Lil Kim - The Truth leaked.


Well-Known Member
Hopefully they aren't just giving her good reviews because she's going to jail. I'm going to definitely peep that shit when the retail drops.
roaches said:
They're giving her good reviews because Dave Mays was dating Lil' Kim's manager.
The Source doesn't have an ounce of credibility left. Every week there is a new story about some suspect activities going on with them. They should change the name of the magazine to Whore because they have no fucking principles or standards left. I bet if Benzino's grandmother made an album, that joke of a publication would give it 5 mics and talk some bullshit about how a ninety-year old woman is the voice of the future.
gerrycurl21 said:

first time ive actually heard Kim rap. sounds like someone else, lyric wise. Who else rapped "studio gangstas"? Sounds familar but cant get it.

Also shots at fifty? Atleast by Games verse
Yeah it sounds like someone's flow... reminds me of eminem's song "I am" anyway I can't believe this is the first time youve ever heard lil kim rap...shes been in the game for soooooo long


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
sniper said:
it sounds like em produced it, and she sounds like em rapping on it.

its not a good track. :thumb:
Agreed. Definately sounds like an Em beat. And the flow is almost identical to "I am" or whatever it's called off MMLP. It doesn't seem like Kim wrote this either.
Pittsey said:
Agreed. Definately sounds like an Em beat. And the flow is almost identical to "I am" or whatever it's called off MMLP. It doesn't seem like Kim wrote this either.
i thought the flow seemed like a rip off of games rip off of ems flow on we aint :p


Active Member
i have the unedited version , im upping it at the moment let me know if ya'll want it posted

nevermind my dub ass just noticed according to guidlines i cant post it up :(

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