Little Brother - The Minstrel Show (Reviews & Interviews)


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"The Minstrel Show is a musical masterpiece. Little Brother maintains such a consistent sound throughout, that even the skits will hold up against the test of time".

Rating: 5 Stars

“The Minstrel Show hits all the right notes and proves not to be a minstreling parody of hip-hop but rather as true an expression of it as you're likely to see in your lifetime. This one deserves to be ranked with the all-time greats from the esoteric works of Aceyalone and Blackalicious to the down to earth realism of Jeru the Damaja and Nas, because when history looks back it will say The Minstrel Show was their equal and then some, combining the best of both worlds into one classic and controversial release.”

Music Vibes: 10 of 10 Lyric Vibes: 10 of 10 TOTAL Vibes: 10 of 10


Little Brother: Not Shuckin' & Jivin' Part One

Little Brother: Not Shuckin' & Jivin' Part Two

A Lil' Bit of Little Brother: Spread A Lil' Love (#1) Brother

A Lil' Bit of Little Brother: Spread A Lil' Love (#2) Brother




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The album is fucking great. I went to the Little Brother/Justus League show here last night and it was dope as hell! I did a small write-up about it if anyone wants me to post it.


New Member
its linx! said:
The album is fucking great. I went to the Little Brother/Justus League show here last night and it was dope as hell! I did a small write-up about it if anyone wants me to post it.
Sure go ahead. You're right it is a great album, shame it's not getting the credit it should.
Great fucking album my personal fav. of the year damn that shit is just not leaving my play button.

I would say my fav song is or whatever but they're alll fucking jams I love listing to even "cheating" and "5th and fashion" on the real even the skits make me smile.

"I was trying to get my eagle on you know" lol

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