Is "The Source" the real "Machine?"

I was on and I was reading an interview on Dave Mays, the co-founder of The Source, and he was talking about this interview a former editor gave at , about how this dude was a weirdo and his story was totally fictional. I was wondering this guy, Reignald Dennis, his story could be legit. I mean I heard an editor a few months ago call Elliot Wilson, XXL Editor-In-Chief, a weirdo too. I mean come on how many wierdos can u hire. All I can say is read both interviews and make your own judgment. Also towards the end this former employee said he heard Dave Mays, a white jewish kid, use the word nigger and if true, this man has no right to say anything about Em using the word nigger.

*note: I am not a fan of Eminem or 50, i think there music is garbage nowadays, but this interview is very interesting, also i forgot to say that Elliot Wilson once worked at The Source and Benzino himself called Elliot Wilson a weirdo, that's the corporate line u know. The Only way u'd know what i'm talking about is to read the interviews, mind u the one on hiphopdx took me awhile to read.


Well-Known Member
No time to read the interviews but I'll say this, If the source was the real machine they'd have the power to take people out the game. Meaning Eminem wouldnt be selling still.
i should've said, the-old-broke-down-used-2-be-the-shit-till-interscope-shitted-on-them-machine, i mean come on atleast read the interview on hiphopdx, benizino does show a pattern of wanting his way and how the industry shits on him

S. Fourteen

Well-Known Member
This whole thing with Eminem, try as I might I really can't figure out what the beef is. I mean, I know that Ray is going on and on about the machine and how it's racist machinations sustain artists like Eminem at the expense of others, but I really don't see it that way. If anyone has benefited from the machine it is Ray.

The Source is the machine. How else could someone like Ray manage to get himself so many record deals? And get so many artists to collaborate with him? He's obviously plugged into something. When he took over The Source and forced us out, the entire music industry sided with David Mays. That is the machine at work.
I would say The Source is a machine just like how Interscope is a machine.


Well-Known Member
That dont make them the machine. Any magazine that has any readers yeild some kind of power, and the source still does. But to be labled the machine you need more reach than any magazine could have. Just because the creaters/editors etc feel a certain way about a situation doesnt make them trying to control the entire game.
i don't wanna sound like i'm tripping but read the interview, forget a second about the magazine, think more along the lines of ppls livelyhoods, ppls life, for along time the source was the shit, it controled album sales, if u got 5 mics it meant u were hip hop royalty. Not only do these mags generate alot of money, they can dictate what is hot, who gets signed, remember this the same mag that broke the legendary Notorious BIG. At the time in the late 80's early 90's there was no bigger hip hop mag than the source. XXL only exists cuz the old editors at the source were forced out of the magazine by Benzino. And according to stories this editor heard and witnessed, strong armed his way into the owning half the magazine. It's a machine, was a machine and according to this mans sources, is going broke, fast. I mean don't comment on something just becasue u think it's just a magazine, i mean to get a cover on magazine is like a gold medal to a rapper. Magazines are machines, just look at Rolling Stone, how deep it's rooted into middle america and how The Source was once the mouthpiece of the streets. I mean come on your saying a magazine is not a machine, just look at the publishers who back them, are they not coporate machines as is the record distributors
I believe Reignald Dennis is legit. Just think about it. How come alot of the editors and journalists leave and speak out against them? And they all have the similar stories and allegations about the Source. Even Kim Osario left and hit them with a sexual harrasment suit. Then of course, Dave & Ray try to discredit them. And why did they have the segment of their history and beefs deleted from the Beef 2 Dvd retail copies? Do they have anything to hide?

Speaking of the Source, their biased as hell too. Have you ever noticed how they NEVER print a bad letters from readers, but always the stuff like "thanks for exposing so-and-so"? XXL ALWAYS prints letters of opposing views from readers even if their criticizin them about being on Shady/GUnit's nuts.
Don't think about it too much....See that magazine as an album that comes out every month..It's pure entertainment...They write about whatever sells in order to sell their own shit...It's pure entertainment. Don't take shit too seriously....

And both sides make profit of magazine writes trash and the artists talk trash...Great entertainment and look how many kids know about it...!!

If that is the kind of entertainment you are looking 4 I suggest you keep on reading that magazine and keep listening to all the trash talk...but again don't take it too serious...I say you shouldn't even bother thinking about it because it is just entertainment...

If thise beef bothers you I suggest you take a step away from it and focus on the music part again...Im not saying you should quit reading the source but just ignore the articles that are related to this shit...Focus on the music side again.
one last word b4 i pass out, hip hop is not just music, it's a way of life and if someone wants to dictate how it's percieved in the culture, then i have an obligation to expose ppl who are retarded, money hungry and are straight disrespectful to the culture. it may only be entertainment to you but it's life to me. I rap, I listen to hip hop and I read and breathe hip hop, so sorry if it's funny to you, but to the next person it's not. see that's what i'm saying, the goverment is coming down on the hip hop lifestyle and all you can say is just listen to the music, dude wake up your trapped in a coporate world.. Hip Hop is life for some ppl. not just entertainment. peace and no disrespect to you, as i know you meant no disrespect to me with your opinion.
ok lets see can they really be the machine ........... theyre being put out of business because they re taking a stance against hip hops powerhouse this leads to them being blackballed.
put it this way i think dave mays and zino knew wat was gonna happen if they spoke on what they did (eminem and interscope). but for them to let their magazine be put out of business for their views is kinda admirable....theyre prepared to more or less die for what they standing for.

if they were 'the real machine' as you put it..........xxl wouldnt even exist because jimmy iovine (ceo of interscope) owns 30% of xxl. if the source had just kept quiet they would still be advertising for interscope, xxl wouldnt have been bought by iovine.....and they all lived happily ever after ? lol.
ay as in the interscope, i'm not defending those fucking chumps, all i'm saying is this. they said the same ppl that supported the source back in its in heyday is the same ppl that is opposed to them now. i mean, if u had a mag, and u had homeboys ur telling me u wouldn't do anything to get them signed your full of shit. all of u seemed fixed on this eminem bullshit, all i'm saying is ok, u wan't men in suits to make decisions on the pop rap scene then thats your choice; but don't let your ego override the fact that all current hiphop journalism is run by the machine, even your beloved xxl. so don't come at me with this weak line of i dididn't mean the hip hop side, cuz once your bitch card was pulled, u was reeeling. your saying other ppls opioion doesn't matter. your full of shit. someones opinion's matter, otherwise u wouldn't consider an album great unless someone else had an contradictory opinion, so shut the fuck up. nowadays all of popo hiphop is driven by the machine, all of u new peeps may not want to admit it, but u just following what the next man considers hot
and it shouldn't matter your age, hip hop is universal. don't go on your only 14 so u don't know about shit. ppl rea. just like when america gained independence, u was only a prediction by miss cleo. so stop with the childish remarks, it only makes you look like your 15

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