t have to take him off American idol! .


He bout’ to be something! .

Spider loc.

I know he got big plans! . Alright man! That’s pretty much it man! Thanks for your time. Any last words for the fans?.

Yeah man! Go out there and get that lp! “boss music” you know what I’m saying? Is gonna be world wide inspiration for everyone to be they own bosses. We all gonna celebrate national boss day! You know? This year together! And I’m gonna be in your city! No matter where ya loggin on at! I’ll be there! Support your boy! Come holla at me man! Talk to me! See me in traffic! Wave at me! Lets talk! Lets holla! I’m trying to get ya vote! I need to be in the top 5 in the 5 years! Go to my website!! Brand new! We just refreshed it! Is nice! We also got that you can go and visit! And uh, and just support music, support hip-hop. It don’t matter whether is east, west, south, north? Who cares man. Just support it if you love it, and everybody be safe out there! Dynasty out!

for the audio
cant wait imma buy this first week out.
nice interview, hes pretty intelligent from what i read. cant wait for the storch track. :D


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
Crook is still good. I thought it'd gone too quiet, but I heard some good tracks recently.

Thanks for the interview, Pauly.

Looking forward to picking his cd up, I'm gonna get Realests too. Same day still.

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