jean grea pissed off

By Jean Grae

I’m most probably going to get a phone call both from my label and publicist about writing this, but honestly, I’m just tired of mincing my words and being nice about shit. I haven’t really written a lot on allhiphop in a second, mostly because I’m too damn frustrated with everything to write as a hobby. I’m angry, I’m tired and close to spazing out about a lot of shit.

I hate this industry. I hate the music business because it has shit to do with music. I grew up in a family of independent struggling musicians and I’m sick of being a part of that cycle. I’m tired of fighting harder than everyone else to even just get a little bit. I don’t even know why I fucking put my heart into doing this when it’s obvious that so many people who don’t, get what they want out of it. The financial unstability of this is driving me crazy. Why do I have to keep turning out entire albums or releases full of music when some cat can spit on a mixtape once, or give someone a pound and then get on immediately? Why try to do something that’s apparently so fucking different and impossible, that I have to defend it to myself everyday?

I hate myself for dumping my all into this. If I was smarter I wouldn’t have pursued this career. I’m older than most people already established in this business and I’m not thinking of the money coming out of it for balling out purposes. I want to be a mom soon, I want to have some sort of steadiness in my life, but with this job that is close to a damn impossibility right now.

Fuck everyone at all these labels who even know me and won’t even give me a damn chance to step in the door.

‘Oh, I love your shit,’ but they can’t do shit for me. Fuck the boys club mentality that they have and the vision they lack.

Years of rejection make you really second think yourself. Maybe it’s not them, maybe it’s me. Maybe my shit isn’t good enough to compete with all the stuff out there. Then I hate everything, then I read “her delivery is trash”, or “her beats are wack” and that solidifies all of that in my head. As much as I can try to fight it and try to like my own material it becomes a chore to listen to it. It’s a cycle. I get like that, then snap out of it after a pep talk and think, no, I am talented. I have something. Don’t pay attention to all that shit, I’m stronger than that. I’m not a quitter, I’m a fighter.

My fighter outlook is getting really weak. Less and less I really put myself into this shit with a gung ho attitude and now I do it almost because I’m stuck here and I don’t like to start things and not finish them.

I can have press out the ass, it doesn’t seem to matter. No one really outside of the industry or underground heads know who the fuck I am. Doing shows that are difficult to get in the first place and then only having like 20 people there for crap money doesn’t lift your spirits. Promoters won’t even understand that we don’t have the kind of money it takes to get to these damn places unless they’re paying for them. If there are maybe 2 black women in the audience that night it’s a good night for me. I understand that fans are fans and I respect that. But it’s a piece of shit job when you can’t even see yourself reflected in the audience.

I can’t get on any big mixtapes, labels are scared to fuck with something without a great soundscan history and people that have the power to help treat me like the invisible rapper. What am I supposed to do ? I’m tired of writing because everything is coming out angry and I don’t want to be that person. I’m mad that I’m broke, I’m mad that I’m living in the same situation...and you know what XXL??? I’m fucking mad that I can’t make my wedding plans happen again this year. Yeah. You guys put me in your “Negro Please” section a few months ago with the quote “I’m broke and I couldn’t go through with the plans for my wedding I had on Valentine’s day.’

So, what the fuck? That was funny? You know, you forgot to mention the fact that the quote you took came from a Fader magazine article in which the next line I spoke was “my dad has cancer”. Perhaps you should have included that too, since you thought that the beginning was so hilarious. You don’t know shit about me or my life and with the amount of ignorant speakers around you chose to include something that you thought somehow was chuckle worthy. Fuck off.

I’m taking back the nice and putting on the angry face because I’m tired. I’m tired of being overlooked and underpaid.

I’m tired of trying to come up with new fucking ingenious plans of how to let people know that I exist and then scrapping them because we don’t have the money to do shit. It’s a luxury to me to watch people sit in a studio and take time with their shit. It’s a tragedy to see them wasting their time and not realizing how lucky they are to have the opportunity to do that. There’s tons of people I would love to work with, but money doesn’t allow that, so in the interims between albums and shows I gotta come up with all these crazy hustles to keep my name out there and introduce myself to a new audience. Most of them never come to pass because of a lack of money to make them happen. Shows that I don’t want to take I have to, no matter how small the money is because, well, food is something you need. I’m not trying to be whiny about work, trust I’m a workhorse, I’ve never shied away from that. However, I am opposed to working for nothing. For fucking nothing. I’m not retarded, otherwise that would sound like a great idea, but I’m too old for that shit. Everything is a chance, a promise of something that could possibly come to pass and usually doesn’t.

I’m sick and damn tired of explaining who I am to my label. Why we shouldn’t work the same formula that everyone else uses and hearing, ‘it’s about the numbers. It’s all about the numbers.”

Well, I can’t do anything about the numbers cause I’m out of ideas and I don’t want to play the waiting game anymore. I don’t have the time to sit back and think of things because I have to eat.

I’m out of ways to dance around things and pretend like I’m happy and coming up with some great new shit when I do interviews. I don’t have anything to talk about anymore. I’m stuck, I’m pissed, but I guess none of that even matters in the long run, since I’m not even playing in the same league as everyone else.

I don’t know what I’m gonna do now, or why I have to keep explaining to people why I make music and who I’m making it for. I used to rap and make beats because, damn I just did. Doing it for work isn’t a problem, but where’s the work? I don’t think I’m the most incredible person out there, but I want to get better. I understand that when it’s a job a lot of it ceases to be fun, but this is like a 10 year internship with no fucking promotion. I have to sit here and watch people get hired around me and move up to top management positions. I know the people at these labels, they know me, I’ve been here for years and no one ever fucking gives me a chance to even break in. I would respect it even a little if they just told me I wasn’t shit and kicked me out. But just treating me like I’m not even there is some bullshit. What the fuck? Maybe if I was a damn model I would’ve gotten further ahead. But I’m not. I look like me and only me and I’m not going to change anything or start feeling bad about myself because that’s the only way that females can play in this game. That can get to you too you know. I thought it was about the work that I did, but obviously it never was. My dreamer mentality pretty much ended a few years ago, but even reality doesn’t seem to get me anywhere.

I don’t want to keep venting for nothing either, so I’ll probably just keep all of this stuff inside from now on like I usually do.

I know I can’t state any fucking opinion without someone going “aww fuck that bitch shes on her period and she mad cause shes not that nice anyway and plus she ugly.” I read message boards, I know how it goes..that’s pretty much standard, but fuck you too. Thanks allhiphop for always letting me be me.

Fuck the rap game. It’s not about the music or the heart or how hard you play.

Fuck you for not letting me in, cowards.

I didnt post a new thread cuz i already posted it up somewhere but no 1 but 1 member paid attention so i hope it gets some more and comment about it...

I could post this is the underground section but it would still be ignored...
Jean Grae - dope as fuck.

It's a pity. She's one of the few rappers that I'd actually shell out money to hear but seeing as I don't know of anywhere I can buy her stuff in Britain I have to make do with downloading her shit.
CalcuoCuchicheo said:
Jean Grae - dope as fuck.

It's a pity. She's one of the few rappers that I'd actually shell out money to hear but seeing as I don't know of anywhere I can buy her stuff in Britain I have to make do with downloading her shit.
u gotta search good man..i live in the netherlands i bought her last album...u could also alwayz use
ya but as a artist my self it is harder then hell to get in the game ya im not as old as her but i know that shit is hard to fight and fight and fight and still get shitted on from doin ur best...but my advice is keep doin ur thang even though u just feel like shit hell fuck them do it for u not for pleasure of some one else liking it do it for ur self...peace


P.s itz all about the love for the game not the people do it for u peace


VIP Member
Staff member
Jean Grae is a great artist. Listened to her stuff. I can't even find her stuff here either.

I didn't know she posted on though...
Chronic said:
I didn't read it but isn't this old?
yes, this is fucking old, unless she wrote another essay saying the exact same shit as she did a year ago.

where did you even get this from, man? at least post a source or something.


Staff member
^yes, it's old, I posted this shit MONTHS ago. It's from, when she was doing those editorials, or some shit. I think she quit though, after that article.
Yea ive seen it b4, sad article though, you can really feel the frustration...

Most def the best femcee out there, better than most males aswell IMO
S O F I S T I K said:
^yes, it's old, I posted this shit MONTHS ago. It's from, when she was doing those editorials, or some shit. I think she quit though, after that article.
yeah i had it from a forum never read it b4 and i posted it up some days ago...but uhh at least sum pplz..talking about it again ya know...thats the whole point..but uhh my bad..
Hurts said:
By Jean Grae

I’m most probably going to get a phone call both from my label and publicist about writing this, but honestly, I’m just tired of mincing my words and being nice about shit. I haven’t really written a lot on allhiphop in a second, mostly because I’m too damn frustrated with everything to write as a hobby. I’m angry, I’m tired and close to spazing out about a lot of shit.

I hate this industry. I hate the music business because it has shit to do with music. I grew up in a family of independent struggling musicians and I’m sick of being a part of that cycle. I’m tired of fighting harder than everyone else to even just get a little bit. I don’t even know why I fucking put my heart into doing this when it’s obvious that so many people who don’t, get what they want out of it. The financial unstability of this is driving me crazy. Why do I have to keep turning out entire albums or releases full of music when some cat can spit on a mixtape once, or give someone a pound and then get on immediately? Why try to do something that’s apparently so fucking different and impossible, that I have to defend it to myself everyday?

I hate myself for dumping my all into this. If I was smarter I wouldn’t have pursued this career. I’m older than most people already established in this business and I’m not thinking of the money coming out of it for balling out purposes. I want to be a mom soon, I want to have some sort of steadiness in my life, but with this job that is close to a damn impossibility right now.

Fuck everyone at all these labels who even know me and won’t even give me a damn chance to step in the door.

‘Oh, I love your shit,’ but they can’t do shit for me. Fuck the boys club mentality that they have and the vision they lack.

Years of rejection make you really second think yourself. Maybe it’s not them, maybe it’s me. Maybe my shit isn’t good enough to compete with all the stuff out there. Then I hate everything, then I read “her delivery is trash”, or “her beats are wack” and that solidifies all of that in my head. As much as I can try to fight it and try to like my own material it becomes a chore to listen to it. It’s a cycle. I get like that, then snap out of it after a pep talk and think, no, I am talented. I have something. Don’t pay attention to all that shit, I’m stronger than that. I’m not a quitter, I’m a fighter.

My fighter outlook is getting really weak. Less and less I really put myself into this shit with a gung ho attitude and now I do it almost because I’m stuck here and I don’t like to start things and not finish them.

I can have press out the ass, it doesn’t seem to matter. No one really outside of the industry or underground heads know who the fuck I am. Doing shows that are difficult to get in the first place and then only having like 20 people there for crap money doesn’t lift your spirits. Promoters won’t even understand that we don’t have the kind of money it takes to get to these damn places unless they’re paying for them. If there are maybe 2 black women in the audience that night it’s a good night for me. I understand that fans are fans and I respect that. But it’s a piece of shit job when you can’t even see yourself reflected in the audience.

I can’t get on any big mixtapes, labels are scared to fuck with something without a great soundscan history and people that have the power to help treat me like the invisible rapper. What am I supposed to do ? I’m tired of writing because everything is coming out angry and I don’t want to be that person. I’m mad that I’m broke, I’m mad that I’m living in the same situation...and you know what XXL??? I’m fucking mad that I can’t make my wedding plans happen again this year. Yeah. You guys put me in your “Negro Please” section a few months ago with the quote “I’m broke and I couldn’t go through with the plans for my wedding I had on Valentine’s day.’

So, what the fuck? That was funny? You know, you forgot to mention the fact that the quote you took came from a Fader magazine article in which the next line I spoke was “my dad has cancer”. Perhaps you should have included that too, since you thought that the beginning was so hilarious. You don’t know shit about me or my life and with the amount of ignorant speakers around you chose to include something that you thought somehow was chuckle worthy. Fuck off.

I’m taking back the nice and putting on the angry face because I’m tired. I’m tired of being overlooked and underpaid.

I’m tired of trying to come up with new fucking ingenious plans of how to let people know that I exist and then scrapping them because we don’t have the money to do shit. It’s a luxury to me to watch people sit in a studio and take time with their shit. It’s a tragedy to see them wasting their time and not realizing how lucky they are to have the opportunity to do that. There’s tons of people I would love to work with, but money doesn’t allow that, so in the interims between albums and shows I gotta come up with all these crazy hustles to keep my name out there and introduce myself to a new audience. Most of them never come to pass because of a lack of money to make them happen. Shows that I don’t want to take I have to, no matter how small the money is because, well, food is something you need. I’m not trying to be whiny about work, trust I’m a workhorse, I’ve never shied away from that. However, I am opposed to working for nothing. For fucking nothing. I’m not retarded, otherwise that would sound like a great idea, but I’m too old for that shit. Everything is a chance, a promise of something that could possibly come to pass and usually doesn’t.

I’m sick and damn tired of explaining who I am to my label. Why we shouldn’t work the same formula that everyone else uses and hearing, ‘it’s about the numbers. It’s all about the numbers.”

Well, I can’t do anything about the numbers cause I’m out of ideas and I don’t want to play the waiting game anymore. I don’t have the time to sit back and think of things because I have to eat.

I’m out of ways to dance around things and pretend like I’m happy and coming up with some great new shit when I do interviews. I don’t have anything to talk about anymore. I’m stuck, I’m pissed, but I guess none of that even matters in the long run, since I’m not even playing in the same league as everyone else.

I don’t know what I’m gonna do now, or why I have to keep explaining to people why I make music and who I’m making it for. I used to rap and make beats because, damn I just did. Doing it for work isn’t a problem, but where’s the work? I don’t think I’m the most incredible person out there, but I want to get better. I understand that when it’s a job a lot of it ceases to be fun, but this is like a 10 year internship with no fucking promotion. I have to sit here and watch people get hired around me and move up to top management positions. I know the people at these labels, they know me, I’ve been here for years and no one ever fucking gives me a chance to even break in. I would respect it even a little if they just told me I wasn’t shit and kicked me out. But just treating me like I’m not even there is some bullshit. What the fuck? Maybe if I was a damn model I would’ve gotten further ahead. But I’m not. I look like me and only me and I’m not going to change anything or start feeling bad about myself because that’s the only way that females can play in this game. That can get to you too you know. I thought it was about the work that I did, but obviously it never was. My dreamer mentality pretty much ended a few years ago, but even reality doesn’t seem to get me anywhere.

I don’t want to keep venting for nothing either, so I’ll probably just keep all of this stuff inside from now on like I usually do.

I know I can’t state any fucking opinion without someone going “aww fuck that bitch shes on her period and she mad cause shes not that nice anyway and plus she ugly.” I read message boards, I know how it goes..that’s pretty much standard, but fuck you too. Thanks allhiphop for always letting me be me.

Fuck the rap game. It’s not about the music or the heart or how hard you play.

Fuck you for not letting me in, cowards.

I didnt post a new thread cuz i already posted it up somewhere but no 1 but 1 member paid attention so i hope it gets some more and comment about it...

I could post this is the underground section but it would still be ignored...
Hurts, you had been bugging me for 3 weeks to read this. I've read it, so what was so important about it? Why were you so dead set on me "having to read" this article?

I can relate to the lady 100% because I've been on the underground scene for a year and a half. I know exactly what she's talking about, though I'm sure I haven't been trying to make it nearly as long as she has.

So, anyway, I just don't understand what was so phenominal about this article that you thought I had to read it. Oh..and by the way, the little jerkoffs she was talking about who leave messages on the message boards with shit like the example she listed....she's talking about people like you and Nasquad.


On probation, please report any break in the guidl
on Immortal Technique forum, sumbody posted a thread about jean, it was about her being racist on one of her songs. not to sure cuz i have not heard the song in question.
jason_g_718 said:
Hurts, you had been bugging me for 3 weeks to read this. I've read it, so what was so important about it? Why were you so dead set on me "having to read" this article?

I can relate to the lady 100% because I've been on the underground scene for a year and a half. I know exactly what she's talking about, though I'm sure I haven't been trying to make it nearly as long as she has.

So, anyway, I just don't understand what was so phenominal about this article that you thought I had to read it. Oh..and by the way, the little jerkoffs she was talking about who leave messages on the message boards with shit like the example she listed....she's talking about people like you and Nasquad.
BITCh IN CASE U HAVENT NOTICED IT YET THIS ISNT ABOUT YOU...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When i talk shit on the boards i do it only to annoy the fans..cuz damn if u really think i hate eminem lol...fuck that i love the slim shady Lp how else could i be talking about the same fucking things u talk usin eminem example cuz yeah u dont really know ne thing else)

Why is this article is so important to tried to make a point here...ppl still ignore shit thats good...and if u knew the same thing..u wouldnt have said all the bullshit u been talking in all the other threads...U might be a rapper...thats cool and all that....but really i dont give a fuck about ur life..or ur tracks...SO LEAVE THAT SHIT OUT OF UR POSTS I DONT CARE HOW LONG U BEEN LISTENIN TO RAP AND HOW LONG U BEEN RAPPIN WHY DO I HAVE TO REPEAT MYSELF OVER AND OVER AGAIN...WHEN I SAY U HAVE TO PICK UP ILLMATIC U DONT HAVE TO DO IT..IM JUST SAYING ITS KIND OF A MUST FOR NE HIPHOPHEAD...but ya also saying if u ignore illmatic and all of nas' work after illmatic theres sumthing wrong with you....DAMN REPEATIN MYSELF AGAIN....

Hm.....maybe some 1 else should try telling you what im trying to do cuz u dont seem to wanna ''hear'' what im tellin you...

so why is it so important that u read this article and that u remember the name jean grae?...cuz shes one of the illest mc's and ppl like you still ignore her dope rhymes...NUFFFFFFFFFFFFFF SAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD....

and every 1 knows see this as the light and open ur eyes walk into it my friend leave that old shit alone...^

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