man wtf

Bigg Limn

Well-Known Member
Staff member
I finally get money together to donate, try to put it through...and get this:
We are sorry, we are experiencing temporary difficulties. Please try again later. If this error occurred while making a payment, avoid duplicate payments by checking your Account Overview before resending a payment.

Message 3514

Des difficultés temporaires nous empêchent d'effectuer cette opération. Nous vous prions de nous excuser pour la gêne occasionnée. Veuillez réessayer ultérieurement. Si cette erreur est survenue lors d'un paiement, évitez tout paiement en double en vérifiant l'Aperçu du compte avant de renouveler l'opération.

Message 3514

Siamo spiacenti: il servizio è temporaneamente sospeso a causa di problemi tecnici. Ti preghiamo di riprovare più tardi. Se questo errore si è verificato durante l'esecuzione di un pagamento, ti suggeriamo di accedere al tuo conto e controllarne le Attività recenti nella pagina di Informazioni generali prima di ripetere l'operazione, onde evitare l'invio di un doppio pagamento.

Messaggio 3514

Leider haben wir zurzeit ein technisches Problem. Bitte versuchen Sie es später noch einmal. Sollte diese Meldung während einer Zahlung erscheinen, überprüfen Sie bitte zunächst Ihre Kontoübersicht, um doppelte Zahlungen zu vermeiden.

Meldung 3514

Lo sentimos, en este momento tenemos problemas. Inténtelo de nuevo más tarde. Si este error ha ocurrido mientras realizaba un pago, evite pagos duplicados comprobando la descripción general de su cuenta antes de volver a realizar dicho pago.

Mensaje 3514


消息 3514

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wtf theres Chinese at the bottom I jus noticed that...anywas. If it didnt go thru lemme know aite, it was $30.



Well-Known Member
why don't i get a manual addition to my donation thingo!? now thats something to say man wtf to! i thought you loved me michael.


Well-Known Member
Small Limn said:
I finally get money together to donate, try to put it through...and get this:

wtf theres Chinese at the bottom I jus noticed that...anywas. If it didnt go thru lemme know aite, it was $30.


You mean to tell me that you were gonna donate the $30 I sent you for the 98 degrees OG's? :confused:

Bigg Limn

Well-Known Member
Staff member
^sorry Meyer I figured it was for the better. =\

And Mike I jus resent that thru and it worked yay.

now maybe u can change my name *cough*



Knock, Knock...
Staff member
I tried to donate. It's on it's way. For some reason is being sent as an e-cheque. I think it's because I only have my account added and no cards. Might cancel it and try again.

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