Is there a way to ask people to clear their inbox?

Right now, people tell eachother "clear out your PM inbox. I am trying to send you something." on the messageboard. Is there a way to send something to the member telling them to clear out their inbox? Like some sort of a note without actually sending the PM?

Its a bit weird adding a line to one of your posts saying "Dude! Clear out your inbox!"

(Calcuo, clear out your PM inbox, please.)


Little Miss Vixen
This would be helpful, true.

Btw, my inbox would only have been full for about 5 minutes today as I'v been continuously deleted posts. & it has space now Pennypacker :)
just send a PM telling them to clean it out! Geeesh!

naw I think some people get a E-mail saying so and so atemped to send you a PM but your box is full!

I know some forums do that anyway.


Little Miss Vixen
© said:
Damn, that's a lot!

Harry_potter said:
just send a PM telling them to clean it out! Geeesh!

naw I think some people get a E-mail saying so and so atemped to send you a PM but your box is full!

I know some forums do that anyway.
Yeah that does happen, it's still a problem though if you don't happen to be using the E-mail address that you gave when registering e.g if you were at a friend's house using their computer.
© said:
buy VIP, u get space for a crap load of PMs
Does that really answer the question? I don't mean to be rude, but its totally irrelevant.

I can't advice everyone on this messageboard to VIP simply so that I can send them PMs. You really think Calcuo would ever buy VIP? The guy has never done any Internet transactions (I believe)!

(thanks for clearing it out, Calc.)


Well-Known Member
Getting an e-mail that tells you someone is tryin to send you a pm but your inbox is full seems like the best way.
Nah screw that... whats the point, if someone is too lazy to clean out their PMs thats their business. If they dont wanna buy VIP and get extra space - tough. I've had this problem trying to send people PMs but if they dont get it - its too bad, chances are its nothing major that needs to be said anyway...


Well-Known Member
H.E. Pennypacker said:
Does that really answer the question? I don't mean to be rude, but its totally irrelevant.

I can't advice everyone on this messageboard to VIP simply so that I can send them PMs. You really think Calcuo would ever buy VIP? The guy has never done any Internet transactions (I believe)!

(thanks for clearing it out, Calc.)
ok, i'll be quiet :eek:
whats the point, if someone is too lazy to clean out their PMs thats their business. If they dont wanna buy VIP and get extra space - tough.
It may not be because they're lazy. It could be that they don't notice that its full.

If they don't want to buy VIP, I can't force them.
H.E. Pennypacker said:
It may not be because they're lazy. It could be that they don't notice that its full.

If they don't want to buy VIP, I can't force them.
Yeah, Illuminattile recently had his full & he's not a lazy dude. He didn't know until I stalked him for a few threads & then struck with a , "Clear your PM box goddamnit!!" :D

An easy solution would be to sticky a thread somewhere & if there are PM boxes full, all you need to do is drop the person's name in there - nothing more.

If we are told to just drop names it will be easy to weed out freeposting too & people can check this thread every now & again.

I don't know how effective it would be though - probably not very.


Well-Known Member
^ nah the sticky thing would def not work because after the thread has 3 pages nobody will be able to follow it up. E-mail notification seems like the best way.

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