kanye west refused entry to London club


SicC's Love
Multi-million selling superstar Kanye West was rejected by one of London's elite nightclubs, because door staff didn't have a clue who he was.

The hip hop legend was left speechless and embarrassed as he left Chinawhite, with his entourage trailing behind him.

According to the Daily Mirror, Kanye rolled up outside the club in two Mercedes people carriers at around 2.30am.

Despite desperate attempts to pursuade staff they were willing to pay, they were refused point blank because their names were not on the list and it was for members only.

However, in a farcical move, minutes later Big Brother's mouthy Makosi and her crew jumped the queue and walked straight in.

But perhaps it just wasn't destiny for Kanye to hit the capital's club scene last night.

After scouting the streets, the very frustrated rapper made his way to Ten Rooms, but was refused for arriving too late.

Kanye was visiting London to perform at his one-off concert at London's Abbey Road studios with an eighteen piece orchestra.

He's such a big name that pals Jay-Z and Beyonce had flown to the UK especially to see the man of the moment in action...


Well-Known Member
k69atie said:
The hip hop legend was left speechless and embarrassed as he left Chinawhite, with his entourage trailing behind him.
Legend...no doubt he'll be there eventually, but he's only been around a few years. I just think it's funny to hear that now.


New Member
Melted One said:
Legend!?! He will fall off like the rest of em
Fall off?

He's had 2 very good albums and he's only going to do 2 more,I also don't believe his ego will allow himself to fall off.
kanye will never fall of because he is always hunger and he always puts out a good solid product. he tries to make good music not catchy wacks songs (even though some of his songs are like that lol)


New Member
Kanye on punk'd was absolutely hilarious.

I swear only Z list celebrities (like Makosi and Anthony) go to Chinawhites anyway.

I bet the look on Kanye's face was priceless. Whenever I see Kanye pissed (like on Punk'd and with the radio interview) I cry of laughter.

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