Merging Threads


Will suck off black men for a dime
whats up i need the info on how to merge i thought i had saved the info from the thread amara made in the commission but can't find it. maybe we could make this an announcement too ive seen spots all over that would be good merged i think most mods have forgot bout it


Well-Known Member
what do you mean about info on how to merge? you click the thread tools drop down menu thing, choose "merge/split thread" in the list, and a new window appears which allows you to choose different ways of splitting and merging. just looks for yourself and you'll figure it out. alternatively, open two closed test threads in a forum you moderate, merge them just to get the feel of it, then delete the merged thread.

just make sure you don't just soft delete - no post count h4xx0r :D


Will suck off black men for a dime
what do u mean what do i mean it couldnt ever be done before what with the new way ofthe forum to my knowledge unless u typed in the right format with the 'threadxxxx' or 'thread=xxx' or some shit like that. couldnt be done normal like before


Will suck off black men for a dime
Ill go ahead & try the norm, do i go and enter the shit in the thread i want the other to be merged into or the other way riz?


Well-Known Member
easy way to get the php url of a thread... above the join date, post count, etc, there is an exclamation mark picture and a picture of a computer. to the left of those two little pics there's a number, #1, #2, #2, and so forth. i made two test threads in the vip forum. thread 1 and thread 2. i entered thread 1, right clicked the #1 (which means it's the first post of the thread, but you probably got that) and copied the url, which was:

i changed it to this and it worked:

remove the "&postcount=X" and change "post" to "thread" and it should work fine. that is, when i merged i was told i don't have the permission to do that, so i guess only admins can merge in the vip forum lol.


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EDouble said:
Ill go ahead & try the norm, do i go and enter the shit in the thread i want the other to be merged into or the other way riz?

Click the check box of the 2 threads you want merged and hit the "Merge Thread" button on the bottom of our drop down menu. After you hit that, it ALWAYS sets it up so the NEW thread goes IN at the end of the OLDER thread. So you dont have to worry about which one its going into or what not.

After that, just hit the "merge threads" button again and it'll leave redirects from the NEW thread into the old one.

The new thread's FIRST post will be the FIRST post--in the older thread. It's just like copy and pasting.


New Member
Here you go:

Merging Threads:
Merging can occur when there are two threads on the same topic, both with replies. (A thread with no replies on the same topic may simply be closed with a link to the first thread). To merge a thread, take the URL of the second thread in the format of: and input the information via the merge function in the first thread.

(?????? = the thread number which may be found in the original format.)

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