Kanye West school spirit song question...

Im planning to buy tomorrow college dropout
so I downloaded a few sonf to see if its worted
but in the song school spirit in the begining he say " school spirit ewr/"f@%%?ehhh " -the word is say is fucked up ,is it the same thing on the album??
cuz I think it fucks the song and It sad cuz I really like that song

so is it normal ??


New Member
i dont think it was for sampling. How does that make any sense? They take out his cusswords, no one owns the rights to the cusswords. I bet Kanye wanted the song to sound "clean" because it was called "school spirit", school appropriate etc., or at least in a sarcastic way maybe.


Well-Known Member
^^^no, it was cuz of the sampling...long story short, aretha franklin didn't want her song sampled if it was going to have cussing in it.
ohh shit I bought the album after I got out of work its crazy dope shit
the song That I like the most is one that I didnt downloaded yesterday its family business and yes the school spirit is the same on the album...
anyway thanks for yall answers I like the album,now imma gonna buy last registration
and its strange cuz last regis,, cost 14.99
and college dropout is 17.99 now the new one is cheapest !!!


Well-Known Member
new cds are always cheaper than the old ones cuz they got less of the old ones and if u want an old cd you're usually willing to pay more... it's smart business for the record labels and the artists :)


New Member
jaypakavelya said:
ohh shit I bought the album after I got out of work its crazy dope shit
the song That I like the most is one that I didnt downloaded yesterday its family business and yes the school spirit is the same on the album...
anyway thanks for yall answers I like the album,now imma gonna buy last registration
and its strange cuz last regis,, cost 14.99
and college dropout is 17.99 now the new one is cheapest !!!
The College Dropout is one of my favourite albums of all time. Not a single bad song on that album imo.

Late Registration sounds different. Sometimes Jon Brion's influence is great i.e We Major,Gone sometimes it hinders the song i.e Hey Mama. i suggest you download the original version of Hey Mama as in my opinion it is better than the album version.


Well-Known Member
TCD said:
Gone sometimes it hinders the song i.e Hey Mama. i suggest you download the original version of Hey Mama as in my opinion it is better than the album version.
i love "gone"! anyway, at first i thought "hey mama" sounded weird b/c of the added instrumentation, but it grew on me, and it's now as powerful (to me) as the OG was. i love this album!


New Member
FroDawgg said:
i love "gone"! anyway, at first i thought "hey mama" sounded weird b/c of the added instrumentation, but it grew on me, and it's now as powerful (to me) as the OG was. i love this album!
I ment songs like "Gone" and "We Major" showed how good Jon Brion can be but I reckon the original "Hey Mama" is better without the Jon Brion effect and I think KanYe should've made "Celebration" by himself or w/ John Legend. Apart from that it is a great album.

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