Moby writes Blog about Eminem


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
The following is taken from Moby's blog, which can be found here. While we respect what Moby is saying it appears to us that he is completely missing the point of music. It is a form of self expression. If we analyse the mind of a killer we could make many presumptions as to why he killed, but the simple fact is, even without Eminem, he is just as likely to kill. Maybe we should blame the food he had for breakfast? You decide for yourselves:
I'd like to write about misogyny. A few years ago when The Prodigy released "Smack My Bitch Up" I spoke up and criticised the song for being overtly misogynystic and irresponsible. I was in turn criticised on radio for 'being too uptight' and not being relaxed enough to appreciate the 'humor' in misogyny. Then 5 years ago I spoke up about the pernicious and pervasive spread of misogyny in popular culture, and again I was crticised for making a big issue out of something that no one else seemed to care about.

I respect The Prodigy and I respect Eminem as talented and relevant musicians, but I spoke up because I found the misogynystic content of their lyrics (among many others) to be deeply offensive. Even if they themselves are not misogynysts I found it irresponsible that they, and many others, would release music that glamourized misogyny.

Two months after "Smack My Bitch Up" was released I went to visit a friend of mine who was in hospital after being beaten by her boyfriend. She had brain damage and multiple fractures due to his pushing her down a flight of concrete stairs. Misogyny is not funny. It is not a joke and it should not be treated lightly.

We now we find out that a British man who is obsessed with Eminem killed a woman with a metal baseball bat and stuffed her body into a suitcase.

Am I being 'too uptight' for not seeing the humor in this? Should I 'relax' and see the comedy in a misogynyst beating a woman to death?

Before this british man brutally killed this woman he was singing Eminem songs in a karaoke bar.

Maybe there's no connection. Maybe there is. It's disgusting that we even have to ask that question.

It's disgusting that people in the media and the press have celebrated and glamorized music and musicians who write lyrics that glorify misogyny and homophobia. There is nothing glamorous about homophobia and misogyny. Homophobia and misogyny are disgusting and vile and represent the worst and most atavistic elements of the human spirit.

I asked a rhetorical question a few years ago, which was: 'If a musician made a record wherein he talked about killing blacks and jews would he get covered in the press and played on radio and MTV? If the answer is 'no' (as it should be), then why is radio and MTV filled with music that has lyrics about killing and brutalizing women and gays? Is it somehow less offensive when women and gays are brutalized and killed?" Any employee of a record company or journalist or radio programmer or MTV employee who has promoted and celebrated misogynystic or homophobic music should be ashamed.

You have blood on your hands, and you should be deeply, deeply troubled at the culture that you've helped to create.

Shot 21

Active Member
Moby is just using rap as a scapegoat. Who the fuck is he to tell rappers to feel ashamed. I dont think he is doing it for attention but he is one irritating prick.


New Member
Pittsey is right^

The music isn't meant to harm anyone. In fact I don't think that Eminem disses homosexuals anymore. He is about a lot more than dissing groups, and Moby is off in that he can't see past the "controversy" surrounding a few song lyrics. What the real problem is is that the guy took being a fan way too far. That's the real problem, and really it has nothing to do with Eminem.



New Member
I think moby have some reason in what he says but nobody should blame rap, cause rap it's not the only type of music with that type of message, in fact the message is fault of the artist not the type of music he's inserted. Not all the rappers r the same.
N it may be true dat music is a form of self-expression but we should take care bout what we say like we care bout what other say bout us.
Yawn. I think Moby makes good points here. I love rap, but you think anyone would get away with talking about running over muslims and lynching blacks. I respect his opinion.
It's actually a freedom of opinion which is one of the fundamental human rights that Moby has expressed but like I stated, It is entirely his opinion and not necessarily any one else's. So I'll suggest we leave the man alone. He likes to write, doesn't he?
Hellrazor ur the fucking man....preach that shit.

Moby has the exact same opinion as all the other extreme conservatives...they try and scare the normal people into thinking that the whole world is going to collapse if we dont do something about what people are talking about on THEIR cds.

What Moby does not understand is that people have DIFFERENT PRESPECTIVES on the world, everything is not as cut and dry as he wishes it was, Moby is entitled to his opinion, but i dont agree with him at all

Prize Gotti

Boots N Cats
Staff member
Moby is a dickhead, i dont see it as glorifying anything, i think they are just pointing out reality through music.

And you cant blame eminem for an obsessed fan murdering someone, if the guy was able to do that, he must have been fucked up in the first place.
Fuck Moby, if hes offended by the lyrics, simple solution, DONT LISTEN TO THEM! No one has a gun to his head saying "listen to this or else", hes a grown man, he can make his own decisions, he should not be taking it out other musical artists just because he's offended by somthing, I'm offended that he makes shit music, but I'm not complaining.

If some one has it in them to kill some one else, then it doesnt matter what they listen to or watch, its quite obvious that person has some sort of mental problem, I mean look at how many people in the world listen to rap music, probally in the billions, and how many times have you heard of some one killing some one else because of a song? Maybe 3-4 times, 3-4 times out of a billion listeners. What a joke.

Moby needs to take the dick out of his ass.
people are smart enuff to make their own desecions jus cuz all ur friendz jump off a cliff wud u ? and just cuz a rapper says backhand a hoe and hit a blunt doesnt mean everyone will.. only if the bitch deserves it :laugh:

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