Its me again...

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Well-Known Member
You complained about me not using the "appropriate channels" aka LTTP or pm. Now, two days ago ive sent you and SicC a pm, but im still waiting for an answer even though both of you have been online multiple times since then (you are not the onlyone though. Im still waiting for SiGh to answer my god damn pm too). Thats why im starting this new thread.

Hope you understand, thread closed I dont want to give Seb any more chances for self martyrdom. If you have any more questions carmi you can PM me.
Ok, you say its kind of ridiculous of me getting angry/mad over my banning and losing the mod spot, instead i should have "handled it like a man" and ask for my spot back because, in the end, its just the internet. Now you are talking about "self martyrdom"...excuse me but it really seems like you are the one taking it too seriously. Self martyrdom via
All i ever did was making a thread and pointing out my point of view. Hilarious.


Dying Breed
Staff member
Im not going to respond to you seb, I read what you sent.

But we both disagree and that is that no need to keep disagreeing for the sake of disagreeing.



Who's there?
Staff member
As far as I see, simple fact is, Sebastian did not get banned for being racist. He was only warned for that. And when SicC warned him and said that he shouldn't make it into a racial thing, Sebastian's response is what got him banned.

I see it from both sides, SicC wanted you to listen to him and respect his decision, but instead, possibly in a joking manner, you said "sicc, shut up?".

That's a blow to the face. If I/you were in a similar position and you were telling another member not to do something and they responded to it by telling you to shut up, yeah, I'd/you'd feel a little dissed. Then the outcome from there is your choice.

He felt the need to show you he was serious by banning you for two days. Now Sebastian you're probably angry cuz you didn't mean the original comment seriously. We know that. But even then, he didn't want this to become a racial situation.

All you had to do was say like "okay, but it was clearly a joke" but instead you said that. Now that may have been a joke too, but we all know SicC, he doesn't like disrespect. He took it in that manner and temp banned you. And the only reason the mod powers were removed was because if we get banned, we can still log in to the control panel and lift the ban. And he didn't want you to do that.

SicC has the power to do anything on this site and that was given to him by Rukas. I don't have the exact quote on/near me, but Rukas once said that, SicC can do whatever the fuck he wants. He brings food to his table and vice versa. They are like brothers and Rukas will always choose SicC over anyone else. And if we didn't like it, we could leave, cuz that is the way it is. It wasn't a democracy.

Now that may not be fair to some, well to any, besides SicC, but ay, it is what it is and the owner of the site made that clear.

There were other ways of handling it, SicC could've deleted the post and PMed you, but he chose not to and go thru the way he went with.

I probably would've deleted it and told you that I was serious and didn't want anyone else to think otherwise. But that's me. Bottom line is, what happened, happened. Just make peace and get your mod spot back. All this isn't worth it. Sebastian, I like you. You're a good person and a good mod, two years running mod of the year award winner, a simple mistake mixed with someone not in the mood, made this situation, everyone should just get past it.

Now if others have problem with SicC Or anyone else, address it. Make a thread and address it, don't be afraid, you're not gonna get banned for making a thread. But using this to call out on stuff that happened in the past, that wasn't brought up then, when it happened, but now--that's just corny.

Whatever, that's my two cents.


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
Did any black people feel offended? just wondered.

Also closing this..... So if you were or weren't offended you aing gonna get a chance to Admins decisions aren't up for discussion I'm afraid.... There are no Admin guidelines, just mod and user guidlines...
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