Little Brother's Minstrel Show ..thoughts?


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Who has it? If you do, what do you think? I'm nearly half way into the alum and i'm realllllly feeling it. Each and every track is dope so far. As Phonte said.. "dope beats, dope rhymes". One thing though, i'm wondering why the hell "Hold On" isn't on the album. The song is new ..and great wtf? :thumb:

I realize it hasn't been released yet so alot of people might not have it, but for those that did download it since it leaked ..what do you think?


Staff member
It leaked? What? I just checked Boxden today and it wasn't there. I need to get on top of that. I'll report back soon.

Edit: Downloading it right now. Umm, the reason hold on isn't on the album is because it was B side to Loving it. Songs like that usually don't end up on the album. My best guess.


Staff member
^September 13th. I'll hook you up when I get on my other computer in an hour or so. If you can wait.

Now, I'ma take Te's advice and not analyze the album. I'll just state my opinion on it after thoroughly listening to it once.

The album is really good. From the opening track down to the very last one, it's nothing but pure feel good music. "Cheatin" is the only track I'll be skipping in the future just because Phonte(I believe) is singing throughout the song and just messes around. Some really standout tracks are Slow it Down, Say it Again, Lovin it, All For you, Watch Me, Still Lives Through, and We Got Now. They are pure heat, but the non-mentioned ones are great too. I'm so happy that they put Chaundon on the last track, my favorite Justus League artist, and he just killed it with his verse. Especially his wordplay about Pooh's and Phonte's solo albums.
I like the album, not the best this year for me or anything, but enjoyable nonetheless...and 9th Wonder's beats generally have to grow on me anyway, so I'll give it a few more listens and then I'll really know where it stands. But standout songs after one listen are: Beautiful Morning, The Becoming, Hiding Place, Lovin' It & Sincerely Yours.


Well-Known Member
* The album doesn't live up to its purported concept.
* "Cheating" = I almost choked. The rest of the skits can go, though.
* I disliked "Slow it Down"... the album sags from that joint through the skit after "Lovin' it"
* The end of "Watch Me" made me smile.
* Elzhi needs to leave Slum Village, like, yesterday.

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