Marketing Bootlegs???

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dante deleted a thread i put up about the all about u behind the scenes footage and left the reason that i cant market my bootlegs in life? i dont market any bootlegs and i only found it on ebay so i dont want to be associated with all that stuff and its not exactly fair that i cant reply to the thread


Meyer & Dante Best Friends4eva
CR Rebel 77 said:
he would be reffering to me...he just doesnt like the idea of something leaking it enrages him
someone traded it out (not from my end) and you got your hands on it. you subsequently have tried to sell it on numerous websites. i don't care that it's out. why? because more than one copy was sold on ebay in 1998. what i do care about are mindless little idiots like yourself trying to make a few grand off of something that was handed to you. do you want me to show people proof of what you've been up to?
ive tried selling it on ONE website theres any ther sites that i somehow posted on without my own knowledge feel free to show us dante until then dont act like you no my every move because u arent as smart as u make yourself out too be. AND when u said "mindless little idiots like yourself trying to make a few grand off of something that was handed to you" you better no what you are talking about because the same person that "handed it too me is getting more than a fair share of any profit made from selling this footage.


Meyer & Dante Best Friends4eva
CR Rebel 77 said:
ive tried selling it on ONE website theres any ther sites that i somehow posted on without my own knowledge feel free to show us dante until then dont act like you no my every move because u arent as smart as u make yourself out too be.

you are caught and pathetic.
Oh, so DEAD THUG LORD is CR? He tried to scare me and acted like he was going to hack my computer. Well I had both screennames blocked for a while now. :)


Meyer & Dante Best Friends4eva
no one should even fuck with this idiot since that footage will be public very soon. like he wouldn't get caught... what's the matter? cat got your tongue? oh and btw, your ip says you're in glenville, so there's no frameup happening here.
yes i HAD posted it there but i also had askd for it to be removed once i found out i had to have a credt card to accept the payment for it so technically i dont count that...its getting really fucking old how you criticize everyone but in reality your the loser that spends his life on a 2pacboard, and goes into a midlife crisis every time something doesnt go your way
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