Jay-Z Articles

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Why is there a sudden increase in Jay-Z related articles? Some of them are relevant because of his new release, but who the fuck cares if he didnt like sitting in a theater because he was scared of the dark or whatever? And all this bull about him being a better dad because of his fathers death, rigging a slot machine for promotion etc etc - Its just plain ol' jibberish.

Im waiting for the article that says "Jay Z tips a taxi driver $50". Wooppety fuckin dooooooo



VIP Member
Staff member
jay-z, britney and jessica alba are my idols. sorry if u feel the way u do. but being apart of the streethop news team, i will take what you said into mild consideration. what artists would u like updates on?


Dying Breed
Staff member
Just don't click on the link to the jay-z articles. We don't control the tabloids, we just report what we are sent, and lately its been all jay-z. So stop bitching you could be getting no news at all.



Will suck off black men for a dime
Fuck The Tabloid Senders Cover The Shit Of Substance & Shit Thats More Likely To Turn To Be Of Factual Degree. Im Glad You & Rahim Have Been Steadily Posting News & I See The Point & Although I Heavily Discriminate What I Read W/ It So It's Not Really An Issue W/ Me But I Can See The Mans Point


Dying Breed
Staff member
Everyone has valid points but some days news is slow. You guys have to understand that. There isn't always an article of substance as you put it. We do our best going through hundreds of emails trying to find the best articles out there. Remember each news poster is entitled to post what he feels is relevant to the industry.



Will suck off black men for a dime
Yeah I Hear You I Support The Team The Process & The Postings Just The Jay Z Over Load Is Something People's Noticed I Found It Funny Not So Much Critical. It Is What It Is


Dying Breed
Staff member
I admit my mail box has been filled with 10 to 15 articles a day about Jay-z, im tired of reading through them all myself...

im sure given sometime the buzz will die down, holidays are fast approaching and there are some new albums slated to hit shelves soon.

Also a new year right around the corner which means new albums from some of our favorite artists. Rumors galore.

jay-z, britney and jessica alba are my idols. sorry if u feel the way u do. but being apart of the streethop news team, i will take what you said into mild consideration. what artists would u like updates on?
Mild consideration? Isnt that just a subtle "fuck you"?, I use it all the time and thats how i mean it. Your part of the streethop team, you should be bringing the news to me, new artists, old artists all artists. Sometimes you aint got alot to report on but that doesnt mean you should riddle the main page with nonsense articles which are barely good enough to be featured on toilet paper.

SicC said:
Just don't click on the link to the jay-z articles. We don't control the tabloids, we just report what we are sent, and lately its been all jay-z. So stop bitching you could be getting no news at all.
I'll go to anothert site then shall I from now on?? Thats great publicity you did! Im not clicking on links that dont interest me, a couple of times im intrigued to know why an article was necessary and i do click on it. But my suspicion always serves me correct. And you dont have to report everything your sent, as "Editors" in your own right you must have some degree of authority to block certain news items if you know its not informative enough to the member/visitor.

Its not that critical like EDouble said, jus wanted to mention something that i was sure others had noticed too (Suspicion serves correct again)

Apart from that, you 2 (and others) do a great job keepin us updated. Im Jus abit annoyed with the Jay-Z junk of non relevant articles. Thanks for giving me my 2 cents



VIP Member
Staff member
Mild consideration? Isnt that just a subtle "fuck you"?, I use it all the time and thats how i mean it.

Your part of the streethop team, you should be bringing the news to me, new artists, old artists all artists. Sometimes you aint got alot to report on but that doesnt mean you should riddle the main page with nonsense articles which are barely good enough to be featured on toilet paper.

I never asked for you to tell me how to do my job son.

We appreciate you being on our site, but we don't need your attitude. I'm doing my job the best I possibly can, and like I said before, I will take what you said under mild consideration.

This isn't your local news paper you can write in for complaints son. Thank God for StreetHop.com.


Rahim Kara
StreetHop.com Staff Member
I never asked for you to tell me how to do my job son.

We appreciate you being on our site, but we don't need your attitude. I'm doing my job the best I possibly can, and like I said before, I will take what you said under mild consideration.

This isn't your local news paper you can write in for complaints son. Thank God for StreetHop.com.


Rahim Kara
StreetHop.com Staff Member
Dont take it personal kid - your over-reacting. I dont give a fuck what you do - mild consideration or not. I just wanted to air my view which im fully entitled to do.


Who's there?
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Buyaka said:
Dont take it personal kid - your over-reacting. I dont give a fuck what you do - mild consideration or not. I just wanted to air my view which im fully entitled to do.
That's fair.

This isn't gonna go anywhere, so this is closed.
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