just an observation

i have come to a personal conclusion that i have been thinking out ever since i've been hearing the bickering of users (which has been going on forever), and in addition the new rules i recently saw posted as a sticky. to my knowlege most of the users on this board are in high school right? (if im wrong correct me), or are atleast of a high school level. i also realize Rukas is probably in his 20's, but not positive. what i fail to understand is that us mid-teenagers (im 16 going on 17 btw) are the ones that are enjoying the board the most, posting lots, and socializing with other members, are being punished and looked down upon by the admins and mods as if this is some sort of fuckin election as to who is the "good user". i also understand that most posts may be considered freeposts by some of us teenagers, or stupid remarks or whatever, clowning around, etc, but WHY are people like Rock being told to stop going around posting funny remarks and lil things to spice up the site. Personally i think its funny as fuck, and im on that level where a laugh here and there is a nice addition to the ending of my day. Me and many other members of this board dont seem to have a problem with him, and since this is a community based board (or so i think it should be if not).... shouldnt we be the ones to decide on whether or not hes bothering us. i mean, like i said before, most of us are in high school, while you "Rukas" is prolly at an older age, that leaves us on a lower level, but what i think you should understand is that at this age people like clowning around and being immature sometimes, its a part of growing up, and like any growing community, in time, the people will turn out to be well rounded posters. its the same way as in real life. i also realize that not ALL high school kids are this way, im just saying this in relation to those who are. let people be free, in my opinion there is room for every type of poster, and that is what makes up a community. you shouldnt just ban a member like rock for clowning around, thats stupid. not to mention he purchased VIP which is like money in your pocket (what it is used for i dont know, but im just saying). for instance, if rock tells me to fuck off chances are he wont get banned, BUT if he tells a mod fuck off because he is dissapointed at him, chances are, he might be gone, poof... out. shouldnt we all be equal? i just think its stupid, and not that the rules are heavy or anything, i just think that every type of person should have their spot on this forum, whether it be comical type people who clown around, people of a more mature state, and so on. which also leads to the point of closing the death forum. man, i thought it was entertaining to come home to one of west africa's posts- not saying what he says is right, but he was still a part of the community, and was respected in my eyes- because of his opinions that he stood behind every step of the way. everyone should have the right to be themselves and not feel like they have to obey the 13 commandments (new rules). and also, im not shitting on the rules in any way, i agree with them, i just think that sometimes ppl get singled out for saying funny shit and/or beefing a lil, god..... who really cares, u dont see us complaining... i think the reason why most ppl complain about other users is so that they just look good in the eyes of Rukas and/or the moderators. and the reason they do that is because of the picture that is painted upon this board. which shows: if you are cool with the admins/mods, you have more power than the normal user. a bunch of riding if you ask me. a

also, this is letter to the prezident, and as a user i am allowed to voice my opinion. i dont mean to stir up shit in any way, i just wanted to hear what some might have to say...

keep in mind, this prolly didnt come out the way i meant for it to come out, so dont kill me on it, ill be happy to reply to anything


and Rukas, your cool for what you do, this is my favorite pac site, so dont get the wrong idea... im not trying to start shit, im just posting my view on this, please, and i mean please treat me like a human being and understand where i am coming from.



"prays i dont get banned for posting my opinion"


Well-Known Member
^^ No you didnt, you expressed an opinion, that is different.

quoted from another thread...so since u expressed an opinion he wont ban u, simple.
beReal said:
^^ No you didnt, you expressed an opinion, that is different.

quoted from another thread...so since u expressed an opinion he wont ban u, simple.
ok thanks, ur right, what i meant was i dont want him to think im attacking him in any way... which would result to banning, your quote was brought from a reply to 2pac4prez, in which case he wasnt speaking at Rukas


Meyer & Dante Best Friends4eva
there's a huge difference between posting a valid opinion and posting a smart ass remark that provokes more and the eventual closing of good threads. call me old, call me a stick in the mud, but if you (the universal you) don't have the foresight to see that dumb shit is better left unsaid, then you have some growing up to do. you have responsibility for everything you say and do, and if there are negative consequences then you need to face the music.

in short, if we allowed everyone to post stupid shit this board would turn into the one over at tharow.com. naked chicks, one word replies, and flames in every thread. this board has been up approaching a decade now because it is the exact opposite of that.

no one should look down on casual users, nor look up to admins or mods. look up to the people who do things for the scene and the people who help those connected to pac rather than that user who posts :) and :p hiding behind every comment that they make and do nothing but leech on the energy others put forth.

btw, with a username on aim like MaverickBenzzz that tells me something as well...
Dante said:
there's a huge difference between posting a valid opinion and posting a smart ass remark that provokes more and the eventual closing of good threads. call me old, call me a stick in the mud, but if you (the universal you) don't have the foresight to see that dumb shit is better left unsaid, then you have some growing up to do. you have responsibility for everything you say and do, and if there are negative consequences then you need to face the music.

in short, if we allowed everyone to post stupid shit this board would turn into the one over at tharow.com. naked chicks, one word replies, and flames in every thread. this board has been up approaching a decade now because it is the exact opposite of that.

no one should look down on casual users, nor look up to admins or mods. look up to the people who do things for the scene and the people who help those connected to pac rather than that user who posts :) and :p hiding behind every comment that they make and do nothing but leech on the energy others put forth.

btw, with a username on aim like MaverickBenzzz that tells me something as well...

thanks for your reply really.. i appreciate it, and i do understand what your view now that you've replied... and yeah i agree that ppl driving further and further away from the point of a thread leads to closing, which is annoying and stupid, like u said, but that wasnt my point. my point was different than what you replied with. although i agree with you. and the whole MaverickBenzzz thing was a joke. i love you that much, had to bite a lil bit off your style :) peace


Well-Known Member
(sorry for making another post)

Maverick said:
i also understand that most posts may be considered freeposts by some of us teenagers, or stupid remarks or whatever, clowning around, etc, but WHY are people like Rock being told to stop going around posting funny remarks and lil things to spice up the site.
because Rukas told him to stop it (for whatever reason). obviously Rukas thinks its not good for the board that Rock or any other member is clowning around that much.

Maverick said:
Personally i think its funny as fuck, and im on that level where a laugh here and there is a nice addition to the ending of my day. Me and many other members of this board dont seem to have a problem with him, and since this is a community based board (or so i think it should be if not).... shouldnt we be the ones to decide on whether or not hes bothering us.
no, this is a dictatorship, no democracy anymore ;) (Rukas said so not too long ago)

Maverick said:
for instance, if rock tells me to fuck off chances are he wont get banned, BUT if he tells a mod fuck off because he is dissapointed at him, chances are, he might be gone, poof... out.
no, if he says it in the same way to the mod as he says it to you, he wont get banned.

Dante said:
there's a huge difference between posting a valid opinion and posting a smart ass remark that provokes more and the eventual closing of good threads. call me old, call me a stick in the mud, but if you (the universal you) don't have the foresight to see that dumb shit is better left unsaid, then you have some growing up to do. you have responsibility for everything you say and do, and if there are negative consequences then you need to face the music.
basically i agree with what u are saying...but your two comments Dutch quoted in LW werent "smart ass remarks", they were more than that...


Meyer & Dante Best Friends4eva
beReal said:
basically i agree with what u are saying...but your two comments Dutch quoted in LW werent "smart ass remarks", they were more than that...
you're exactly right. i for one am happy to see someone who has used this board to try to springboard his own weak mixing popularity get his comeuppin's and so i supported lmz by saying that in perhaps some not so nice words. face it, the guy only trolled the boards for acapellas, instrumentals, and posted when it served his beef interests or when his self esteem needed a quick "dope mix" by any one of his dozen little e-pals. sorry, that's the sad truth. i can count the people on this board who i don't like on one hand, and abatino was number two. ...did you notice him trying to antagonize me by mocking my name? yeah, this mental midget has been flooding my pm box with shit like that for months so i'm more than happy to see karma come back to kick his ass a little bit.

for the most part i am impartial and not antagonistic... but abatino is my sometimes y.


Dying Breed
Staff member
generalizing that ALL admins look down on the adolescents of this board is absolutely absurd. N that alone proves everything u just said incorrect.

Dante said:
in short, if we allowed everyone to post stupid shit this board would turn into the one over at tharow.com. naked chicks, one word replies, and flames in every thread. this board has been up approaching a decade now because it is the exact opposite of that.
... speaking of stupid shit.. that icon has gotta go.... just MESSIN ... anyways, im done with this thread i guess, i have come to another conclusion which is why did i make it in the first place...


Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
Thanks for making this thread in a mature manner, it will help to the progressiong of the board.

Im not picking on you or singling you out, but I will use this thread as an example so you can better relate.

This type of thread is fine, you expressed your opinion in a way that a teenager would, obviously being older I would have done it in a way that better reflects my age and education, but that those not mean what you said is wrong in any way. You got your point across in a mature way, not a maturity that comes from age, but a maturity that comes from being intelligent and level headed. So we can sit here and discuss it together, no matter our age difference.

However, had you come in here, said "This sucks blah blah blah fuck dante *farts*," I would have closed it and not even given you the time of day. You'd be trying to get the same point across, but you'd do it in an immature manner that insults even your younger age. It would just be silly and stupid. I dont want that on this board.

What im trying to say is there is a difference between being young, and being immature. There is a difference between being funny, and being annoying or overly silly.

Also, you must understand that the majority of real Pac fans are older, Im 21, I actually remember Pac being alive. I remember buying his CDs, I remember events as they happened, I remember his death and I remember mourning. I want a forum where people who shared the same experiance can come and enjoy their stay and teach the younger fans, who have just as much rigth to be here, in a manner where we can all interect and grow together. Unfortunatly, with all these annoying immature posts, the older members dont want to come here anymore, that believe it or not that hurts us all.

If you cant appreciate that from a knowledge point of view, just think of it this way. Im sure you all love your MP3s. Who do you think has more exclusives, a 16 year old who got some scraps handed down and leaked them for props, or someone in their 20s that was here during the Napster revolution and when all the first bootleggs hit? The older person of course. Now is this older person more likely to share with a community that is supportive, and mature no matter what age they are? Or a community full of bickering kids who dont appreciate what they have or what they get and dont give back anything, and I dont just mean music? I think its pretty obvious.

Look, if this wasnt my board. I would have left a long time ago, and thats being real.

If I have to ban a 20,000 immature kids who bicker and fight because they want netfame and take these vendettas to serious just to make it better for the 2000 people who are serious and supportive and mature and show intelligence and class no matter what age, I will.

There is a difference between being young and being immature, there is a difference between being older and being mature. Younger dudes can show maturity like you just did, or they can show immaturity like Rock or something, older dudes can be immature at the same time.

Respect the others on the board, be funny but dont be annoying, respect the guidelines, and you'll be fine.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I think rukas made the new rule to have "the right" 2 (or mabye let anyone know that he might) ban people for constanly posting bullshit. The rule exists, but the question is how is it executed. I see it more as a warning for some people and I don't think every freepost, funny remark, funny picture thread will lead to a ban. That indeed, would be bullshit cause we are all here to have fun.....
Rukas said:
Thanks for making this thread in a mature manner, it will help to the progressiong of the board.

Im not picking on you or singling you out, but I will use this thread as an example so you can better relate.

This type of thread is fine, you expressed your opinion in a way that a teenager would, obviously being older I would have done it in a way that better reflects my age and education, but that those not mean what you said is wrong in any way. You got your point across in a mature way, not a maturity that comes from age, but a maturity that comes from being intelligent and level headed. So we can sit here and discuss it together, no matter our age difference.

However, had you come in here, said "This sucks blah blah blah fuck dante *farts*," I would have closed it and not even given you the time of day. You'd be trying to get the same point across, but you'd do it in an immature manner that insults even your younger age. It would just be silly and stupid. I dont want that on this board.

What im trying to say is there is a difference between being young, and being immature. There is a difference between being funny, and being annoying or overly silly.

Also, you must understand that the majority of real Pac fans are older, Im 21, I actually remember Pac being alive. I remember buying his CDs, I remember events as they happened, I remember his death and I remember mourning. I want a forum where people who shared the same experiance can come and enjoy their stay and teach the younger fans, who have just as much rigth to be here, in a manner where we can all interect and grow together. Unfortunatly, with all these annoying immature posts, the older members dont want to come here anymore, that believe it or not that hurts us all.

If you cant appreciate that from a knowledge point of view, just think of it this way. Im sure you all love your MP3s. Who do you think has more exclusives, a 16 year old who got some scraps handed down and leaked them for props, or someone in their 20s that was here during the Napster revolution and when all the first bootleggs hit? The older person of course. Now is this older person more likely to share with a community that is supportive, and mature no matter what age they are? Or a community full of bickering kids who dont appreciate what they have or what they get and dont give back anything, and I dont just mean music? I think its pretty obvious.

Look, if this wasnt my board. I would have left a long time ago, and thats being real.

If I have to ban a 20,000 immature kids who bicker and fight because they want netfame and take these vendettas to serious just to make it better for the 2000 people who are serious and supportive and mature and show intelligence and class no matter what age, I will.

There is a difference between being young and being immature, there is a difference between being older and being mature. Younger dudes can show maturity like you just did, or they can show immaturity like Rock or something, older dudes can be immature at the same time.

Respect the others on the board, be funny but dont be annoying, respect the guidelines, and you'll be fine.
alright. i dont even know what to say or where to start. nice to hear though. and i now have more idea of what your aim is as far as this community. and u also helped me realize how annoying it probably is to you when you look at your board and see a thread 9 pages long full of immature freeposts. anyways, yeah, i hope soon enough some more older dudes start posting around here and sharing their thoughts, after all they were around when pac was alive.... ahh i donno i still dont know what to say... thanks Rukas,


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