Necro talks about Death Rap, how he plans to get as big as 50 Cent, and more..

In this exclusive interview we talked to Necro about his latest release Death Rap, how he plans to get as big as 50 Cent, touring, and more. Read on below. What’s up, Necro? Thanks for doing this interview with us.

Necro: Thank you For those who are not familiar with who Necro is, what can you tell them?

Necro: I’m the most hardcore rapper on the planet, my subject matter is the most extreme and the beats are the most dark. I’ve understood that you don’t want to be labeled as horrorcore. How would you describe your style of music?

Necro: When I rap violent I invented the term, "death rap," that seperates me from all other terms with a most brutal term, since it has a rugged ring to it, "death rap" is violent hiphop done correctly. Halloween wasn’t too long ago. did you do anything fun?

Necro: I opened up for ICP in Detroit, great crowd, lots of love, first time I performed on halloween, good experience. You released your latest album, Death Rap, on september 11. For those who still havn’t heard the album, how would you describe it?

Necro: I think it’s a clever technical poetic violent masterpiece. Is it different from your previous albums?

Necro: Sure, the flows are different, the beats are different, nothing on this album sounds like previous tracks, just new ideas in a new direction but still Necro style, and this isn’t a direction I will stay stuck in, it’s one chapter, one flavor filled with many flavors as a part of a life long meal. With over 2,400 copies sold in its first week, this is your most successful release so far. Do you also feel that this is your best work musically?

Necro: Well the fact that this is my most successful is a double edge sword, it’s sad cuz it ain’t much compared to 50 Cent, and on another tip it’s dope cuz I always move forward in my career although not as fast as I’d like, also for indies now with the declining sales, it’s pretty good, but I’m shooting for the stars, I think Necro can be as big as the biggest, if only because white kids can relate to someone that looks like them and been through street life, but I ain’t shitting on them, I understand why they wanna rock baggy jeans and wanna be down, who the fuck doesn’t? Everyone no matter where u came from wanted to be down, wether biz markie with the vapors when he wanted to be down with that crew and they dissed him, or that young hustler trying to be down with the large dealers, a kid always wants to be part of the hip shit, the cool shit, and I don’t think it’s a color thing, never was, gangsterism isn’t about color, it’s about struggle, heart, love, pain, the way you grew up, I represent that shit, always have, always will. Death Rap features guest artists such as Shadow’s Fall, Lamb of God, Anthrax, Cro-mags, Suffocation, and Twelve Tribes. Are there any artists that you couldn’t get on it, but that you would have wanted to be on the album?

Necro: Yeah King Diamond, but I think he doesn’t get where im coming from, for some reason it doesn’t click, I don’t really give a fuck, he is 50 years old, if he hasn’t gotten with the program yet, then it might never happen for him, he should be open to new forms of music, and I’m on the top of my game, he worked with Dave Grohl, but not Necro? But I respect the legends of metal, and they can do what they want, and he is a legend, so I salute him regardless. You recently made some shows in NY and LA in support of the album release, and then you toured with ICP. How did that go?

Necro: All the shows were dope, and peaceful I might add, especially considering that we were fucking up people left and right in Australia and New Zealand, but yeah shit was smooth and we accomplished all missions successfully. In a recent interview you said that you’re not going to stop until you’re as big as 50 Cent. That’s a pretty big goal. How do you plan on succeeding with that?

Necro: Easy, 50 Cent himself said it takes 4 things to be a mega star. Great material, I always had great material and my shit gets better and more refined everytime I record. He said u need a great personality, I do, I always give a quality interview and women love me, dudes respect me. He said u need a great live performance, this was something I was missing, because I wasn’t doing shows, since last april I have done over 60 shows, a lot of them selling out areas like, LA, NYC, Toronto, London, Australia, etc. I have gotten my live game down to a science, and I crush shit live, so my live game is on point now like never before. And he said ya image must be on point, now I got a handsome grill and bitches always love me, but I can use some work in the gym, so I’m working on that. I think 50 cent left out one other thing u need to be a megastar, you need a great team behind you, a laywer, label, personal manager, business manager, good agent, etc. Without that u aint getting nowhere, he probably felt that was a given, but it isn’t, most artists lack this as I did. I never had all that until the last year. Now that I got all 5 things into play I can pay the dues I need to pay touring and moving up the ladder to be as big as 50 Cent. It takes time, but the music industry and hiphop is bought by 75% white kids and I represent them, so they gotta love me, if motherfuckers don’t know yet they will find out soon enough. Do you feel it’s harder for you, as a white rapper, to get recognition in the Hip Hop world?

Necro: It’s always been harder for me cuz I’m white, ofcourse, Master P once said because he is black, as a label owner he has to work 3 times harder, I say because I’m a white rapper I gotta work 10 times harder, so it is what it is, I was born like this, I was raised in the projects, I can’t change where I come from or who I am, I love me, and I’m gonna win as me. What plans do you have for the near future?

Necro: To have 50 million in the bank, put out movies, more banging albums, touring, great collabos, make my family comfertable, have kids, have a wife, who knows what the future holds for me? Only I do. You’re not only a rapper though. You’re also the CEO of Psycho+Logical Records. What projects can we expect to come out of the Psycho+Logical camp?

Necro: For now just Necro shit, until I get the Necro brand where it needs to be there is no time to focus on anythng else, like Sony or McDonalds, we need to focus on the product on hand, Necro, once that is blown up we can worry about other artists like Hyde, Riviera Regime, my peoples know they are next in line, even if I signed someone new, they would still have to be part of the team I got allready, but the general is still in war with the industry, I am on the front lines right now. That was all the questions I had for you this time. Anything you want to say to those who’re reading this?

Necro: Yeah support the real shit and buy Death Rap in stores now and check out my sites,,



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Man. I've been listening to Necro forever. Since he dropped his first album. He was always a rapper I listened to for laughs basically. Me and my friends had his cd's back then and we used to listen to that shit alot. He's DEFINITELY not a rapper everyone can like. Not just cause of his style, but the shit he raps about. I'd say i'm a fan, but not on the same level I love some other shit.
great interview thanx for postin
i have hes new album and i was surprised that it was so great album cause i was kinda dissappointed hes sextortist album but other hes albums r great

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