Missing Posts

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After viewing the link BILLY HO posted in this thread I - like others in the thread - made a comment about it.

This post has vanished into thin air.

KAMIKAZI had replied this post & I had done likewise to his. Even though these posts were discussing something relevant to the thread, they have disappeared.

I was just wondering where they went. The only explaination I can fathom is that they were deleted. If this is the case I would like to ask why, particularly in light of the fact that other posts regarding the link remain undeleted. And I'd also like to ask why there is no trace of the deleted posts. I thought it was standard policy to give a reason for the deletion of posts using the appropriate facility.
Rukas said:
It was probably one of the buggy posts that was deleted when the board went down.
Yeah, I'd considered this but I saw the bug at work. The whole "1 minute" thing. Now mine KAMIKAZI's posts actually had a reasonable amount of time between them &, if I remember right, it was the last posts in threads that were the most affected.

That said, I obviously don't have the full story on what was happening so I'll trust that you are correct.
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