New Child Interview

What's good people. Here is an interview I did with New Child in march. The interview is going to be in a new magazine down south called The Niche. I have the text and audio (rapidshare), on the final part the audio is messed up so you can check the text for the end of it. This was my 1st interview so I would appreciate some feedback positive or negative. Much propz to Pascal for the hook-up with New Child, thanx a million P, I owe you, yall continue to support
New Child. Sorry I never did get in touch with Fatal but I tried. I will have the 777 interview next up....

New Child
“An Outlaw with a Mission and a Purpose”

New Child, Now for those of you who don’t recognize the name let me tell you who New Child is 1st and foremost he is East Harlem’s On, the son of a Gangster and soldier of God. 2nd of all the only East Coast Outlaw ( the late Great 2Pac Shakur’s Protégés) brought in by none other than Hussein Fatal who was 2 Pac’s lieutenant and right hand man. Upon meeting Fatal-he shared with New Child how Pac always wanted and New York Outlaw representative (specifically Harlem). Fatal ended up giving him the label the only East Coast Outlaw because most of the Outlawz were from Jersey but they were in California reppin and living on the West Side with Pac and they were considered to be West Coast even though they are from New Jersey just to clear that up for everyone. Basically New Child coming from New York (Harlem) so that’s where the whole East Coast Outlaw came from and something that Fatal put the stamp on and said that’s what he wanted to label New Child, so the other Outlawz, (Napoleon, Noble, Edi and K-Kastro embraced him and now Enter New Child the Newest Outlaw.

Being into the Hip-Hop culture led New Child to pick up the Microphone. “To me Hip-Hop is like Islam-its not 1 dimensional, it’s a way of life. I started off as a B-Boy break dancing back in the day, that was my love and my passion, I was real nice with the windmills they use to call me Wally Windmill and I use to break dance like crazy you know I use to love to do that and from there Bobby it was just a progression on to rap and listening to brothers like Kool G. Rap, KRS-1, Chubb Rock, Jeffrey West Lord Finesse & Rakim, dudes from way back that was putting it down, I was just so intrigued how they put it down and put their words together. Those were the ones who influenced me, but my top two of all-time are definitely Kool G Rap and Rakim.

When asked what he would be doing if he wasn’t rocking the mic, New Child says emphatically “definitely in the NBA”. I got into basketball real hard at the age of 8 or 9. When I was 11, Cam’ron and I were on the same basketball team as well as a private organizations called the New York Gaucho’s and even back in the day we were unstoppable, I would say the only difference between us was I was left and he was right handed but Cam and I we have trophies, awards you name it we won it, people said I reminded them of Kenny Anderson being that I was a lefty and had the skills to ball, especially handling the rock and make the fancy and difficult look easy. People were like damn how serious he was with the ball; Cam will even tell you that. I carried a ball with me everywhere I went and when I say everywhere Bobby I mean everywhere and everyday that was part of my life that just shows you my dedication and it’s the same way with this Hip Hop thing it’s part of my life and reason being no because I’m trying to be the hardest brother in the world or the dopest brother in the world, I really see the responsibility as an artist being that God blessed me to be able to rap and put my words together in such a way that I have to use it for a greater good so that way when I do think of rhymes, concepts of songs, hooks, punch lines and whatever I’m not just thinking of saying some non-sense I’m thinking of saying something that’s makes you say hold up-hold up-hold up-time out rewind that, what he is talking about dawg I just went thru that and make it feel like to the fan that’s listening I’m talking directly to them, I take that same dedication I have for basketball and apply it to Hip Hop.

Man honestly, I don’t want to ever sound generic or phony I can say it like this, when people say that they embrace my music it ain’t no mystery I feel I’m being honest with them and so they being honest with me if I give them phony music it will be reciprocated. With anything if you give love your going to get love back or if you give hate your going to get hate back. You spread a lot of violence throughout your lifetime your going to get that back so with me I’m honest with my music so that’s why the fans who I really don’t call fans I call people I don’t know who buys my music and enjoy it I call them my family. Because the help spread my message on this movement, this whole extension of what Pac created this Outlaw, Thug Life, keeping it from the Heart and keeping it street and inspiring our people from the ghetto to do better-you know what I’m saying I’m keeping it thorough and I’m not going to stop doing that. It makes me feel brother “like what I’m doing is not in vain and what I’m doing people get it”. You know there are people out there saying New Child I appreciate your work so for that I’m saying that I Love yall and I’m going to continue to do my best because I’m not going to try to make everybody love me because everybody ain’t going to love me I’m just going to keep putting it down the way I know how and that’s it.

Right now I’m in a point in my life where I’m doing a lot of analyzing of my situation of my life and everything inside of my life. So right now I’m just in the cut plotting, watching what’s going on in the music business specifically Hip-Hop-you know, just observing, relaxing, exercising, reading, praying, getting my mind body and spirit right.
I think that’s what we lose sight of too, people think that not necessarily you don’t have a personal life or your not human, but I just think we just get caught up sometimes as people especially as young black males that we get caught up in the facade or illusion of hip hop that we lose sight of everything that’s important and again I put so much into my music and my heart and soul into it that after a while you can invest so much time and so much energy and it can burn you out if your not careful. I don’t want nobody to think I’m retiring or I don’t want to rap no more it’s not even about that right now. I’m at a point in my life where I feel the best I felt in 15 years. I just said yo its time for me to take a break and sit back and watching my daughters grow up and me and my wife just chill and enjoy one another, because at the end of the day the fans are not who I come home too I got to come home to my family and be at peace with them so I can make the best music I can make for everybody else; I can’t be phony with my people at home and give the fans all of me. I’m a God fearing person and I feel like Gods going to look at me and be like you can’t give the fans your all and give your family the leftovers. So basically right now I creeping, I’m just like a boxer in the corner who they rung the bell and my coaches are in the corner prepping me, putting my mouth piece in and getting my gloves a little tighter and I’m going to come out of the corner and KNOCK somebody out.

BL-So all you fans heard that New Child is not retiring!!!!
New Child- The fans can look for me this summer definitely.

BL-Is it going to be on a mixtape or an Album?
New Child- Well actually that’s a good question those are the things I’m trying to figure out. I may do what Noble and them are doing I may just come out with straight independent albums. I may come out with my first ever album release solo independently. I haven’t spoke to Noble about it but I’m thinking about doing an album with him I was even thinking about doing an album with Crooked I (former Death Row Records Artist) and just really raping the independent market because its so many people who appreciate me worldwide from Texas to the Czechs Republic if I set up a website with the help of my Partner Pascal K. out in Hands burg, Germany doing my website and then through his us marketing and promoting my album that I can sell 50-100k easy and then do some mom & pop stores in the south all up and down the 95 I know if I press up 50 thousand, 50 thousand times 10 do the math, if I distribute it myself I know the people will support it. I’m going to give the fans a quality product like I was recording for Def Jam, the same quality, the same song content, the same hunger and energy period. I need to evaluate how I’m going to attack the game and how I’m going to come back. Because I feel if I drop one album independently that I could have the Def Jam and Universals crawling down my back saying yo man we want to give you 10-15 million dollars to sign with us because we hear what your doing on the streets-on the internet. Because its brothers like yourself, Pascal K, who help promote me and people around the world with people saying what’s up with this kid he is crazy so we will just see brother.

BL-Well we definitely look forward to that.
BL-OK last year there was talk of an Outlawz Immortal Album album is it still in the works?

New Child-At this point in time it’s at a standstill. It’s just a matter of everybody just feeling the energy at the same time again like we did when the concept came up and saying yo alright lets set a date and really plan it. You have to properly set it up, like I say Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance that’s the 5 P’s and I’m going to say it again Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance. So if you properly prepare for something it can prevent you from falling on your face. Noble was the one that came up with the whole thing, me I think its time but he is the one that got everyone together but it’s just a matter of everybody’s schedule coinciding with one another and just getting them in and getting it done and that’s it.

BL-Honestly myself and the other fans would definitely love to hear that, I know it would sell like crazy.
New Child- I know a lot of people want to hear me and Fatal on some tracks together and that’s not far, its just Fatal’s doing what he is doing and as a man I respect his hustle I respect his grind I see what he’s doing.

BL-Everyone wants to know how Fatal is doing we haven’t really heard anything from him.
New Child- I haven’t heard from him as far as I’m know he is alright I haven’t spoke to him in a while it’s been long overdue. I’m definitely going to holla at a brother to see how he’s doing. You got to understand me and Fatal’s relationship is bigger than rap. I had a lot of respect and I still have a lot of respect for Fatal because at the time when New York wasn’t showing New Child love like that Fatal can and embraced me so much and said you are the person 2 Pac wanted from New York. I’m telling you if Pac was here he would have loved you, I’m going to make sure that Noble, Edi, and all them respect the fact I want to bring you in that I’m making you an Outlaw and I can do that because I was 2 Pac’s Lieutenant so if anybody can do it I can do it. So he flew me out to California and I met them, everyone except Kastro I met Kastro after that, but all in all they all show me love and I see why Fatal wanted to bring you in he was right Pac definitely would have wanted you in and definitely embraced you. I got so much love for dude, real men don’t have to see each other all the time to be able to say that’s my brother. Fatal do a lot of things that gets me upset I don’t like certain things that he may do that’s still my brother, nobody can’t talk bad about him in front of me, if anybody’s going to talk bad about him its me because that’s my brother. If I do say something bad about him it would be to his face not on the internet and not to you on no interview he don’t deserve that. This is what I want the fans to know as well, Fatal has been through a lot man look at his life, if you look at his rap sheet he had on his website, dude has been arrested so many times, group homes, detention centers, jail as an adult, he’s been through a lot of family things, street things and losing 2 people you got to take into consideration-back to back who he really-really loved Kadafi (Outlaw Yafeu “Kadafi” Fula) who was like a big brother to him and 2 Pac who was like a father to him so that crushed Fatal and I know that from 1 on 1 talks with him that dude really suffered behind that and these are things as men when you can say I can’t be mad a Fatal. How a mother never loses that touch with her Child, you pray for the brother, I wish Fatal all the best I wish him all the blessings that God can give him, I just want him to be safe, whatever he does where he don’t have to go to jail, he don’t have to be away from his children, he don’t have to be away from being successful and getting money and being able to take care of his family, and he can just be safe, its not about you know excuse my language but Fuck the Rap shit if me and him never do a song together again that’s still my Outlaw brother I don’t have Outlaw tattooed on my arm for no reason. I Operate Under Thug Lawz For Real, I was an Outlaw before meeting Fatal I was already an Outlaw and respected in the street, just from being a ride or die brother (thorough) that people respected and that’s what he felt and embraced about me. And with that said I want people to know don’t be so quick to judge, fans ask me all the time do yall got beef, I’m like come on man I mean is it that silly these days that you don’t hear me and him on a record in a couple years we got beef, It may be that dude is just doing him and got to do what he got to do where he is at and I got to do what I got to do where I’m at simply as that as men we can respect that about each other, I may not agree with it but as man I can agree to disagree with him or any other man about decisions made-moves made, but at the end of the day Fatal is still my brother and I Love him PERIOD.

BL-Ok New Child has set the records straight on that.

BL-Can you tell us about New Children Entertainment can you tell me a little about that and are there any other artists on the label.

New Child- Right now New Child is the only artist on New Children Entertainment. One of my little brothers who is incarcerated right now he is part of the family, but I’m really making sure that he makes up his mind about what he wanted to do that’s 10th Street Black, he is on both of my mix tapes G-14 Classified but even more on Rush Hour Chapter 2 G-TV and anybody who has heard him knows he is a problem. This dude is so talented I be telling people he is better than me. Honestly he potential is ridiculous; he doesn’t have strong a voice as I do but his swagger when you hear him you will know what I’m talking about, he can’t do what I do and I can’t do what he does, like when you hear him you would be like yeah I see what New Child is talking about me. 10th Street Black would be the future of New Children Entertainment it’s just a matter of when he comes home from jail to figure out exactly what he wants to do. If that’s what he wants to do and roll with me and look that is my little brother but I don’t put no pressure on him to roll he’s free to do what he wants to do and if he does make the decision to say I’m rolling with you big brother then he is next in line. And I’m looking for artist so if it’s any artist and you’re serious about what your business and your hungry holla at me my email address is send me and mp3 in your music and a bio only if you’re serious. None of that calling me about dumb shit I’m serious I’m about my business I love my people but I don’t play no games when it comes to this business.

BL-If anyone would like to order one of your mixtapes Rush Hour Chapter 1 G-14 Classified or Rush Hour Chapter 2 G-TV?

First off if you are from here the United States and you want to order any of my previous 2 mixtapes you can get at me directly or if you’re outside the United States you can order from the person who handles all of my international affairs his information is ok and my contact persons name is Pascal K. that’s for everyone that’s overseas outside of the U.S. who would like to order my cds. Hopefully everybody will step up and support the movement and keep it going man and it can’t keep going if the support it.

BL-Ok New Child before we wrap this up are there any shout outs or any last words for the people

New Child- First and foremost If I have any shout outs I got to give Thug Luv to all my brothers incarcerated you know I got 3 brothers that’s locked up now and a cousin because they are going through worse situations than we are so I think those the ones that deserve it, also the ones that have moved on to paradise, hopefully not to Hells Fire but to paradise that’s not here. So I definitely want to start with my brothers that’s incarcerated Ange Cracks I Love You God Bless stay strong-stay focused, Jamon same thing and 10th Street Black you know what it is square bid stand up man up all day, my brother from another mother my cousin my blood cousin Alex aka Black Gotti out in Chicago stay strong brother I love you I’m just trying my hardest to provide a route for all of yall when you come home we can have something better so we can empower each other and I can empower yall and start doing things like opening hospitals, building banks & community centers, real estate development companies, film companies and really tapping into our community and doing something that can really please God. And lastly to my Grandmother who died on my birthday who struggled all her life for her family with hardly no education and sacrificed her life and died with actually nothing, and I think that says a lot because it lets me know she made that sacrifice for me to have something better so therefore I got to honor her and I got to honor my mom who is still here Gloria Lynch I LOVE YOU and honor you and salute you. And to my Father Pee Wee Kirkland for adopting me, gangster adoption when I was 16 and helping me see the light and enabling me to be the man I am today from a man’s point of view and a mans eyes I’m eternally grateful 21 gun salute big brother you know what it is. And everybody out there that support me, everybody when I was incarcerated that wrote me all the letters from the Heart I appreciate it. I’m here I ain’t going nowhere I’m here and God willing I’ll be back and I’ll be back in an amazing way. And if I can leave yall with any positive words I just want to say in life forget about rap, forget about anything outside of what’s real, your life is precious remember that we got to stop the killings in the neighborhoods we got to stop that it’s getting out of control I can speak about death because I’ve seen my own big brother’s brains on the floor in front of me so I know what it does, I have friends locked up for murder, brothers locked up for murder so I know. We got to stop the killings because it’s destroying our families, its destroying mothers I saw what it did to my mother, its just destruction to us as a people. And even us rappers we got to be a little more conscience on what we say, everything can’t be about blowing somebody’s head off man, if you hear it come out of my mouth I’m saying it from the perspective of pain of seeing my brothers brains splattered on the floor, just like Napoleon (Outlaw) seeing his parents get killed if you here him saying it, he’s saying it from the perspective of pain, he’s not saying he’s necessarily going to do that he’s saying this pain I’m fighting makes me feel like that and that’s the difference. If we are going to be men, real gangsters or real G’s or real thoroughbreds then we got to know killing don’t make us real what make us real is educating each other and bringing each other up, not killing each other off, that’s hustling backwards man you know all this dissing and trying to do all this negativity it ain’t even about that. Real Gangsters are some of the coolest brothers you want to meet in the world, my father is one of the biggest gangsters New York has ever seen and if you were to meet him Bobby you would never know that because he’s a gentleman, he never carries his self with the tough guy aura and that’s why he’s 60 years old and will probably live to be 100 and can walk the street with his head high and chest out with humility and praising God saying thank you God for letting me be here and impacting these kids lives and doing something better with my notoriety (Pee Wee Kirkland). All these rappers out here we have to realize these kids are out here dying everyday in the community, Katrina been hitting our neighborhoods with people getting kicked out of their houses, burned out of their houses whatever we got to step it up all this stuntin is good but we got to step it up and help each other for real. If yall want to be gangsters then do what real gangsters do control your community that’s what real gangsters did back in the day they control the whole hood, we call ourselves making 400-500 million a year there should be no problem for 5 rappers to get together and say I’ll put a 2 million; I will put up a million; you put up 600,000.00 we are going to open up state of the art community centers and get volunteers to come in and pay them 50,000.00 a year, write it off at tax time. Then look at the good in it, look at the lives were saving so when kids come out of school they ain’t got to be initiated as bloods and crips, gangsta disciples, Folk’s or whatever. They can come to a community center and have something better, my cousin in Chicago was in the streets hard and he got 15 years like that, I’m saying this from the heart I’m not knocking nobody in the gang, I’m not knocking nobody in the streets if anything I’m saying brothers got to help these brothers that’s why they are in gangs they are looking for a way out the hood, so brothers that’s making all this money we got to say to ourselves let’s try to do something bigger than ourselves. Bobby at the end of the day no matter how much money I make I’m not leaving here with it so let’s do the right thing and do right by our people and really take back our communities and stand up-man up for real that’s what New Children Entertainment is about, New Children is about empowerment, economically empowering my people Blacks and Latinos. I’m not excluding whites because I wouldn’t do that but primarily empowering Blacks, Latinos and impoverished white folks that got it like we have it and if God grant’s me the money to be able to do it I already have a vision. This is what part of what Pac wanted, Pac wanted something better for his people and he sacrificed his life in the process people got to wake up and understand that. Biggie the same, he may not have known it but his life was sacrificed for us to learn something from it, that’s why when my brother got shot in the face he got shot in his eye so I can see. People don’t look at things that deep but I do, those three things happened for me New Child to look at it entirely different to say it ain’t just about rap, it ain’t about opening a clothing line it’s about me being apart of dropping that murder rate because I got brothers with me talking to kids saying I just did 15 years for that you don’t want to go to some of the jails I’ve been through some of the jails I’ve been through and seen what I’ve seen for you killing someone for stepping on your sneaker little man and when they find out your in there for that. Some of these kids to day are too stupid to realize that they think that’s what’s cool they think that’s going to make them tougher, naw brother that’s going to make you softer; a real man would tell somebody listen man I don’t want no problems I’m good and try to walk away and avoid it and only strike out when he has to and those are the kind of brothers I surround myself with. And anybody that’s with me that went to jail for murder it ain’t because they were trying to front or anything like that murder is never good I’m never justifying it I’m just giving a good example to let people know that you know even my brothers who had to do that to survive you know cause they didn’t want to lose their life they are telling you and they will tell you when they are with me it ain’t about that, get out the street so you won’t even be confronted with that kind of situation, leave it alone go to school. What happen to back in the day when we had black lawyers, black doctors, architects, everybody want to be rapper every little kid that I run into says “listen to this 16”. I’m like listen why don’t you be a manager? Why don’t you be an entertainment attorney? Why don’t you be an accountant? We need more people to count all this money we making, you know what I’m saying Bobby? It’s like we can’t see the forest for the trees. I’m not raising my daughters to grow up and be no R&B singers, if it’s God’s will that’s cool I’d rather my daughter to grow up and be a lawyer so all the money I got by the time she’s 21 she’s doing all my paper work, fresh out of law school doing all my paperwork and then my other daughter can be an accountant then I will have one counting the money and one protecting the money. That’s how we have to prepare ourselves; we are smart intelligent people man, 100 chains is cool for Hip Hop but when you go home and turn on your TV and see Norfolk, VA neighborhoods like Huntersville where brothers are killing each other everyday, you look at South Central, Watts, Compton, Little Rock, Arkansas and St. Louis and all these neighborhoods that are crime ridden where nothings being done and holla at the wildest dude out there listen man how can I help yall stop this wilding out & killings so they old ladies can feel safe. Bobby lets starts some basketball tournaments, cookouts, water fights in the summer, let’s do free performances and let’s have some fun man, so bloods and crips can give out free TVs, that’s why God blessed us with this Hip Hop. As soon as I get big in the game, yall can hold me to everything I say. I’m already documented my history not only in the streets but my impact on Americas youth. For the people don’t know go out and by the book “The Reckoning: What Blacks Owe To Each Other” you can go to any bookstore and pick it up, it’s about the impact of my Father Pee Wee Kirkland and me myself New Child America’s Youth and how we were getting kids out of gangs written by Randall Robinson. You can see in the book what I’m talking about is not a game; we were going around getting kids out of a life of crime. We did this with no money, no media, no notoriety, no nothing but just our hearts saying we don’t won’t kids to go through what we went through.

BL-And see that’s what I miss about Tupac, not just the music but his ability to want to help people and go to the hood and be the voice of the people.

New Child- And you know what? A lot of people have said to me I remind them a lot of Pac and it’s not that I try to be like him or anything like that, we are just cut from the same cloth. Pac understood the value of black people. The Struggle is similar; Pac’s mom and my mom are equally strong black women that we love an honor. My mother worked three jobs Bobby, went to work in the winter. I remember it like it was yesterday, I use to sit in the window damn near crying looking at the wind almost blowing her down and waving to her while she went to the bus with sandals on in the winter, this is was in New York in the dead of winter in January where it would be 20 degrees, 15 degrees with snow on the ground and that humbled me. And Pac understood that, the way my mom raised me she came from nothing man, she was born in Louisiana. My mom used to be called darkie and get spit on because she was darker than her three sisters it’s sad we don’t understand our power. Hip Hop runs the world, Switzerland I been to Germany like six times, I’ve been to Italy, Finland and Hip Hop runs the world. Everywhere you go its hip hop all in the clubs they singing from Mobb Deep, Fat Man Scoop to 50 Cent to Jay-Z its Hip Hop, we have a serious-serious-serious power, but when are we going to wake up and tap into it, yo Jay, yo Baby from Cash Money, yo Suge, yo J-Prince, yo Irv Gotti lets put all this bullshit to the side and let’s do something for real, “Fuck a record label” what we are going to do instead of making a record label lets put together a foundation. Then let’s open up ten community centers in the worse neighborhoods in America. And then go to the hood, I will go to the hood with Suge or any of these dudes or the dudes that run the hood and ask for their blessings so we can stop the killings so we can stop the murders. Lets throw on some linen and get down; we all come from ghetto’s and when New Child turned it around and stopped smoking, stop drinking and stopped wilding out then a lot of dudes started to do it and said if he did it I could do it. I want something better for all of us as a people where my daughters could walk through South Central and feel safe. We got to break the cycle of the teenage pregnancies, gangbanging and the nonsense that’s going on and I will lead the way. New Children in the building, thank you for the interview and hopefully yall will support a brother.

On behalf of Bobby Lorenzo Entertainment and The Niche I would like to thank New Child of New Children Entertainment for taking part in this interview. In closing I hope you take the words to heart that you’ve read from New Child, he is a good person with a good heart and not only does he want the best for him and his family but for everyone caught up in the struggle, will you be left behind on will you join the movement to make a better tomorrow for the kids of today?

Bobby Lorenzo
thanx 4 the propz fellas, it took long as hell to type it all up but it was cool, Chizzy is a real dude on and off the mic. I will have the 777 interview posted for yall in about a week or 2. Sorry I never got the Fatal interview but whenever or if I here back from his people it will be going down....


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