Ja Rule's R.U.L.E.


Little Miss Vixen
jerzeymobfan said:
negative 2 mics..very sux
Nobody asked for your opinion, they wanted fact.

Then again, had you just given an opinion there would be no problem, but the way in which you gave it might skew the facts for the thread starter & there was no reason to do so.

Yes, I'm being bitchy lol
Frank Grimes said:
how every many mic's, its all opinion, means about as much as i give it a 1 star or a 5 star right now
Not really my friend since the thread starter was asking for the official mic rating.

My thinking is he doesn't want it so he can decide how good it is, but rather, he just wants to know the fact for whatever reason - perhaps someone told him it got something & he wants to dispute that.
u just dont know when to keep your mouth shut do u calcuo, *hits calcuo with a tainted punch*
but even the "official" rating was probaly done by some dude behind a computer, like me for instance. or maybe worse it could be bribes by lables or something
CalcuoCuchicheo said:
Nobody asked for your opinion, they wanted fact.

Then again, had you just given an opinion there would be no problem, but the way in which you gave it might skew the facts for the thread starter & there was no reason to do so.

Yes, I'm being bitchy lol

cali-co are you stupid? i was kiddin with the negative 2 mics thing and im sure tha thread starter aint as stupid as u to believe that ppl actually give out negative mics for albums... and i dont care if u being bitchy or a bitch
jerzeymobfan said:
cali-co are you stupid? i was kiddin with the negative 2 mics thing and im sure tha thread starter aint as stupid as u to believe that ppl actually give out negative mics for albums... and i dont care if u being bitchy or a bitch
Caps lock, www.dictionary.com, & some grammar lessons.

Yes, I'm being helpful.


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
It got 4 mics?

Way too many. I'd give it 2.5. 3 would be fair. But 4!! I only liked New York.

And yes. Calcuo has had his name changed.

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