Mase's stint as a preacher a front?


Well-Known Member
I heard the other day that the real reason that Mase left for Atlanta to become a preacher was because he fucked some guy's girl and the guy wanted to kill him. They set it up as Mase finding God so that they could keep everything quiet. The kid I heard it from said that two of Mase's boys had been killed while he was down there and that he only came back now because the guy who's girl he banged was finally murdered himself.

Anybody else hear this?

Probably just a rumor, but it wouldn't be unbelievable if it was the truth.
From another fourm, these peeps usualy know what is crackin.

If you follow Mase and know his history this will all add up to you. These are people who do know people affiliated to people in this story so I trust the sources. Anyway here is the breakdown

You ever wonder why Mase just out of nowhere left? He claimed it was because he found God, well that was partially true but not fully. Truth is there was a well known guy in Harlem. Mase was FUCKing his girl or wife whatever she is. Word got back around and Mase got caught. So he picked up and took off to Atlanta to basically hide out. He also took two people with him i forget the exact names but if you listen to the interview in which Jim Jones and Cam confronted him on air about it the names pop up. I remembered them as soon as I heard them. Pop Lotty and another dude.(Loon talks about this in his new diss to Mase) Anyway they all took off with Mase to Atlanta. As years passed these two guys felt it was now safe and all clear for them to come back to New York. Mase was warned by the guy though and what happened next is both of these guys were murdered. Maybe just one was and one was stabbed. Either way they got hit because of Mase.

Time passed and the guy who was after Mase was murdered too. This set it up for Mase to easily come back to NY because he felt it was all clear now and he could continue to rap all of a sudden. No one questioned it except the people in Harlem i.e Loon, Diplomats, Cardan, etc because they all knew the true story.

Which is why on radio Cam and jim Jones confronted him if you remember and they kept sayin tell them Mase why you left. Tell them why you picked up and ran. We know your true story etc.

also explains cam'rons line in Welcome To New York City

"you get jam wit them jammers blam with them blammers.. its hot here.. ask mase he ran to atlanta"

If you recall Mase was very quiet too on air about it because this was now out in the open. He also started to pray and said it was for jimmy. Truth is it most likely was for his friends and himself.

Now also it should be noted since Mase thought he was free and had no wrries. He felt he could come back as the original Murda Mase he always was. However, it was Diddy who didnt want Mase associated with that. Since the Shyne case diddy has wanted to stay away from all trouble and he knew Mase was trouble now which is also why you did not see Diddy anywhere with Mase. Dont you think it would of been like the old days when Diddy was side by side with him? Well that didnt happen because Diddy knew the history himself too and he didnt want Murda MAse he wanted the soft Mase with no problems. Because he didnt want trouble again with his company. He has stayed out of all that

That now explains Mase saying on radio Bad Boy wouldnt let him be who he wanted to be etc etc

Basically that was all a act. Now fast forward to today no one hates Mase now but people in Harlem because they all think he is a fake. They know his history. Why is it even close friends of his Loon and Cardan are not even with him now? Instead they dissin him. Supposedly there are more people after him again though due to this and he joined up with G-Unit for the added security presence because basically everyone thinks if the security there we have no chance to get at you. This explains now why Diddy was so free to let him go. Diddy wasnt going to help him at all he rather Mase go to 50 and let 50 handle him while Diddy gets checks cut to him off Mase profits but now it doesnt reflect on Bad Boy what he says or does. He just gets his checks on the side. Its basically a G-Unit problem now not a Bad Boy problem.

So for people who know Mases history this will add up to you. If you been following along. It all made sense to me now when you add it all up. Pretty crazy. Long read but I thought mase fans would want to know and even mase haters.

I know i wondered why Mase just picked up and left, wondered why Jim and Cam hated him so much, wondered why Diddy wasnt helping him promote him and wasnt seen with him other than the VMA's, and also wondered how he could just let MAse go to G-Unit so easily when if you know Diddys history is never that easy i.e 112, Lox, etc.

I will publish this in the next Don Diva exposing Mase!!!!!!!

I pretty sure Kev or Fresco know the deal ......


Well-Known Member
I heard it was some gang was pressing on him, extorting him, fucking up his paper, etc.

I love hip-hop rumors and stories. Let's turn this thread into one of those:

* DJ Clue signed with Roc-a-fella because Dame Dash caught him stealing records and gave him two choices: get raped or get a beatdown and a contract
* Ghostface Killah beat Mase down quite badly
* Ghostface got beat down by some Death Row thugs
* Eric B, the original 50 Cent, and the original AZ ran Kool G Rap out of New York for exposing Eric B, and beat Large Professor down for doing the same thing/dissing Eric B on Main Source's "Snake Eyes".
* Showbiz has done two bids for attempted murder
* Hartford, CT is the only place where Fat Joe has ever been robbed

I want to hear some west coast / dirty south ones. I'm not up on those innuendos.


Staff member
Lil Jon played a midget in a low-budget film that appeared in the Sundance Film Festival, titled, "Too Midget to Quit". After the film being critically acclaimed, Lil Jon became somewhat of a star, received a nice amount of money for his role and bought a studio, and started producing tracks. After he realized he had talent, he switched his persona and made a gimmick.
roaches said:
I heard it was some gang was pressing on him, extorting him, fucking up his paper, etc.

I love hip-hop rumors and stories. Let's turn this thread into one of those:

* DJ Clue signed with Roc-a-fella because Dame Dash caught him stealing records and gave him two choices: get raped or get a beatdown and a contract
* Ghostface Killah beat Mase down quite badly
* Ghostface got beat down by some Death Row thugs
* Eric B, the original 50 Cent, and the original AZ ran Kool G Rap out of New York for exposing Eric B, and beat Large Professor down for doing the same thing/dissing Eric B on Main Source's "Snake Eyes".
* Showbiz has done two bids for attempted murder
* Hartford, CT is the only place where Fat Joe has ever been robbed

I want to hear some west coast / dirty south ones. I'm not up on those innuendos.
lets not, this is about a one "Rumor" keep it at that. geesh
I would first guess would be that Mase is in the act of good ol fashion backsliding, but I dunno. I mean, only God can judge him, but he's lookin really suspect right now. I read that story about him getting ran out of Harlem and I believe there is some truth to it, but I also would like to think that Mase found really God while he was in ATL. I saw him on TBN once giving a sermon - he wasnt even mumbling, he sounded real sincere with a good message. My guess would be that since being a minister, his views on some things varied (i.e. the last time he was on Miss Jones radio show explaining things like his views changing) sending back to the world of secular music. I cant really say Im surprise though, he aint first person to do this in history, there have been some entertainers that have done this before him as well. But only time will tell where he's going with this...


Well-Known Member
Crunkadelic said:
I would first guess would be that Mase is in the act of good ol fashion backsliding, but I dunno. I mean, only God can judge him, but he's lookin really suspect right now. I read that story about him getting ran out of Harlem and I believe there is some truth to it, but I also would like to think that Mase found really God while he was in ATL. I saw him on TBN once giving a sermon - he wasnt even mumbling, he sounded real sincere with a good message. My guess would be that since being a minister, his views on some things varied (i.e. the last time he was on Miss Jones radio show explaining things like his views changing) sending back to the world of secular music. I cant really say Im surprise though, he aint first person to do this in history, there have been some entertainers that have done this before him as well. But only time will tell where he's going with this...
My guess is someone wrote his sermons for him.
Even if Mase did find religion...lets not go overboard by saying that because he is cursing in a song now, hes somehow less holy. Please..he could still have religion in his life and want to have fun with music and live his life. Religion doesnt mean becoming a monk.
PuffnScruff said:
God? no. Maybe the virgin Mary.

anyways. Hank what site did you get that from? I wouldn't doubt if it was true either.
I got it from a Site that I can't post a link to, lets just say that "SEX" is in the fourm tittle.

it's where I get my Porn ;)
roaches said:
I heard it was some gang was pressing on him, extorting him, fucking up his paper, etc.

I love hip-hop rumors and stories. Let's turn this thread into one of those:

* DJ Clue signed with Roc-a-fella because Dame Dash caught him stealing records and gave him two choices: get raped or get a beatdown and a contract
* Ghostface Killah beat Mase down quite badly
* Ghostface got beat down by some Death Row thugs
* Eric B, the original 50 Cent, and the original AZ ran Kool G Rap out of New York for exposing Eric B, and beat Large Professor down for doing the same thing/dissing Eric B on Main Source's "Snake Eyes".
* Showbiz has done two bids for attempted murder
* Hartford, CT is the only place where Fat Joe has ever been robbed

I want to hear some west coast / dirty south ones. I'm not up on those innuendos.
LOL @ that one ^^^^
* DJ Clue signed with Roc-a-fella because Dame Dash caught him stealing records and gave him two choices: get raped or get a beatdown and a contract
* Ghostface Killah beat Mase down quite badly
* Ghostface got beat down by some Death Row thugs
* Eric B, the original 50 Cent, and the original AZ ran Kool G Rap out of New York for exposing Eric B, and beat Large Professor down for doing the same thing/dissing Eric B on Main Source's "Snake Eyes".
* Showbiz has done two bids for attempted murder
* Hartford, CT is the only place where Fat Joe has ever been robbed
i doubt those are true mann!!!!


VIP Member
Staff member
The Kool G Rap one is true. You can ask anyone in NY at the time. It's even stated on any documentary on the real 50 Cent.

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